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Vestments of Faith is the Tier 3 set for Priests.


Most Tier 3 items can be acquired through quests given by Father Inigo Montoy, who can be found in Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands. Before the quests become active, Echoes of War must be completed.

The quests require several crafting materials, [Wartorn Cloth Scrap]s (which drop from Trash Mobs in Naxxramas) as well as a token from a boss in Naxxramas

The only exception is the [Ring of Faith], which drops directly from Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas

Item Quest Token Token drops from # of [Wartorn Cloth Scrap]s Crafting materials
[Belt of Faith] Belt of Faith [Desecrated Belt] Noth the Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean, Gluth 8 2x Mooncloth, 2x Arcane Crystal
[Bindings of Faith] Bindings of Faith [Desecrated Bindings] Anub'Rekhan, Grand Widow Faerlina, Gluth 6 1x Arcane Crystal, 1x Nexus Crystal
[Circlet of Faith] Circlet of Faith [Desecrated Circlet] Thaddius 15 3x Mooncloth, 3x Nexus Crystal
[Gloves of Faith] Gloves of Faith [Desecrated Gloves] Maexxna 8 4x Mooncloth
[Leggings of Faith] Leggings of Faith [Desecrated Leggings] Loatheb 20 4x Mooncloth, 2x Nexus Crystal
[Robe of Faith] Robe of Faith [Desecrated Robe] The Four Horsemen 25 4x Mooncloth, 2x Nexus Crystal
[Sandals of Faith] Sandals of Faith [Desecrated Sandals] Instructor Razuvious, Gothik the Harvester, Gluth 12 2x Mooncloth, 3x Cured Rugged Hide
[Shoulderpads of Faith] Shoulderpads of Faith [Desecrated Shoulderpads] Patchwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth 12 2x Mooncloth, 3x Cured Rugged Hide
Total 106 21x Mooncloth, 6x Cured Rugged Hide, 8x Nexus Crystal, 3x Arcane Crystal


Night Elf Priest wearing Vestments of Faith
Human Female wearing Vestments of Faith


Vestments of Faith
Inv belt 08
Inv bracer 13
Inv crown 01
Inv gauntlets 17
Inv pants cloth 05
Inv chest cloth 43
Inv boots fabric 01
Inv shoulder 25
Inv jewelry ring 51naxxramas


See also: Set look alikes

Patches and hotfixes[]

Patch 1.11.0 (patch date:2006-06-20): Added 

External links[]

fr:Habits de foi
