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The three shaman talent trees roughly mirror the three roles a shaman can play: Elemental (ranged magical damage), Enhancement (melee damage), and Restoration (healing).
Talent Overview[]
Things to keep in mind when considering shaman builds:
- Even without spending talent points, all Shamans can buff their group for many purposes (e.g. a Restoration Shaman can drop Windfury Totem just like as an Enhancement Shaman).
- By spending talent points, shamans increase the efficiency of these group buffs, and some buffs can be gained only by spending points.
The leveling spec chosen by most shamans is Enhancement. The main advantage when leveling with this build is that it requires next to no downtime. An Enhancement Shaman relies mostly on melee damage, and spends only low amounts of mana during combat, keeping the mana pool as an emergency reserve, and to heal up between combats.
Restoration is the Healing tree, turning shamans into very capable healers for PvE and PvP alike.
Elemental is the Shaman's caster DPS spec. It specializes in dealing damage from afar. Some notable talents are Elemental Mastery allowing the shaman to instant cast a damaging spell, and Thunderstorm which is infamous for throwing members of the opposing faction to their death.
Talent | Ranks | Requirements | Description |
Tier 1 | |||
[Convection] | 5 | Reduces the mana cost of your [Shock], [Lightning Bolt], and [Chain Lightning] spells by 2/4/6/8/10%. | |
[Concussion] | 5 | Increases the damage done by your [Lightning Bolt], [Chain Lightning], and [Shock] spells by 1/2/3/4/5%. | |
Tier 2 | |||
[Earth's Grasp] | 2 | Increases the health of your [Stoneclaw Totem] by 25/50% and the radius of your [Earthbind Totem] by 10/20%. | |
[Elemental Warding] | 3 | Reduces damage taken from Fire, Frost, and Nature effects by 4/8/12%. | |
[Call of Flame] | 3 | Increases the damage done by your Fire Totems by 5/10/15%. | |
Tier 3 | |||
[Elemental Focus] | 1 | Gives you a 10% chance to enter a [Clearcasting] state after casting any Fire, Frost, or Nature damage spell. The [Clearcasting] state reduces the mana cost of your next damage spell by 100%. | |
[Reverberation] | 5 | Reduces the cooldown of your [Shock] spells by 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1 sec. | |
[Call of Thunder] | 5 | Increases the critical strike chance of your [Lightning Bolt] and [Chain Lightning] spells by an additional 1/2/3/4/5%. | |
Tier 4 | |||
[Improved Fire Totems] | 2 | Reduces the delay before your [Fire Nova Totem] activates by 1/2 sec. and decreases the threat generated by your [Magma Totem] by 25/50%. | |
[Eye of the Storm] | 3 | Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to gain the [Focused Casting] effect that lasts for 6 sec. after being the victim of a physical or physical critical strike. The [Focused Casting] effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage. | |
[Elemental Devastation] | 3 | Your offensive spell crits will increase your chance to get a critical strike with physical attacks by 3/6/9% for 10 sec. | |
Tier 5 | |||
[Storm Reach] | 2 | Increases the range of your [Lightning Bolt] and [Chain Lightning] spells by 3/6 yards. | |
[Elemental Fury] | 1 | Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your [Searing], [Magma], and [Fire Nova Totem]s and your Fire, Frost, and Nature spells by 100%. | |
Tier 6 | |||
[Lightning Mastery] | 5 | [Call of Thunder] 5/5 | Reduces the casting time of your [Lightning Bolt] and [Chain Lightning] spells by 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1 sec. |
Tier 7 | |||
[Elemental Mastery] | 1 | [Elemental Fury] 1/1 | When activated, this spell gives your next Fire, Frost, or Nature damage spell a 100% critical strike chance and reduces the mana cost by 100%. |
This tree offers the ability to dual wield, making Shamans the third highest dual-wielding class in the game in terms of damage output (when it comes to dual wielding), above hunters but below rogues and fury-spec warriors. Highlights include Thundering Strikes and Stormstrike.
