Vanilla WoW Wiki
Inv potion 101
  • Superior Mana Oil
  • Item Level 62Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Requires Level 52
  • Use: While applied to target weapon it restores 14 mana to the caster every 5 seconds. Lasts for 1 hour.
  • 5 Charges
  • Sell Price: 15s

Superior Mana Oil is a potion that is applied to a weapon. When applied, the weapon will restore 14 mana to the caster every 5 seconds. This effect persists through death, as it is a weapon buff, and not a personal buff.


This item is made by Enchanters with a skill level of 310.

The components are:

Inv misc questionmark
3x Arcane Dust
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1x Netherbloom
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1x Imbued Vial

[Formula: Superior Mana Oil] is sold by Neutral Madame Ruby <Enchanting Supplies> in Shattrath City.

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