- Thorium Widget
- Item Level 52
- Sell Price: 25
A Thorium Widget is a subcomponent crafted by Engineers and is used to create even bigger creations.
The Thorium Widget is crafted by Engineers with a skill level of 260.
3x [Thorium Bar] | 1x [Runecloth] |
The recipe for this item is taught by:
Buzzek Bracketswing(the Master Engineering Trainer in Gadgetzan, Tanaris)
- any of the Grand Master Engineering Trainers in Outland
Thorium Widget as an Ingredient[]
- Arcanite Dragonling
- Dark Iron Bomb
- Goblin Jumper Cables XL
- Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector
- Lifelike Mechanical Toad
- Masterwork Target Dummy
- Powerful Seaforium Charge
- Thorium Grenade
- Thorium Rifle
- Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
- Voice Amplification Modulator
- World Enlarger
Item Name as a Quest Objective[]
[60] Thorium Widget (Darkmoon Faire)
Historically, the recipe for this item was taught by Schematic: Thorium Widget, a limited sale recipe.