Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki
File:Ui-charactercreate-classes Warrior.png Warrior
the Iron Bulwark
Attributes Tank, DPS Armor Types Cloth, Leather, Mail, Plate, Shield
Weapon Types Bows, Crossbows, Fist, Swords (2h), Axes (2h), Maces (2h), Spears, Daggers, Staves,
Thrown, Unarmed
Races Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elf, Orc, Forsaken, Tauren, Troll
Physicaldamage 60
Defensepower 100
Spellpower 0
Difficulty 100
Health 20 Strength +3*
Mana 100 Agility 0
Stamina +2*
Intellect 0
Spirit 0
* - Denotes any major statistic.
This article has been tagged among the Pages that need expanding.


What race to play? Obviously, its up to you. Do what makes you the most happy. In terms of min/max though, not all classes are created equal. Because all 8 Vanilla classes have the option to be a warrior, this class is arguably the hardest to pick a race for.

Here are the pros and cons of each race with a raiding fury talent spec in mind:


Dwarf: -Stoneform makes you immune to poisons, bleed effects and diseases while increasing your armor by 10% for 8 seconds. - Frost resistance increased by 10 - Find treasure (treasure chests show up on your minimap) - Gun specialization (+5 gun skill)

Stoneform is by far the best on the racial list for dwarves. Especially in later content, the ability to remove poisons in particular, is really really powerful. Removing diseases has its uses as well. However, there are no fights where this is a requirement to stay alive. There is no game changing fight where it would considerably increase your dps. Actually, taking damage from poisons or diseases can be a blessing of sorts because it will provide you with additional rage. Really powerful if you tank a lot. But adds nothing to fury. Do note that this is also an insane racial for pvp against rogues as well.

Frost resistance is nice for Naxxramas raid, might let you wear an extra piece of proper equipment but again it’s situational and it would have more uses on a tank.

Find treasure is nice if you’re leveling but pretty much junk. Note that cannot track herbs or minarals at the same time as tracking treasure.

Gun specialization is complete and utter junk, because ranged attacks cannot glance. It does give a negligible little bit of hit, but you are a fury warrior. If you’re gonna tank in a raid and that 200 damage from the bow hit actually matters, your raid has already humped up.

Gnome: - Escape artist removes any immobilization or movement speed reduction effect on a 1min cd, 0.5sec cast timer. - Engineering specialization increases your engineering skill by 15. - Expansive Mind increases your base intelligence by 5% Arcane resistance increased by 10

Escape artist is probably the best pvp racial on alliance. But in a raid setting it doesn’t actually have any applications where it would make a gnome preferable over another race. Engineering specialization is nice. If you’re going to pvp at all you want to be an engineer. But it’s mostly just a gold saver.

Expansive Mind Not completely useless, because it will let you skill up weaponskill faster. But 5% of 30 int is not going to change much. Not to mention it loses all value after you hit 300/300 skill.

Arcane resistance The only fight where you might benefit from this is Shazzrah, but it’s definitely not a game changer since you shouldn’t need resistance gear to kill him.

Night elf: - Shadowmeld allows you to gain stealth but any movement or action will remove it. - Dodge chance increased - Wisp form while dead - Nature resistance increased by 10

Dodge is nice in terms of survivability, however u should always aim not to get hit by anything

Wisp form Is really nice if you mess up priorities one and two very often.

Nature resistance Nice for AQ40 raid in a way that it will allow you to wear an additional dps item over Nature Resistance one on "resistance" type of fights but its situational and mostly a tank thing.

Human: - Percption dramatically increases stealth detection for 20 seconds. - The Human Spirit increases your spirit by 5% - Diplomacy increases reputation gains by 10% - Sword specialization increases 1h and 2h sword skill by 5 - Mace specialization increases 1h and 2h mace skill by 5

Perception Nice for pvp, doesn’t have an application in raids.

Spirit This racial trait is completely useless for a warrior.

