- Souldarite
- Item Level 50
- Sell Price: 50
Souldarite is a mineral that can only be found by mining Hakkari Thorium Veins in Zul'Gurub.
Souldarite can be mined from Hakkari Thorium Veins in Zul'Gurub in Stranglethorn Vale.
Souldarite as an ingredient[]
Souldarite is used in the following recipes:
- [Bloodsoul Breastplate]
- [Bloodsoul Gauntlets]
- [Bloodsoul Shoulders]
- [Darksoul Breastplate]
- [Darksoul Leggings]
- [Darksoul Shoulders]
Patch changes[]
- Patch 1.7.0 (patch date:2005-09-22): Added.
External links[]