A trainer is a special type of NPC that gives out class abilities and spells, or profession skills and recipes. Most of these improvements cost money (increasing with level) and only become available at certain levels. Guards in capitals can point players to the nearest trainer.
Players looking to increase their skill in a profession need to find a skilled trainer to help out.
Types of trainers[]
Class trainers[]
- Druid trainers
- Hunter trainers (with pet trainers)
- Mage trainers (with portal trainers)
- Paladin trainers
- Priest trainers
- Rogue trainers
- Shaman trainers
- Warrior trainers
- Warlock trainers
Primary profession trainers[]
- Alchemy trainers
- Blacksmithing trainers
- Enchanting trainers
- Engineering trainers
- Herbalism trainers
- Leatherworking trainers
- Tailoring trainers
- Mining trainers
- Skinning trainers
Secondary profession trainers[]
- Cooking trainers
- First aid trainers
- Fishing trainers
Other trainers[]
- Riding trainers
*A portion or version of this article was copied from a WoWWiki archived page ( June 23, 2011 ) . See list of authors.