Diplomacy This trait will increase all of your reputation gains, in a certain way it will help you obtain rewards 25% faster then other races.

Weapon skill with swords and maces. This is a huge and the best racial by far because it adds 15% more damage on your glancing hits Which will occur 40% of the time. It will be explained in more detail below. I really recommend that you read about that throughout the guide. You really want to be playing a human if you’re gonna play a fury warrior on alliance side.


Tauren: - War Stomp is a 0.5 castable aoe stun within 8 yards radius on a 2 min cd. - Cultivation increases your herbalism skill by 15 - Endurance increases your stamina by 5% - Nature resistance increased by 10

Warstomp Has it’s purposes. Can save a healer perhaps. But a lot of things cannot be stunned in raids, and it doesn’t add any dps utility.

Cultivation It’s nice if you have fantasies about frolicking in a meadow in Switzerland. But unless your character is named Heidi you might not want to pick a race over this.

Endurance This is actually nice. Especially when you just start off raiding, you’re going to have very low stamina. It will give you a little more room for error. It’s nice to learn the fights, but not necessary to master them.

Nature resistance Nice for aq. Will let you wear a piece of proper gear at times. But situational and mostly a tank thing.

Troll: - Berserking increases your attack speed by 10% to 30%. At full health the speed increase is 10% with greater effect up to 30% if u are badly hurt. It costs 5 rage and it lasts for 10 seconds. - Healt regeneration rate is increased by 10% and 10% of total health regeneration may continue during combat - Damage increased versus beasts by 5% - Throwing and Bow weapon skill increased by 5

Berserking It costs a global cooldown and its duration is only 10 seconds, with a 3 minute cooldown. If you use it perfectly, as in you synergize all your cooldowns, pop deathwish, recklessness, wait for a good crusader proc and pop berserking at very low health, you might conceivably (on some fights) be able to keep up with an orc. But you won’t beat them on any fight that matters.

Health regeneration This traits purpose is only to speed up the leveling.

Damage versus beasts Nice on "beast" type of bosses but there are only few of them in the game.

Throwing and Bow skill Complete and utter junk, because ranged attacks cannot glance. It does give a negligible little bit of hit, but you are a fury warrior. If you’re gonna tank in a raid and that 200 damage from the bow hit actually matters, your raid has already humped up.

Undead: - Shadow resistance increased by 10 - Cannibalize when activated regenerates 7% of your total health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. It only works on humanoid and undead corpses within 5 yards, any movement action or damage taken while cannibalizing will cancel the effect - Underwater breathing increases your breath duration by 300%. - Will of the Forsaken provides immunity to fear, charm and sleep effects for 5 second duration on a 2 min cd, may be used while under mentioned effects.

Shadow resistance It’s not gamebreaking by any means. Not useless but not at all needed either.

Cannibalize Quite nice outside of raids, but not really useful on bossfights.

Underwater breathing It has it’s perks for questing, but it’s useless for raiding.

Will of the Forsaken It’s good, but not needed. It has a lot of uses, because many bosses fear and not getting feared will increase your damage by quite a bit. But you’re playing a fury warrior, and most bosses have a fear that aligns perfectly with your beserker rage. And even if it doesn’t you have two more ways of breaking fear. It’s really good for pvp though, for breaking seduce, mind control or magic dust.

Orc: - Hardiness increases your chance to resist stun effects by 25% - Axe specialization increases your 1h and 2h axes skill by 5 - Blood Fury increases base melee attackpower by 25% for 15 seconds and reduces healing effects on you by 50% for 25 seconds. - Command increases damage delt by hunter and warlock pets by 5%.

Hardiness It's nice on trash that stuns, because a resisted stun won't damage you. Other than that it's really nice for pvp.

Axe specialization This is a huge and the best racial by far beecause it adds 15% more damage on your glancing hits Which will occur 40% of the time. It will be explained in more detail below. I really recommend that you read about that throughout the guide. You really want to be playing an orc if you’re gonna play a fury warrior on a horde side.

