Zones | ||
Classified by | ||
Level | Location | Faction |
See also | ||
Instance | Maps | Closed zones |
This article is a list of all zones by level.
- Colors indicate Alliance territory, Horde territory, Contested territory
- Numbers within the coloured box indicate the level range.
1-10 | Dun Morogh |
1-10 | Durotar |
1-10 | Elwynn Forest |
1-10 | Mulgore |
1-10 | Teldrassil |
1-10 | Tirisfal Glades |
10-20 | Darkshore |
10-20 | Loch Modan |
10-20 | Silverpine Forest |
10-20 | Westfall |
10-25 | Barrens |
15-25 | Redridge Mountains |
15-27 | Stonetalon Mountains |
18-30 | Ashenvale |
18-30 | Duskwood |
20-30 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
20-30 | Wetlands |
25-35 | Thousand Needles |
30-40 | Alterac Mountains |
30-40 | Arathi Highlands |
30-40 | Desolace |
30-45 | Stranglethorn Vale |
35-45 | Dustwallow Marsh |
35-45 | Badlands |
35-45 | Swamp of Sorrows |
40-50 | Feralas |
40-50 | Hinterlands |
40-50 | Tanaris |
45-50 | Searing Gorge |
45-55 | Azshara |
45-55 | Blasted Lands |
48-55 | Un'goro Crater |
48-55 | Felwood |
50-58 | Burning Steppes |
51-58 | Western Plaguelands |
53-60 | Eastern Plaguelands |
53-60 | Winterspring |
55-60 | Deadwind Pass |
55-60 | Moonglade |
55-60 | Silithus |