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Vanilla WoW Wiki
Zul'Farrak loading screen
Zul'Farrak loading graphic
LocationSandsorrow Watch, Tanaris
Race(s)Sand trollSand troll Sand troll
End bossChief Ukorz Sandscalp
Advised level44-54
Minimum level39
Player limit5 (10)

Zul'Farrak is a Sandfury troll village[1] located in northwestern Tanaris. Remember to pack your sunscreen and get ready for a battle royale with the Sandfury trolls. The level range is 44-54 after patch 4.0.3a. Before the patch, it was 42-46.


From old World Dungeons site:

Troll legends tell of a powerful sword called Sul'thraze the Lasher, a weapon capable of instilling fear and weakness in even the most formidable of foes. Long ago, the weapon was split in half. However, rumors have circulated that the two halves may be found somewhere within Zul'Farrak's walls. Reports have also suggested that a band of mercenaries fleeing Gadgetzan wandered into the city and became trapped. Their fate remains unknown. But perhaps most disturbing of all are the hushed whispers of an ancient creature sleeping within a sacred pool at the city's heart - a mighty demigod who will wreak untold destruction upon any adventurer foolish enough to awaken him.






The pyramid of Zul'Farrak, part of the troll rush event.


  • N [44] Screecher Spirits (from Yeh'kinya in Steamwheedle Port, goes to Feralas)
    • N [47D] The Prophecy of Mosh'aru (goes to Zul'Farrak)
      • N [50+] The Ancient Egg (goes to The Hinterlands)
        • N [53+] The God Hakkar (goes to Sunken Temple)
          • N [58+] The Lost Tablets of Mosh'aru (from Prospector Ironboot in Steamwheedle Port, goes to Eastern Plaguelands)
            • N [58+] The Final Tablets (goes to Blackrock Spire)
              • N [58] Confront Yeh'kinya (in Steamwheedle Port)
                • N [58] The Hand of Rastakhan (goes to Yojamba Isle)
  • N [45D] Troll Temper (from Trenton Lighthammer in Gadgetzan, goes to Zul'Farrak)
  • N [46] Tabetha's Task (from AllianceBink in Ironforge or HordeDeino in Orgrimmar, goes to Dustwallow Marsh)
    • N [46D] Tiara of the Deep (from Tabetha[46, 57]
      in Dustwallow Marsh, goes to Zul'Farrak)
  • N [47D] Divino-matic Rod (from Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan, goes to Zul'Farrak)
  • A [46] The Brassbolts Brothers (from Klockmort Spannerspan in Ironforge, goes to Mirage Raceway)
    • N [50D] Gahz'rilla (from Wizzle Brassbolts in Mirage Raceway, goes to Zul'Farrak) (No pre-requisite quest for Horde, pre-quest for alliance not required.)


  • A [45] Witherbark Cages (from Gryphon Master Talonaxe in Aerie Peak)
    • A [48] The Altar of Zul (in The Hinterlands)
      • A [47] Thadius Grimshade (goes to Nethergarde Keep)
        • A [47+] Nekrum's Medallion (from Thadius Grimshade in Nethergarde Keep, goes to Zul'Farrak)
          • A [47] The Divination (in Nethergarde Keep)
            • A [47] Return to the Hinterlands (in Nethergarde Keep) (goes to Aerie Peak)
              • A [53+] Saving Sharpbeak (from Gryphon Master Talonaxe in Aerie Peak)


  • H [43] Venom Bottles (from Venom Bottle in Hiri'Watha or Zun'watha, goes to Tarren Mill)
    • H [45] Undamaged Venom Sac (from Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill, goes to The Hinterlands)
      • H [45] Consult Master Gadrin (goes to Sen'jin Village)
        • H [45+] The Spider God (from Master Gadrin in Sen'jin Village, goes to Zul'Farrak)
          • H [55+] Summoning Shadra (goes to Shadra'Alor)
            • H [55] Venom to the Undercity (from Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill, goes to Undercity)

Zul'Farrak Quests on Thottbot

Preparation for Zul'Farrak[]

  • Before patch 3.0.8, one group member in possession of Mallet of Zul'Farrak was needed to summon Gahz'rilla. Now he can be summoned by simply clicking the summoning gong at the end of his pool.

As recorded on Ancient Tablet:

The Mallet of Zul'Farrak
To create the Mallet of Zul'Farrak, one must first travel to the Altar of Zul and obtain the sacred mallet from a troll Keeper
Next, one must bring the sacred mallet to the altar atop of the troll city of Jintha'alor
Using the sacred mallet at the altar will infuse it with power, and transform it into the Mallet of Zul'Farrak

Sacred Mallet is a Static drop from Qiaga the Keeper atop the Altar of Zul. Use the Sacred Mallet at the altar atop Jintha'Alor to create the Mallet of Zul'Farrak.