Blood Fury This has a 2 minute cooldown, which means you can use it more than once on the harder fights. It's kind like having an extra trinket. Be careful how you use it, it might be deadly for you if there is a constant damage incoming and u need to receive constant heals.

Command You don't have pets, so you won't benefit form this trait.


Why is this? Weapon specialization and the reduction of what is known as glancing blows!

So what are glancing blows? To answer this we need to break down Vanilla WoW melee combat. This is the technical stuff.

First of all the Atributes

Attributes are the basic building blocks for a character's combat ability. The five primary attributes are strength, agility, stamina, intellect, and spirit. These five attributes along with armor appear on the character sheet under "Base Stats". These are often referred to as simply stats.

A number of secondary attributes affect specific areas of combat more directly, and are often influenced in some way by a primary attribute. Secondary attributes include critical strike rate, damage absorption, attack power, spell power, and many others.

All characters inherently have some amount of each attribute that increases with level depending mainly on class. For example, a mage will have more base intellect than a rogue, who will have more base agility. Increasing these attributes is mainly done with equipment, as well as temporary effects such as buffs, elixirs, scrolls, auras, and many other means.

Nearly all combat mechanics rely in some way on one or more character attributes. Increasing the appropriate attribute will increase damage done, reduce damage taken, increase healing done, affect a character's mana or health, or other benefits. Understanding how these attributes work is important for effective combat.

Strength (often abbreviated STR) has the following effects:

Increases attack power with melee weapons, warriors gain 2 melee attack power per point of strength. Strength does not improve the chance to block but it increases the amount of damage that can be blocked with a shield.

Agility (often abbreviated AGI) has the following effects:

Increases attack power with ranged weapons, warriors gain 1 ranged attack power for each point of agility. Increases chance to score a critical hit with a weapon. On retail WoW servers you would gain 1% critical chance increased for each 20 points of agility. However here on Feenix - Emerald Dream the number is slightly lower and it's closer to 19.2. Increases chance to dodge attacks. For every 20 points in agility you will gain 1% chance to dodge.

Attack Power

Attack power (AP) increases your base DPS by 1 for every 14 attack power. For example, an AP of 28 will give you 2 DPS. To convert DPS into average damage per swing:

   (Weapon DPS + AP/14) * Weapon Speed.

If dual wielding, an off-hand weapon will also receive DPS from AP with the normal damage penalty. Disregarding dual wield specialization talents, the offhand damage is then:

   [(Weapon DPS + AP/14) * Weapon Speed]/2.

Bonuses from attack power are added to a character's DPS before attack speed bonuses come into effect. So, a character with a weapon with 10 base DPS, 2.0 attack speed, and 140 AP will have a total of 20 DPS (10 base + 140/14 from AP). If a 10% increase to attack speed is gained, DPS will increase to 22 (10% of 20 is 2) as opposed to only getting one from the base DPS, at 11, and then adding 10 from the attack power to 21.

Now we move on to the Attack Table

Miss Dodge Parry Glancing Blow* Block Critical hit Crushing Blow* Ordinary hit

Every melee attack (except for yellow-damage special attacks dealt by players, as described in the next section) has a chance to miss, to be dodged, to be parried, to be blocked, to be a glancing blow, to be a critical, and to be a crushing blow. Anything left over is an ordinary hit.

The chances listed in your general spellbook tab (for you to Dodge, Parry, or Block) are absolute percentages. If you have a listed dodge chance of 4.5%, then on average 4.5% of all melee attacks made against you by a mob of equal level will be dodged, not merely 4.5% of those melee attacks that didn't miss you.

Some melee attacks have a 0% chance for some of these attack results; e.g., an auto-attack made by a player has a 0% chance of being a crushing blow, an attack made by a mob has a 0% chance of being a glancing blow, an attack made against a player without a shield has a 0% chance of being blocked, etc..

