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Tabard refers to a type of clothing bearing a symbol or design and worn in the tabard equipment slot over a character's chest armor. It was once a purely cosmetic item intended to add individuality to a character's look, similar to a shirt, but now many tabards result in reputation bonuses.


Historically, a tabard serves both as a sleeveless shirt or coat (often over armor), and as a means of displaying heraldry (as livery). For players, it can show membership in a guild or (for roleplay purposes) allegiance to a particular group, boast of deeds performed, or simply be decorative.

The only tabard available to players upon the release of World of Warcraft was the guild tabard. The release of battlegrounds and the honor system saw a variety of new tabards introduced, identifying a player's rank or standing with a particular battleground faction. The Scourge Invasion also added a small number of tabards. In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, each faction in Outland was given its own tabard, available at exalted status. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King continues this trend, but has lower (or no) reputation requirements and instead utilizes faction tabards in a system known as championing for farming reputation.

Patch 3.0 introduced the achievement system, which includes rewards for tabard collectors. Upon obtaining a tabard, a general achievement called "Represent" is granted; subsequent achievement points are granted at ten and twenty-five tabards, with the latter granting the Tabard of the Achiever. There is no current plan to alleviate the amount of bag space taken up by tabards as has been done with mount and non-combat pet collections (which grant similar achievements), but Blizzard has said it is a possibility in the future. However, keeping tabards is not required for the achievement; only equipping them. You can equip and sell or delete each tabard as you get it, and it will still count toward the achievement. Some tabards can be discarded and repurchased or reacquired at a tabard vendor. These generally include rewards from non-repeatable quests and achievements (such as the [Green Trophy Tabard of the Illidari]).

Tabard vendors[]

There are, generally, two types of vendor that tabards can be purchased from.

Tabards associated with a faction are almost always available from the Quartermasters for that faction.

Visitor's Centers in most major cities have tabard vendors who sell Guild tabards. They also sell:

  • BC Burning Crusade faction tabards
  • Honor rank tabards
  • Battleground tabards

These additional tabards have the same purchase restrictions and costs from the visitor's center vendor as they do from the relevant quartermaster.

City/Faction tabards[]

As of Patch 4.0.3 (Cataclysm Cataclysm and the Shattering), you can buy a tabard for a specific city/faction faction and gain some reputation for each kill in a non-Outland dungeon.[1]

Killing level-appropriate mobs in instances will yield 15 faction per kill while wearing an appropriate tabard.[citation needed] High level characters in newbie zones yields 3 faction for trash mobs,[citation needed] 60 for bosses.[citation needed] (Will you get more faction per mob at 70 killing in Strath than in Ragefire?)

You can go all the way to max exalted through the use of tabards. Thus, it's worthwhile to pick up the tabards from each city and switch once you max out one. You'll get to exalted in all eventually.

The City/Faction tabards are available from each faction's city quartermaster and cost 10s:

Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Tabard Seller Tabard Seller
[Darnassus Tabard] Alliance Moon Priestess Lasara <Darnassus Quartermaster>
in Darnassus.
[Bilgewater Cartel Tabard] Horde Frizzo Villamar <Bilgewater Cartel Quartermaster>
in Orgrimmar.
[Exodar Tabard] Alliance Kadu <Exodar Quartermaster>
in the Exodar.
[Darkspear Tabard] Horde Champion Uru'zin <Darkspear Quartermaster>
in Orgrimmar.
[Gilneas Tabard] Alliance Lord Candren <Gilneas Quartermaster>
in Darnassus.
[Orgrimmar Tabard] Horde Stoneguard Nargol <Orgrimmar Quartermaster>
in Orgrimmar.
[Gnomeregan Tabard] Alliance Master Tinker Trini <Gnomeregan Quartermaster>
in Ironforge.
[Silvermoon City Tabard] Horde Magistrix Nizara <Silvermoon City Quartermaster>
just south of Silvermoon City.
[Ironforge Tabard] Alliance Captain Stonehelm <Ironforge Quartermaster>
in Ironforge.
[Thunder Bluff Tabard] Horde Brave Tuho <Thunder Bluff Quartermaster>
in Thunder Bluff.
[Stormwind Tabard] Alliance Captain Lancy Revshon <Stormwind Quartermaster>
in Stormwind.
[Undercity Tabard] Horde Captain Donald Adams <Undercity Quartermaster>
in Undercity.

In Mists of Pandaria[]

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content exclusive to Mists of Pandaria.

Icon-information This section concerns content that is not yet released.

The whole tabard system may be changing. The whole concept of tabards providing reputation bonuses may be removed.[2] They will be vanity rewards only available at Exalted.[3]

Guild tabards[]

Guild tabards can be purchased for 8s from a tabard designer/vendor in the Visitor's Center of any faction capital city. Guild leaders can customize the symbol and color scheme of the guild's tabard for 10g.

