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Inv ore thorium 022020
  • Thorium Ore
  • Item Level 40Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Sell Price: 2s 50c

Thorium Ore is mined from various Thorium veins, with a minimum mining skill of 230.

This rare metal combines the weight of lead with the strength of steel. Orcs prize it for weapons because the extra weight allows a skilled user to strike with more force. Thorium armor is amazingly heavy and strong-only adamantine pierces it with any degree of reliability.[citation needed]



Rich Thorium Vein in Azshara

Small Thorium Veins[]

Small Thorium Veins can be mined at skill level 200, and produce 1 to 3 Thorium Ore. These appear in areas where the average mob level is between approximately 45 and 57.

Small Thorium veins are most commonly found in Blasted LandsUn'Goro Crater, and Felwood, but are found elsewhere as well. 

Rich Thorium Veins[]

Rich Thorium Veins can be mined at skill level 215, and produce 3 to 5 Thorium Ore. These appear in areas of Azeroth where the average mob level is above approximately 55.

Rich Thorium Veins are most commonly found in Blasted Lands (in the Tainted Forest area), Eastern PlaguelandsUn'Goro Crater and Winterspring.

Oozing Thorium Veins[]

Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein and Ooze Covered Thorium Vein are found in Silithid hives. These are essentially the same as Rich and Small Thorium Veins, respectively, but with a different appearance.

These veins are most commonly found in Silithus and Un'Goro Crater.

Also found in Thorium Veins[]

These items can be found in all varieties of Thorium Vein.

Thorium Ore as an ingredient[]

Smelting (Mining)[]

Thorium Ore is smelted into Thorium Bars at a forge, requiring a mining skill of 250 or more.

Thorium Bars are used in the production of many items made by AlchemyBlacksmithingEnchanting and Engineering.


  • Greater Stoneshield Potion

See also[]

Patch changes[]

  • Patch 1.5.0 (patch date:2005-06-07): Small Throrium Veins now sometimes will have Emeralds or Diamonds. 

External links[]


 fr:Minerai de thorium