For a mob and white-damage melee attacks, there is no such thing as a blocked crushing blow, a parried crit, a missed glancing blow, etc.. All of these possible attack results are mutually exclusive.

If the total chances of all the entries above the bottom of the table reach or exceed 100%, the attack cannot be an ordinary hit.

If the total combined chance of a miss, dodge, parry, or block is 100% or higher, not only can the attack not be an ordinary hit, the attack also cannot be a crit or a crushing blow.

Every melee or ranged attack is decided based on a single server-generated random number (a single "die roll" made internally on the server), checked against a server-side internal table for the attack.

There are many different "weapon skills", one for each type of weapon in the game, Daggers, Swords, 2-h Swords, Wands etc. There are also items/talents/racials that increase this beyond the capacity for your level, and these are among the most important things for a fury warrior.

Every character can naturally have 5 maximum weapon skill for each level, and is calculated by 5*(level)+(talents/racials/item-bonuses). A lvl 60 warrior without any talents/racials/items that increase weapon skill can have a maximum of 300/300 skill with his weapons. A player has to level up each weapon's skill individually and if a new weapon is learned he will have to level it up from 1-300.

What does weapon skill actually do? A glancing blow is a normal white hit against a monster of higher level than yourself that can not crit and deals reduced damage. You will always have 40% chance to land a glancing blow against a boss, and these hits will only deal 70% of a normal hits damage. What extra weapon skill does is reduce the amount of damage lost by glancing blows. Without going into too much detail, you want to have 310 weapon skill in order to make your glancing blows deal full damage. There is no concrete information what 1 point of weapon skill does, but in order to make it easier to calculate things later on.. we simplyfy things and say 1 weapon skill increases the percentage amount of the damage done by glancing blows by 3.

Example (completly theoretical, only thing proven is that 10 weapon skill will make your glancing blows deal full damage against bosses.): A glancing blow with 300 weapon skill against a raid boss will only deal 70% damage. A glancing blow with 301 weapon skill against a raid boss will deal 73% damage.

Weapon skill does however not only reduce the damage reduction from glancing blows (eventho its the main reason), it also gives you a small amount of hit and crit and lowered chance to miss or get dodged or to be parried.

Effects of Weapon Skill

For each point that your weapon skill exceeds your opponent's defense, you gain the following:

Your chance to miss decreases by 0.04%. Your chance to score a critical hit increases by 0.04%. Your opponent's chance to block your attack decreases by 0.04%. Your opponent's chance to parry your attack decreases by 0.04%. Your opponent's chance to dodge your attack decreases by 0.04%.

When you hit a monster or a boss the game will go thru a small procedure to decide what your swing will be... will it miss? will it crit? will it be a dodge or perhaps a glancing blow? The easiest way to explain this is by imagining yourself a prioritized list like this:

1) Miss 2) Dodge 3) Parry 4) Glancing blow 5) Block 6) Critical hit 7) Normal hit

What this means is that if places 1-6 total up to 100%, "Normal hit" will be knocked off the table and never occur.

Important to know is that a boss has a base dodge chance of 6.5% and can only parry/block attacks that are made from their front, but since a warrior should never be attacking a dungeon/raid monster/boss from the front, we will see their parry/block chance as 0%. Your base chance to miss is 27% when dualwielding against a boss. Another good thing to know is that when you as a player gain +hit you do not exactly increase your hit chance, instead you reduce the chance to miss. The total amount in the hit table can not be higher than 100%. Your chance to hit is what is left over to reach 100% after adding all the other things. Lets say your chance to get a miss+dodge+glancing blow+crit = 80%, then you have 20% to get a normal hit.

- Hit refers to physical damage that occurs as a result of an attack made with melee or ranged weapons. The base chance to miss with maximum weapon skill against an opponent of equal level is 5% for two handed and 24% for dual wield.