See below for web-based tabard design tools.

Once your tabard crest has been created, it will take another 10g every time you wish to make a change to it.

Honor rank tabards[]

Honor rank tabards are an honor reward for PvP fighting under the Honor System (battlegrounds).

Enlisted tabards were available for 1g at rank one (AlliancePrivate and Horde Scout).

  • [Private's Tabard] is blue with a gold lion design on the front of it, essentially what Stormwind guards wear.
  • [Scout's Tabard] is red (more accurately a very deep orange) with the Horde's emblem and white trim.

[Private's Tabard] and [Scout's Tabard] are purchasable from all tabard vendors (except Dalaran's) for 50 Honor points.

Officers' tabards were available for 4g at rank six (AllianceKnight and Horde Stone Guard). Somewhat more glorified, these look similar to the enlisted tabards, but are significantly more detailed.

  • [Knight's Colors]
  • [Stone Guard's Herald]

Similarly, these tabards are now purchasable for 100 Honor points.

Battleground tabards[]

Battleground tabards can be obtained at various reputation with each faction through vendor purchase or quest completion. These tabards have a unique appearance.

Alterac Valley tabards are available from the Supply Officers at the entrance to either BG for 15,000 (Honor Points).

  • [Stormpike Battle Tabard] has a red backdrop with golden trim, with the emblem of a spear with a golden bolt at the bottom.
  • [Frostwolf Battle Tabard] has a blue backdrop with white trim, bearing a wolf's head at the center, with a crude shield covering it, both made out of blue and white, and with ice-colored and shaped symbols signifying the cold of Alterac Valley.

Arathi Basin tabards are available upon attaining exalted reputation with AllianceLeague of Arathor or Horde Defilers and completing A [60] Control Five Bases or H [60] Take Five Bases.

  • [Arathor Battle Tabard]
  • [Battle Tabard of the Defilers]

Warsong Gulch tabards are available from the Supply Officers at the entrance to either BG for 12,000 (Honor Points).

  • [Silverwing Battle Tabard]
  • [Warsong Battle Tabard]

The Tabard of Conquest is awarded to players who complete the [Master of Isle of Conquest] achievement.

Other tabards[]

  • [Tabard of Brilliance], [Tabard of Flame], [Tabard of Frost], [Tabard of Fury], [Tabard of Nature], [Tabard of the Arcane], [Tabard of the Defender], and [Tabard of the Void] are rewards from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.
  • [Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade] drops from Scarlet Trainees in the Scarlet Monastery Armory after Herod is killed.
  • [Tabard of Summer Flames] and [Tabard of Summer Skies] are rewards from N [70D] Shards of Ahune during the Midsummer Fire Festival.

Past event tabards[]

These tabards were available for a limited time, and cannot be obtained currently. Some of these tabards may be reacquired from tabard vendors if the player had previously owned them.

  • [Competitor's Tabard] was a reward from the Spirit of Competition event.
  • [Contest Winner's Tabard] was a reward from the Test of Honor Contest.
  • [Tabard of the Argent Dawn] was purchasable for 10 [Necrotic Runes] from the Argent Outfitter during the Scourge Invasion.
  • [Tabard of the Protector] was a reward from N [60] Into the Breach during the Before the Storm event. It has the same appearance as the Tabard of the Argent Dawn, above.

Burning Crusade tabards[]

BC This section concerns content exclusive to The Burning Crusade.

Unless otherwise stated, exalted reputation with the respective faction is needed to purchase their tabard. These faction tabards are purchased from the faction's quartermaster for 1g, 90s after discount.

  • [Blood Knight Tabard] is a reward from the Blood Elf Paladin's epic mount quest chain.
  • [Tabard of the Hand] is a reward from the Draenei starting zones' quest chain.
  • [Green Trophy Tabard of the Illidari] and [Purple Trophy Tabard of the Illidari] are rewards for completing the N [70G] Battle of the Crimson Watch in Shadowmoon Valley.

Wrath of the Lich King tabards[]

Wrath This section concerns content exclusive to Wrath of the Lich King.

  • [Loremaster's Colors] is an Achievement reward for the achievement The Loremaster.
  • [Tabard of Brute Force] is an Achievement reward for winning 300 ranked arena matches.
  • [Tabard of the Achiever] is an Achievement reward for the achievement Twenty-Five Tabards.
  • [Tabard of the Argent Crusade] is purchasable from the Argent Crusade with Friendly reputation.
  • [Tabard of the Ebon Blade] is purchasable from the Knights of the Ebon Blade with Friendly reputation.
  • [Tabard of the Explorer] is a Achievement reward for the achievement Explore Northrend.
  • [Tabard of the Kirin Tor] is purchasable from the Kirin Tor with Friendly reputation.
  • [Tabard of the Wyrmrest Accord] is purchasable from the Wyrmrest Accord with Friendly reputation.

