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Vanilla WoW Wiki
Temple of Atal'Hakkar
Sunken Temple, Temple, ST
Temple of Atal'Hakkar loading screen
Temple of Atal'Hakkar loading graphic
LocationPool of Tears, Swamp of Sorrows
Race(s)Green dragonflight Green dragonflight
TrollTroll Jungle troll
Undead trollUndead troll Undead troll
End bossAvatar of Hakkar, Shade of Eranikus
Advised level50-60
Minimum level45
Player limit5 (10)

Temple of Atal'Hakkar (also known as Sunken Temple and more rarely, Lost Temple) is a shrine erected by the Atal'ai trolls, led by their master Jammal'an the Prophet, to the nefarious Blood God — Hakkar the Soulflayer. Believing that this was the intended site for Hakkar's reentry into Azeroth, the great Dragon Aspect, Ysera, and her green dragonflight sunk the temple into the depths of the Swamp of Sorrows...but the dragons did not realize that it was the wrong location until it was too late.

Many of the bosses in the instance have some kind of prerequisite in order to encounter them. Atal'alarion will appear after activation of statues, Jammal'an the Prophet can only be reached by killing the 6 troll mini-bosses, Avatar of Hakkar must be summoned and the Shade of Eranikus will only be killable after the death of the Prophet.

The Temple may be entered by level 39. The mob level range is 40-55, with the final boss being 55.


Sunken Temple - Official Site

On the official site

From old World Dungeons site:

Over a thousand years ago, the powerful Gurubashi Empire was torn apart by a massive civil war. An influential group of troll priests, known as the Atal'ai, attempted to bring back an ancient blood god named Hakkar the Soulflayer. Though the priests were defeated and ultimately exiled, the great troll empire buckled in upon itself. The exiled priests fled far to the north, into the Swamp of Sorrows. There they erected a great temple to Hakkar - where they could prepare for his arrival into the physical world. The great dragon Aspect, Ysera, learned of the Atal'ai's plans and smashed the temple beneath the marshes. To this day, the temple's drowned ruins are guarded by the green dragons who prevent anyone from getting in or out. However, it is believed that some of the fanatical Atal'ai may have survived Ysera's wrath - and recommitted themselves to the dark service of Hakkar.

The name Atal’Hakkar can mean either "Devoted to Hakkar" or "In Honor of Hakkar" in Zandali, the language of the trolls.[1]


The Broken HallThe ButcheryChamber of BloodChamber of the DreamerDen of the CallerHall of BonesHall of MasksHall of RitualHall of SerpentsHall of the CursedLair of the ChosenThe Pit of RefuseThe Pit of SacrificeSanctum of the Fallen God

In Cataclysm[]

Cataclysm This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.

The Sunken Temple was raised to a level 50-60 dungeon in Cataclysm.

Quest guide[]