Calculating your Hit Table

The standard white hit table for a naked lvl 60 warrior looks like this:

Miss: 27% Dodge: 6.5% Parry: 0% Glancing blow: 40% Block: 0% Critical hit: ~10% Normal hit: 16.5%

This means that if you make 100 attacks against a boss, you will deal 0% damage 34 times, 200% damage 10 times, 100% damage 16 times and 70% damage 40 times.

Now lets say you find a lot of gear that gives crit but no hit and end up having 35% crit, your white hit table would then look like this:

Miss: 27% Dodge: 6.5% Parry: 0% Glancing blow: 40% Block: 0% Critical hit: 26.5% Normal hit: 0%

Note that you have 35% crit but only 26,5% of your strikes will be critical strikes, this is because you are over the thing people like to call "crit cap". Its quite a nice name, but unlike the hit cap it is not a fixed value. The "crit cap" is the same as the % of swings that will not be glancing/dodged/missed.

Lets keep going with this example and say that you find gear that does not reduce your chance to crit and gives you +6% hit, your white hit table would look like this:

Miss: 21% Dodge: 6.5% Parry: 0% Glancing blow: 40% Block: 0% Critical hit: 32.5% Normal hit: 0%

As explained earlier, the +6% hit will not increase the chance to get a normal hit... but rather reduce the chance to get a miss.

There are two big difference between a "white hit table" and a "yellow hit table" and that is that yellow hits can not be glancing blows and the standard chance to miss is only 8%.

The "hit cap" is the amount of +hit you need in order to make sure none of your attacks will miss. There are two different hit caps

The first hit cap is the most important one, it is commonly known as "yellow hit cap". This hit cap is the amount of +hit needed to never miss with special abilities which damage is shown with yellow text on your screen. You will need +8% hit to always hit with your special abilities against a raid boss. This hit cap is alot more important than the next one because missing with your abilities such as bloodthirst heroic strike, cleave or whirlwind is a huge waste of rage and global cooldowns, and also this one is alot easier to achieve.

The second hit cap is the "white damage hit cap". This is the amount of +hit need to never miss a normal melee swing. You will need +27% hit to always hit a raid boss, as you might notice 27 is alot higher than 8 and this is the reason why its not as important as the first one, since you would have to give up alot of other stats in order to reach 27% hit, and there is nowhere near enough +hit on gear early on at lvl 60 to reach this cap.

Critical strike and how to calculate crit cap and why is it important?

Critical strike (often abbreviated as "crit") refers to 100% bonus physical damage (twice your normal damage) that occurs as a result of an attack made with melee or ranged weapons. The chance to critical strike can be viewed by opening your spellbook and moving your mouse over the "attack" ability shown there. It is increased by agility where u increase your critical strike chance by 1% for every ~19.2 points (ED values as mentioned above)

Crit cap for your auto attacks (white damage) is a variable that changes based on the following formula:

   100% - 27% miss - 8% dodge - 40% glance + your hit%

Crit cap for your yellow attacks :

   100% - 8% miss - 8% dodge + your hit%

(note that yellow attacks cannot glance and that you cant push off dodge with hit rating)

Now to elaborate why is crit cap important, well its quite simple actually, there is no point of having more crit then crit cap because we already established that the total amount in the hit table can not be higher than 100%.

So in short, those extra points of weapon skill end up having a big impact, as the likelihood of a glancing blow gets diminished, allowing for higher, chances of other more damaging effects to occur, such as successful white damage hits.


Your first concern is to stay alive. Your second concern is to maximize your dps You tertiary concern should be (if you have the time to spare) to make the job of other people in the raid easier.

Your responsibility: reading up on tactics, having adequate boss mods and threat meter addons, having the correct spec, bringing all the necessary consumables, having a proper positioning and timing your cooldowns while doing your dps rotation without getting aggro.