Tactical overview[]

Zul'Farrak entrance

The entrance to Zul'Farrak.

Zul'Farrak is a big circle, so the end boss can be done before most of the mini-bosses. Chief Ukorz Sandscalp can only be reached after defeating Nekrum at the end of the Pyramid Battle. Talking to the goblin before Sergeant Bly, therefore, most parties classify him as the "End Boss". Gahz'rilla can be done before or after the Pyramid Battle/Sergeant Bly/Chief Ukorz Sandscalp, so in some sense, he can also be the "End Boss". Nevertheless, it's a technical thing. Zul'Farrak is one of the first instances you may use your mount in, due to it being an outdoor instance.

Note: After the Pyramid battle, if you talk to the goblin before you talk to Sergeant Bly, then there is a timer that begins (approximately 2 minutes). If you do not talk to Sergeant Bly before that timer runs out, Sergeant Bly (and party) will hearth out of the instance preventing the completion of Divino-matic Rod quest. But if you speak with Bly just before the hearthstone is over, the other NPC will hearth out but Bly will stay in. This is useful if your group is not strong, because you can fight Bly on his own. That way you can complete your rod quest an easy way.

Group and level guidance[]


The Zul'Farrak complex

  • Player limit: 5

A good group composition would require a tank, an adept healer and an AOE, mage being the best class, due to their large range of AOE attacks. AOE is essential for certain boss fights and non-elite trash mobs, unless you want to clear individual mobs. This instance can be extremely tough in places, depending on player level, and careful pulling is of critical importance. It is far too easy here, when attempting to pull one mob, to accidentally pull more, and for the group to then wipe because they underestimate the mobs' strength. It is also extremely important to avoid opening too many of the graves inside the instance and unleashing all of the zombies at once, since doing so will quickly lead to the group being overrun.

The treasure available here is of good quality, with a large array of green items and a decent drop rate of silver and cloth, as well as some leather from the basilisks which accompany the trolls in certain places.

While multiple Hunters and pets can serve as a makeshift replacement for a Warrior in a group if a Warrior is unavailable, this strategy is likely to cause wipes and is to be avoided if at all possible. That being said, Feral Druids and Paladins are fully capable of tanking the instance.

The instance is almost completely outside, allowing for the use of mounts.

This instance is one of the last major ones that players will experience before the Blackrock Mountain complex and the commencement of serious raiding. As such, also given the level of difficulty, it provides an excellent environment for players to develop the group co-ordination skills and depth of familiarity with their characters that they will need before moving on to such places. If you think you're good at running an instance group, ZF will provide you with an opportunity to discover whether or not that perception is accurate.


See Zul'Farrak loot.

High-level runs[]

Zul'Farrak should be treated with respect even by higher level players. Due to runners, even level 70 players can find themselves overwhelmed as dozens of mobs swarm onto them. It is, however, easily soloable at level 80, especially by players with area-effect attacks.

Dungeon denizens[]


Zul'Farrak bosses

The Sandfury Tribe[]

  • Sandfury Blood Drinker
  • Sandfury Witch Doctor
  • Sandfury Shadowhunter
  • Sandfury Shadowcaster
  • Sandfury Soul Eater
  • Sandfury Cretin
  • Sandfury Acolyte
  • Sandfury Zealot
  • Sandfury Slave
  • Sandfury Drudge

Desert Beasts[]

  • Scarab
  • Sul'lithuz Sandcrawler
  • Sul'lithuz Abomination
  • Sul'lithuz Broodling
  • Sandfury Guardian
  • Servant of Antu'sul

The Dead[]

  • Zul'Farrak Zombie
  • Zul'Farrak Dead Hero
  • Skeleton of Zum'rah


Final Boss:

  • Chief Ukorz Sandscalp and Ruuzlu

Required Bosses:

  • Nekrum Gutchewer and Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz
  • Sandfury Executioner

Optional Bosses:

  • Gahz'rilla
  • Sergeant Bly's Party
  • Antu'sul
  • Theka the Martyr
  • Hydromancer Velratha
  • Witch Doctor Zum'rah

Rare Spawn Bosses:

  • Dustwraith
  • Sandarr Dunereaver
  • Zerillis


Cataclysm This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.

Zul'Farrak will be raised to a level 44-54 dungeon in Cataclysm.

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 4.0.3a
  • Template:Patch 2.3.0
  • Patch 1.5.0 (patch date:2005-06-07): New load screen added. 
  • Patch 1.3.0 (patch date:2005-03-07):
    • Capped at ten players.
    • Toned down the Zigguraut event.
    • Fixed stuck NPCs that were causing "in combat" issues. 


  1. Lands of Mystery, pg. 56, 59.

External links[]

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