The Argent Tournament tabards are available from each faction once you become their Champion. They used to cost 50 Champion's Seal Champion's Seals (in Wrath), but now cost only 10s (as of Cataclysm).

  • [Darkspear Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament for champions of Sen'jin. Used to be called [Sen'jin Tabard] in Wrath.
  • [Darnassus Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament for champions of Darnassus.
  • [Exodar Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament for champions of the Exodar.
  • [Gnomeregan Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament for champions of Gnomeregan.
  • [Ironforge Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament for champions of Ironforge.
  • [Stormwind Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament for champions of Stormwind.
  • [Orgrimmar Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament for champions of Orgrimmar.
  • [Silvermoon City Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament for champions of Silvermoon City.
  • [Thunder Bluff Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament for champions of Thunder Bluff.
  • [Undercity Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament for champions of Undercity.

These tabards still cost 50 Champion's Seal Champion's Seals.

  • [Argent Crusader's Tabard] will warp you to the Argent Tournament Grounds.
  • [Silver Covenant Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament when Exalted with the Silver Covenant.
  • [Sunreaver Tabard] is purchasable at the Argent Tournament when Exalted with the Sunreavers.

Cataclysm tabards[]

Cataclysm This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.

Need images of these tabards for gallery.
  • [Baradin's Wardens Tabard] sold by Alliance Quartermaster Brazie <Baradin's Wardens Quartermaster> for 40 Tol Barad Commendation.
  • [Hellscream's Reach Tabard] sold by Horde Pogg <Hellscream's Reach Quartermaster> for 40 Tol Barad Commendation.
  • [Tabard of Ramkahen] sold by Neutral Blacksmith Abasi in Uldum for 90s.
  • [Tabard of the Dragonmaw Clan] sold by Horde Grot Deathblow in Twilight Highlands for 1g.
  • [Tabard of the Earthen Ring] sold by Neutral Provisioner Arok in Shimmering Expanse for 1g.
  • [Tabard of the Guardians of Hyjal] sold by Neutral Provisioner Whitecloud in Mount Hyjal for 1g.
  • [Tabard of the Wildhammer Clan] sold by Alliance Craw MacGraw in Twilight Highlands for 90s.
  • [Tabard of Therazane] sold by Neutral D'lom the Collector in Deepholm for 90s.

Two new tabards were introduced for the new goblin and worgen city/factions.

  • [Bilgewater Cartel Tabard] is purchasable from Horde Frizzo Villamar <Bilgewater Cartel Quartermaster> in Orgrimmar for 10s.
  • [Gilneas Tabard] is purchasable from Alliance Lord Candren <Gilneas Quartermaster> in Darnassus for 10s.

Unobtainable tabards[]

These tabards are worn by NPCs but cannot be obtained by players, though some can be approximated with certain guild tabard designs.


[Primal Hakkari Tabard] is a tabard that cannot be worn. It is used to create the Zandalar Tribe epic chest-piece for paladins, druids, and shamans.

Although shields are often used to display heraldry, they have more than cosmetic purpose in the game. Not all characters can wield a shield, and the attributes of a shield are intrinsically linked to the appearance of that shield. For roleplay purposes, tabards are superior in that all characters can wear one, and they have no effect upon other abilities of that character.


  1. Blizzard Entertainment Lylirra 2010-12-02. #9 - City Tabards and BC Dungeons. Official Community > General Discussion forum (US).
  2. Blizzard Entertainment Taepsilum 2012-08-02. #9 - Transmogrify Tabards!. Official Gameplay > General forum (EU).
  3. perculia 2012-07-20. News Round Up: MoP Tabard Preview, Character Transfer Sale, PTR Soon. Official forum (US).
  4. Although the actual tabard is not obtainable, you can appear to wear one by wearing [Dalaran Wizard's Robe]; a cloth chest armor that drops randomly from Dalaran NPCs in Silverpine Forest. Only Horde can obtain the robe, as these NPCs are Friendly to Alliance. However, they can be sold at neutral Auction Houses. In addition, the [Tabard of the Kirin Tor] is available for sale.
  5. 5.0 5.1 This particular Scarlet Crusade tabard is unobtainable. It is worn by many of the higher ranking members of the organization. The [Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade], which is worn by the lowest-ranking members of the Crusade, is obtainable. See the Other tabards section above.
  6. There is a tabard similar to this that can be obtained through the Argent Tournament.

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 4.0.3a
  • Template:Patch 4.0.3
  • Template:Patch 3.1.0

External links[]

Mists of Pandaria Beta News