Vanilla WoW Wiki
Inv misc food 552020
  • Whipper Root Tuber
  • Item Level 55Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Binds when picked up
  • Requires Level 45
  • Use: Restores 700 to 900 health.
  • Cooldown: 2 min

Whipper Root Tuber is a special consumable received from Whipper Root plants of Felwood.


Whipper Root Tuber can be collected by using Cenarion Plant Salve on a Corrupted Whipper Root. This produces a Cleansed Whipper Root). For all the locations, see the Corrupted Whipper Root article.

As a quest objective[]

N [55] Libram of Voracity

Turn in

  • 1x Inv misc gem 01 [Black Diamond]
  • 1x Libram of Voracity
  • 4x Crystal Force
  • 4x Inv misc food 55 [Whipper Root Tuber]
  • 30g to Neutral Mathredis Firestar
  • Reward: [Lesser Arcanum of Voracity].


  • You get 3 to 7 Whipper Root Tuber from one plant.
  • The item shares a cooldown with Inv misc food 45 [Night Dragon's Breath], Healthstones and many other items.
  • While Whipper Root Tuber doesn't restore much health for a level 60 character, it does not share a cooldown with potions, making it a useful supplement, especially for raiding.

External links[]
