Vanilla WoW Wiki
Classified by
Level Location Faction
See also
Instance Maps Closed zones

Zones are areas of the map with designated themes, mobs, and scenery. These areas have borders much like a state or country, and though invisible, they define areas. They may contain subzones, cities, towns, villages, or instances. For example, the zone of Dun Morogh contains the subzone of Coldridge Valley, the city Ironforge, the town Kharanos, and the instance Gnomeregan.

World of Warcraft currently consists of two continents, Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, which are sometimes divided into other sections which are also called continents, and further divided into smaller sections in-game known as zones.

In lore and the old Official web site (now defunct), a zone is usually referred to as a "region" (however, the community has basically forced Blizzard to start using zone instead). Furthermore, lore regions and in-game zones do not always match up (what may be a region in lore may be reduced to a subzone in-game, or some subregions may become their own zones).

For a graphical list, see Zones by level.

Eastern Kingdoms[]

Eastern Kingdoms
Region Level PvP Status Key Towns Notes Map
Elwynn Forest 1-10 Alliance AllianceGoldshire, (AllianceStormwind City) Human starting, The Stockade instance, Darkmoon Faire site WW
Dun Morogh 1-12 Alliance AllianceKharanos, (AllianceIronforge) Dwarf and gnome starting, Gnomeregan instance WW
Tirisfal Glades 1-10 Horde HordeBrill, (HordeUndercity) Undead starting, Scarlet Monastery instance WW
Loch Modan 10-20 Alliance AllianceThelsamar Dwarf and Gnome favored WW
Silverpine Forest 10-20 Horde HordeThe Sepulcher Undead favored, Shadowfang Keep instance WW
Westfall 10-20 Alliance AllianceSentinel Hill Human favored, Deadmines instance WW
Redridge Mountains 15-25 Contested AllianceLakeshire Alliance favored WW
Duskwood 18-30 Contested AllianceDarkshire Alliance favored, Twilight Grove - Emerald Dream portal WW
Hillsbrad Foothills 20-30 Contested AllianceSouthshore, HordeTarren Mill WW
Wetlands 20-30 Contested AllianceMenethil Harbor Alliance favored, location of Grim Batol WW
Alterac Mountains 30-40 Contested Alterac Valley battleground WW
Arathi Highlands 30-40 Contested AllianceRefuge Point, HordeHammerfall Arathi Basin battleground WW
Stranglethorn Vale 31-45 Contested Neutral 15Booty Bay, HordeGrom'gol Base Camp, AllianceRebel Camp Zul'Gurub instance WW
Badlands 35-45 Contested HordeKargath Uldaman instance WW
Swamp of Sorrows 35-45 Contested HordeStonard Horde favored, Temple of Atal'Hakkar instance WW
The Hinterlands 40-50 Contested AllianceAerie Peak, HordeRevantusk Village Seradane - Emerald Dream portal WW
Searing Gorge 45-50 Contested Neutral 15Thorium Point Several instances (in Blackrock Mountain) WW
The Blasted Lands 45-55 Contested AllianceNethergarde Keep WW
Burning Steppes 50-58 Contested AllianceMorgan's Vigil, HordeFlame Crest Several instances (in Blackrock Mountain) WW
Western Plaguelands 50-58 Contested AllianceChillwind Camp Scholomance instance WW
Eastern Plaguelands 53-60 Contested Neutral 15Light's Hope Chapel Stratholme instance, Naxxramas instance WW
Blackrock Mountain 49-60 Contested Blackrock Depths, Lower Blackrock Spire, Upper Blackrock Spire, Molten Core, Blackwing Lair instances -
Deadwind Pass 55-60 Contested WW


Region Level PvP Status Key Towns Notes Map
Durotar 1-10 Horde HordeRazor Hill, HordeSen'jin Village, (HordeOrgrimmar) Orc and troll starting, (Ragefire Chasm instance) WW
Mulgore 1-10 Horde HordeBloodhoof Village, (HordeThunder Bluff) Tauren starting, Darkmoon Faire site WW
Teldrassil 1-10 Alliance AllianceDolanaar, (AllianceDarnassus) Night elf starting WW
Darkshore 10-20 Alliance AllianceAuberdine Night elf favored WW
The Barrens 10-25 Horde HordeCrossroads, HordeCamp Taurajo, Neutral 15Ratchet Wailing Caverns, Razorfen Kraul, and Razorfen Downs instances WW
Stonetalon Mountains 15-27 Contested AllianceStonetalon Peak, HordeSun Rock Retreat Horde favored WW
Ashenvale 18-30 Contested AllianceAstranaar, AllianceForest Song, HordeSplintertree Post, HordeZoram'gar Outpost Alliance favored, Blackfathom Deeps instance,
Warsong Gulch battleground,
Bough Shadow - Emerald Dream portal
Thousand Needles 25-35 Contested HordeFreewind Post Horde favored WW
Desolace 30-40 Contested AllianceNijel's Point, HordeShadowprey Village Horde favored, Maraudon instance WW
Dustwallow Marsh 35-45 Contested AllianceTheramore, HordeBrackenwall Village Onyxia's Lair instance WW
Feralas 40-50 Contested AllianceFeathermoon Stronghold, AllianceThalanaar, HordeCamp Mojache Dire Maul instance, Dream Bough - Emerald Dream portal WW
Tanaris 40-50 Contested Neutral 15Gadgetzan Zul'Farrak instance WW
Azshara 45-55 Contested AllianceTalrendis Point, HordeValormok WW
Felwood 48-55 Contested AllianceTalonbranch Glade, HordeBloodvenom Post WW
Un'goro Crater 48-55 Contested Neutral 15Marshal's Refuge WW
Winterspring 53-60 Contested Neutral 15Everlook WW
Silithus 55-60 Contested Neutral 15Cenarion Hold Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj instances WW
Moonglade N/A Contested Neutral 15Nighthaven Druid favored; almost mobless zone,
except Eranikus (summoned, with mobs) and Omen (Lunar Festival only)