Your raiding dps talent tree, optimized for pure PVE: ... 552501c51r

The DPS abilities, priority values from highest to lowest:

- Execute You should mash that button when ever you see execute highlighted or available on your bars. - Bloodthirst You should use this ability on every cooldown. - Whirlwind You should use this ability on every cooldown. - Heroic strike This ability is queued as your next melee swing, you should use it if your bloodthirst and whirlwind are on cooldown. (For example if you have 25 rage and your bloodthirst/whirlwind is ready you shouldn't queue heroic strike until you use your bloodthirst/whirlwind) - Overpower A situational ability that's only usable if your target dodges for a short amount of time (5 second period). However overpower can't be dodged, blocked or parried. It can miss but if you have yellow hit cap (which you should definitely have) it will never happen. Also overpower has 50% more chance to crit when talented, which is extremely useful to keep up your Flurry up.

Essentially you should never overpower if you have above 45 rage, but in some rare occasions you will have your bloodthirst and whirlwind on cooldown (for more then 3 seconds) and you will be over 45 rage, at that point you should actually use overpower because its pretty much free damage.

Cooldown usage:

The most important cooldown that fury warrior posses is already mentioned Death Wish, its our most powerful reliable cooldown. Why do i say reliable? Well its because its on a relatively short cooldown of 3 minutes and you can use it on every boss at least one time. If the boss that you are fighting takes longer then 3mins50 seconds, you should use it 15 to 20 seconds into the fight and then you will have it ready for the "execute phase" when you deal most damage. However Death Wish has its name for a reason, while giving you fear immunity which is really important on bosses that do fear, it also reduces your armor and resistances by 20% which can sometimes be deadly to you if you are not careful with how you use it.

The biggest dps cooldown that warrior has is Recklessness. This mighty 30min cooldown will cause critical hits with most attacks and will be immune to Fear effects for the next 15 sec, but all damage taken is increased by 20% which combined with Death Wish can be extremely dangerous.

The term "Going all out!" means that you are using all of your cooldowns and dealing immense amount of damage, this is where you see the big numbers!

Alright, there are few more things to look at when it comes to cooldown usage. Since we use crusader enchant on both weapons, ideally for you to use your Death Wish if you get a double proc because that would maximize the effectiveness. Don't be shy to use your cooldowns on trash packs but make sure that u have them ready by the time you reach the boss.

Consumables (not all available with server launch!!!): There are 3 type of consumables:

1) Pre pull offensive buffs: - Elixir of the Mongoose - Elixir of Giants - Elixir of Brute Force - Smoked Desert Dumplings - Winterfall Firewater - Juju Power - Juju Might - Scroll of Agility IV - Scroll of Strength IV - R.O.I.D.S - Ground Scorpok Assay - Elemental Sharpening Stone (Note: These are must for offhand, while horde because of windfury totem doesn't have anything applied on their main hand, if there is no shaman in the group naturally you should apply it to your main hand as well)

2) Pre pull defensive buffs: - Rumsey Rum Black Label - Gordok Green Grog - Elixir of Fortitude - Flask of the Titans - Lung Juice Cocktail - Windblossom Berries - Scroll of Stamina IV Situational defensive buffs where you use protection from certain magic school: - Greater Arcane Protection Potion - Greater Fire Protection Potion - Greater Frost Protection Potion - Greater Nature Protection Potion - Greater Shadow Protection Potion

3) Consumables that you use during the boss encounter: - Major Healing Potion If situation requires you should definitely use it, dead player does 0 dps. - Heavy Runecloth Bandage Situational based, should be used if you are low on hit points and there is no active damage over time abilitiy on you. - Mighty Rage Potion Should always be used combined with Death Wish for maximizing the dps. - Juju Flurry Should always be used with Death Wish For maximizing the dps or on cooldown (on longer fights). - Whipper Root Tuber Situatonal, should be used when low on hit points.

