Utility is the term for a spell or ability that has some special effect that is helpful, but usually not directly combat-oriented. There are exceptions: some combat spells with especially odd effects are referred to as utility spells. Utility spells are sometimes also categorized as buffs when the effect is helpful, and only castable on your allies.
- Druid: Teleport: Moonglade, Aquatic Form, Feline Grace
- Mage: Amplify Magic, Dampen Magic, Conjure Food, Conjure Water, Slow Fall, Teleport, Portal
- Priest: Levitate, Mind Vision
- Rogue: Lockpicking, Safe Fall
- Warlock: Detect Invisibility, Unending Breath, Soulstones, Healthstones, Ritual of Summoning
- Shaman: Far Sight, Water Walking, Water Breathing
- Hunter: Eagle Eye, Eyes of the Beast, Call Stabled Pet
- Death Knight: Path of Frost, Death Gate
- Many Engineering items.
See also: Buff, DD, DoT, Debuff, Healing, HoT, Area of Effect