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Vanilla WoW Wiki
Inv fabric wool 012020
  • Wool Cloth
  • Item Level 15Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Sell Price: 33c

A cheap, soft cloth made from the wool of sheep and similar creatures.


Wool Cloth can be found as a drop from any number of low to mid-level humanoids. It can also be obtained from skinning sheep.

Wool Cloth as an ingredient[]

Wool Cloth is used in the following recipes:



First Aid[]

  • Wool Bandage
  • Heavy Wool Bandage


  • Bolt of Woolen Cloth

Wool Cloth as a Quest Item[]

Wool Cloth is needed for the following quests:

  • Quest:A Donation of Wool
Hand in 60 Wool Cloth to a faction quartermaster to gain Reputation

Places to farm[]

Humanoid mobs between level 14-36 have wool with drop rates from 17-26 in the 2-8 mobs per wool range with a peak at 20-23 of 1-4 mobs per wool.

  • Lvl. 20+: The Barrens: South Barrens north of RFK has several groups of quillboars that have an approx 30% drop rate. Bael Modan, the dwarven strip mine in this area, has many mobs that drop wool cloth. These guys are in close proximity to each other and the dwarves in the adjacent fort also drop wool.
  • Lvl. 15-17: North of The Crossroads in the Barrens, Venture Co. employees at the Sludge Fen will freqently drop 2-3 cloths, have abundant numbers, and very fast respawns.
  • Lvl. 15-18: Ironband's Excavation Site in Loch Modan has a good drop rate. Say every 3rd mob dropping 1-2 Wool.
  • Lvl. 18-23: Ashenvale Both the ruins near the northwestern border have good drop rates.
  • Lvl. 19-22: Wetlands The camp located just outside the Dun Algaz Tunnel at Map Coordinate (56,74). The Mosshide Gnolls usually drop 1 wool for every 2 or so killed, and respawn very quickly.
  • At lvl 20 Alliance: the dwarfs south of the big lake in the Wetlands.

At approximately 63,63 is another area with Mosshide Gnolls which is pretty secluded.

  • Lvl. 20-23: This is the main level range where Wool drops off Humanoids (1-4 mobs per wool)
    • The Blackrock clan in Redridge Mountains is loaded with wool and has about double the normal drop rate.
  • Lvl. 21-28: The Stockade is a great place for alliance to farm wool
    • Also Shadowhide Gnolls in Redridge starting at 23 have above average drop.
  • Lvl. 23+-25+: The Defias in The Stockade drop 1 wool for each 2 mobs in general which is double the normal rate.

External links[]