Useful macros + addons:

AddOns: - KTM Threat Meter (Shows your and other players threat in your raid during the boss encounter) - Elk Buff Bar (A customizable scaling bars that helps u keep track of your buffs/procs/debuffs) - Natur Enemy Cast Bar (Shows which ability your target is casting) - Supermacro (Allows usage of advanced macros, ill get to that later) - Move Anything (Allows you to move literally anything on your screen, making your screen clean so you can see the important things that are happening around you) - CT_RABossMods (Addon that shows warnings and timers for boss abilities) - CT_RaidAssist (Allows you to see main tank targets, main assist targets) - WeaponQuickSwap (Synergy with supermacro that allows you to swap weapons and stances simultaneously)

Macros: Startattack macros (by pressing your ability you instantly start auto atacking), note that for these to work you must drag your autoattack ability from spell book to where ever you see fit on your bars. I place mine in slot 36, which is the bottom-rightmost slot of the two side-screen action bars. ...............| | .................X basically where the X is, if the lines are the 5 action bars on the screen.


Bloodthirst: /script if not IsCurrentAction(36) then UseAction(36) end; /cast Bloodthirst(Rank 4)

Heroic Strike: /script if not IsCurrentAction(36) then UseAction(36) end; /cast Heroic Strike(Rank 8)

Whirlwind: /script if not IsCurrentAction(36) then UseAction(36) end; /cast Whirlwind

You can easily see the pattern, you can make macros for abilities like hamstring, execute or even battle shout, whatever you find suitable.

Utility macros:

Berserker Rage: /script texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Berserker Rage"); else CastSpellByName("Berserker Stance()"); end;

What this macro does, is that it change your current stance to Berserker Stance regardless of which stance you are and it will cast Berserker Rage. (Note: You have to press it twice)

Charge: /script texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Charge(Rank 3)"); else CastSpellByName("Battle Stance()"); end; /script if not IsCurrentAction(36) then UseAction(36) end;

This macro will swap your stance to Battle Stance regardless of which stance you are in and it will cast Charge if the charge ability conditions are met. (Note: You have to press it twice) Also the last line will make you start attacking instantly while you are charging.

Disarm: /script texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(2); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Disarm()"); else CastSpellByName("Defensive Stance()"); end;

This will change your stance to Defensive Stance, regardless of which stance you are in and it will attempt to cast Disarm if the disarm ability conditions are met. (Note: You have to press it twice)

Overpower: /script texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Overpower(Rank 4)"); else CastSpellByName("Battle Stance()"); end;

This will change your stance to Battle Stance regardless of which stance you are in and it will attempt to cast Overpower if the overpower ability conditions are met. (Note: You have to press it twice)

Pummel: /script texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Pummel(Rank 2)"); else CastSpellByName("Berserker Stance()"); end;

This will change your stance to Berserker Stance regardless of which stance you are in and it will attempt to cast Pummel if the pummel ability conditions are met. (Note: You have to press it twice)

Recklessness: /script texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Recklessness"); else CastSpellByName("Berserker Stance()"); end;

This will change your stance to Berserker Stance of which stance you are in and it will attempt to cast Recklessness if the recklessness ability conditions are met. (Note: You have to press it twice)

Weapon swap macros:

Battle Stance: /script WeaponSwap("mainhand weapon name goes here", "offhand weapon name goes here") /cast battle stance

This will Equip the above listed weapons, and it will cast Battle Stance, without using 2 global cooldowns.

Defensive Stance: /equip name of tanking weapon goes here /equip name of shield goes here /cast Defensive Stance

This will Equip above listed weapon and shield and it will cast Defensive Stance without using 2 global cooldowns.

Berserker Stance: /script WeaponSwap("mainhand weapon name goes here", "offhand weapon name goes here") /cast Berserker Stance

This will Equip the above listed weapons, and it will cast Berserker Stance, without using 2 global cooldowns.

Why are these weapon swap macros useful? Well, lets say that something bad happens during a boss encounter, for example your offtank dies and he is tanking something that is not taunt immune. You can easily equip a shield and simultaneously go defensive stance and taunt without using 2 global cooldowns, this allows your reaction time to be a lot faster thus possibly preventing a wipe. Also when the mob that you are tanking dies, you can easily swap back.
