Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki
General Vanndar Stormpike
Title <Stormpike General>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level ?? (Boss)
Character class Warrior, Mountain King (presumed)
Health 5,613,650 (level 85)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation Stormpike Guard
Occupation General of the Stormpike Guard
Location Dun Baldar, Alterac Valley
Status Alive
Relative(s) Unknown
See Icon-3D-48x48

Vanndar Stormpike is a level ?? elite boss dwarf and the leader of the Stormpike Expedition in Alterac Valley. Vanndar rules from his fortress of Dun Baldar in the northern part of the Valley. If he is defeated, the Alliance loses the battleground. He seems to be a mountain king.


Vanndar Stormpike seeks to find artifacts that may reveal more about the heritage of his people. His pursuit to find artifacts leads into the sacred land where the Frostwolf clan dwell, causing conflict between the two.


shortcut iconSee also: The Frostwolf Artichoke: Tales of Stormpike Glory, a book on Alterac Valley strategy, written by Vanndar Stormpike himself.


  • Avatar: Increases the Physical damage dealt by the caster by 50% and enhances its armor by 50% for 15 sec.
  • Storm Bolt: Throws a hammer at an enemy, inflicting nature damage and stunning the target for 8 sec.
  • Thunder Clap: inflicts nature damage and time between attacks increased by 33%.
    Movement speed reduced by 40% for 10 seconds.
  • As with many bosses, he is immune to most crowd control abilities and incapacitating effects.

If Vanndar has any marshals up, his damage is buffed by 40% and his health by 30% for each marshal. However, the buff is applied seperately.



  • Aggro: Soldiers of Stormpike, your General is under attack! I require aid! Come! Come! Slay these mangy Frostwolf dogs.
  • Reset: You'll never get me out of me bunker, heathens!
  • Take no prisoners! Drive these heathens from our lands! (Alliance players receive 10/20/30% damage/size increases, gained by turning in [Polished Armor Scraps]
  • I will tell you this much...Alterac Valley will be ours.
  • Raid wipe: Why don't ya try again without yer cheap tactics, pansies! Or are you too chicken?
  • Your attacks are weak! Go practice on some rabbits and come back when you're stronger.
  • We will not be swayed from our mission!
  • It'll take more than you rabble to bring me down!
  • We, the Alliance, will prevail!
  • The Stormpike clan bows to no one, especially the horde!
  • Is that the best you can do?

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