Temple of Atal'Hakkar bosses

Quest name Quest giver Zone location
Alliance Alliance quests
A [50D] Into The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
chain start: In Search of The Temple
Dwarf maleAlliance Brohann Caskbelly Dwarven District, Stormwind City
A [52] Haze of Evil
chain start: Muigin and Larion
Dwarf maleNeutral Gregan Brewspewer
Marshal's Refuge, Un'goro Crater
Horde Horde quests
H [50] The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
chain starts: Pool of Tears
Orc maleHorde Fel'zerul Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows
H [52] Zapper Fuel
chain start: Larion and Muigin
Goblin femaleNeutral Liv Rizzlefix
Ratchet, The Barrens
Marshal's Refuge, Un'goro Crater
Neutral 15 Neutral quests
N [51] Into the Depths
chain start: The Sunken Temple
Goblin maleNeutral Marvon Rivetseeker
Alliance Angelas Moonbreeze /Horde Witch Doctor Uzer'i
Broken Pillar, Tanaris
Alliance Feathermoon Stronghold / Horde Camp Mojache
N [51] Secret of the Circle
chain start: The Sunken Temple
Goblin maleNeutral Marvon Rivetseeker Broken Pillar, Tanaris
N [53] The God Hakkar
chain start: Screecher_Spirits
Troll maleNeutral Yeh'kinya Steamwheedle Port, Tanaris
N [53D] Jammal'an the Prophet Troll maleNeutral Atal'ai Exile Shadra'Alor, The Hinterlands
N [55] The Essence of Eranikus Drops off Shade of Eranikus, Inside Sunken Temple
Neutral 15 Class quests
N Druid [52D] A Better Ingredient
chain start: Torwa_Pathfinder
Tauren maleNeutral Torwa Pathfinder
Alliance Denatharion
Horde Turak Runetotem
Neutral Loganaar
Un'Goro Crater
Alliance Darnassus
Horde Thunder Bluff
Neutral Moonglade
N Hunter [52D] The Green Drake
chain start: The Hunter's Charm
IconSmall FurbolgNeutral Ogtinc
Horde Ormak Grimshot (Orgrimmar)
Horde Oninath (Silvermoon City)
Alliance Olmin Burningbeard (Ironforge)
Alliance Ulfir Ironbeard (Stormwind)
Timbermaw Hold, Azshara
N Shaman [52D] Da Voodoo
chain start: Elemental Mastery
Troll maleNeutral Bath'rah the Windwatcher
Alliance Farseer Umbrua / Horde Searn Firewarder
Chillwind Point ruins, Alterac Mountains
Alliance Stormwind City / Horde Orgrimmar
A Paladin [52D] Forging the Mightstone
chain start: Chillwind_Camp
Human maleAlliance Commander Ashlam Valorfist
Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker
Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands
Stormwind City
H Paladin [52D] Ancient Evil
chain start: To_The_Bulwark
Undead femaleHorde Lady Sylvanas Windrunner
Champion Bachi / Champion Cyssa Dawnrose
Royal Quarter, Undercity
Silvermoon / Undercity
N Priest [52D] Blood of Morphaz
chain start: Cenarion_Aid
IconSmall FurbolgNeutral Ogtinc
Alliance High Priest Rohan / Horde Ur'kyo
Timbermaw Hold, Azshara
Alliance Ironforge / Horde Orgrimmar
N Rogue [52D] The Azure Key
chain start: A Simple Request
Human maleNeutral Archmage Xylem
various rogue trainers
Azshara Tower, Azshara
N Mage [52D] Destroy Morphaz
chain start: Magic Dust
Human maleNeutral Archmage Xylem Azshara Tower, Azshara
N Warrior [52D] Voodoo Feathers
chain start: A Troubled Spirit
Orc maleNeutral Fallen Hero of the Horde
various Warrior trainers
On the border between Swamp of Sorrow & Blasted Lands
N Warlock [52D] Trolls of a Feather
chain start: An Imp's Request or Hot and Itchy
IconSmall ImpNeutral Impsy
Impsy or any of several warlock trainers
Shatter Scar Vale, Felwood

Group info[]

A good group to have for this instance would consist of a tank, a healer, and three damage dealers, preferably one with good AoE. AoE's are very helpful, as there are many packs with non-elites. The instance offers a lot of opportunity for crowd control (specifically rogue saps and Priest shackle undeads, and magic dispels (from priests, paladins, and Resto shamans) make it a lot easier, as there a various negative effects (Fear and Sleep being the most dangerous). One of the three damage dealers should be able to tank, or have a pet that can tank, for the Shade of Eranikus fight.

Each class brings something useful to this instance, and as much depends on player skill and character levels as does group composition. That said, it's very nice to have reliable Crowd Control, good healing from a suitably geared and/or spec'd healer, as well as some form of out of combat Resurrection and Wipe Recovery.

One of the most important things to bring to this instance is knowledge of the layout or a good guide/map, as it's very easy to get lost here!


See pre-Cataclysm Cataclysm walkthrough at Old walkthrough.
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Dungeon denizens[]

  • IconSmall BogBeast Bog beasts
  • IconSmall DireTroll Dire trolls
  • IconSmall DragonGreen Green dragon (one, Shade of Eranikus)
  • IconSmall DrakeGreen Green drakes
  • IconSmall SpawnGreen Green dragonspawn
  • IconSmall WhelpGreen Green dragon whelps
  • IconSmall Grell Grells
  • IconSmall Larva Larvae
  • IconSmall Ooze Oozes
  • IconSmall Serpent Serpents
  • IconSmall SkeletalWindSerpent Skeletal wind serpent (one, Avatar of Hakkar)
  • IconSmall Snake Snakes
  • Troll maleTroll female Trolls
  • IconSmall WindSerpent Wind serpents
  • IconSmall Worm Worms
  • UndeadTroll maleUndeadTroll female Scourge trolls


See Temple of Atal'Hakkar loot.


Sunken Temple (circa Cataclysm Cataclysm)

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 4.0.3a
  • Template:Patch 3.2.0
  • Template:Patch 2.3.0
  • Patch 1.4.0 (patch date:2005-05-05): The minimum level requirement on the Temple of Atal'Hakkar Meeting Stone has been properly assigned. 
  • Patch 1.3.0 (patch date:2005-03-07): Capped at ten players. 


  1. Dark Factions, pg. 127

External links[]

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