Talent | Ranks | Requirements | Description |
Lava Lash | 1 |
None Enhancement |
You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 200% of that weapon's damage to an enemy target. Damage is increased by 40% if your off-hand weapon is enchanted with Flametongue. |
Mental Quickness | 1 |
None Enhancement |
Increases your spell power by an amount equal to 50% of your attack power, and reduces the mana cost of your instant beneficial, damaging, and totem spells by 75%. |
Dual Wield | 1 |
None Enhancement |
Allows one-hand and off-hand weapons to be equipped in your off-hand, allows you to parry frontal melee attacks, and increases your chance to hit with melee attacks by 6%. |
Primal Wisdom | 1 |
None Enhancement |
Your melee attacks have a 40% chance to immediately restore 5% of your base mana. |
Elemental Weapons | 2 |
None Enhancement |
Increases the passive bonuses granted by your Flametongue Weapon and Earthliving Weapon abilities by X%, the damage of your extra attacks from Windfury Weapon by Y%, and the effectiveness of the ongoing benefits of your Unleash Elements ability by Z%. |
Focused Strikes | 3 |
None Enhancement |
Increases the damage dealt by your Primal Strike and Stormstrike abilities by X%. |
Improved Shields | 3 |
None Enhancement |
Increases the damage done by your Lightning Shield orbs by X%, increases the amount of mana gained from your Water Shield orbs by X%, and increases the amount of healing done by your Earth Shield orbs by X%. |
Elemental Devastation | 3 |
5 Enhancement |
When you deal critical damage with a non-periodic spell, your chance to get a critical strike with melee attacks increases by X% for 10 sec. |
Flurry | 3 |
5 Enhancement |
Increases your attack speed by X% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike. |
Ancestral Swiftness | 2 |
5 Enhancement |
Reduces the cast time of your Ghost Wolf spell by X sec and increases movement speed by Y%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects. |
Totemic Reach | 2 |
5 Enhancement |
Increases the range of your totems' effects by X%. |
Toughness | 3 |
10 Enhancement |
Increases your Stamina by X%, and reduces the duration of movement slowing effects on you by Y%. |
Stormstrike | 1 |
10 Enhancement |
Instantly strike an enemy with both weapons, dealing 125% weapon damage and granting you an additional 25% chance to critically strike that enemy with your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lightning Shield, and Earth Shock spells for 15 sec. |
Static Shock | 3 |
10 Enhancement |
When you use your Primal Strike, Stormstrike, or Lava Lash abilities while having Lightning Shield active, you have a X% chance to deal damage equal to a Lightning Shield orb without consuming a charge. |
Frozen Power | 2 |
15 Enhancement |
Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Lash, and Shock spells by X% on targets afflicted by your Frostbrand Attack effect, and your Frost Shock has a Y% chance to root the target in ice for 5 sec. when used on targets at or further than 15 yards from you. |
Seasoned Winds | 2 |
15 Enhancement |
When you successfully interrupt an enemy spellcast with Wind Shear, you gain X resistance to that spell's magical school for 10 sec. |
Searing Flames | 3 |
15 Enhancement |
Causes the Searing Bolts from your Searing Totem to have a X% chance to set their targets aflame, dealing damage equal to the Searing Bolt's impact damage over 15 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. |
Earthen Power | 2 |
20 Enhancement |
Your Earthbind Totem's pulses have a X% chance to also remove all snare effects from you and nearby friendly targets. |
Shamanistic Rage | 1 |
20 Enhancement |
Reduces all damage taken by 30% and causes your skills, totems, and offensive spells to consume no mana for 15 sec. This spell is usable while stunned. |
Unleashed Rage | 2 |
20 Enhancement |
Increases your expertise by X, and increases all party and raid members' attack power by Y% while within 100 yards of the Shaman. |
Maelstrom Weapon | 3 |
25 Enhancement |
When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you have a chance to reduce the cast time and mana cost of your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Hex, or any healing spell by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 30 sec. |
Improved Lava Lash | 2 |
25 Enhancement |
Increases the damage of your Lava Lash ability by X%, and by an additional Y% for each of your applications of Searing Flames on the target, consuming those applications in the process. |
Feral Spirit | 1 |
30 Enhancement |
Summons two Spirit Wolves under the command of the Shaman, lasting 30 sec. |
Restoration leans heavily towards turning the Shaman into a healer. Nature's Swiftness is an extremely useful talent for any build, Mana Tide Totem is of nearly legendary fame, and Earth Shield is a very good talent. Fully talented Chain Heal is the best multi-target heal in the game.
Talent | Ranks | Requirements | Description |
Earth Shield | 1 |
None Restoration |
Protects the target with an earthen shield, reducing casting or channeling time lost when damaged by 30% and causing attacks to heal the shielded target for X. This effect can only occur once every few seconds. 9 charges. Lasts 10 minutes. Earth Shield can only be placed on one target at a time and only one Elemental Shield can be active on a target at a time. |
Purification | 1 |
None Restoration |
Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by X% and reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave and Greater Healing Wave spells by 1 sec. |
Meditation | 1 |
None Restoration |
Allows 50% of your mana regeneration from Spirit to continue while in combat. |
Ancestral Resolve | 2 |
None Restoration |
Reduces damage taken while casting spells by X%. |
Tidal Focus | 3 |
None Restoration |
Reduces the mana cost of your healing Spells by X%. |
Spark of Life | 3 |
None Restoration |
Increases your healing done by X% and your healing received by Y%. |
Resurgence | 3 |
5 Restoration |
While Water Shield is active, you recover mana when your direct healing spells have a critical effect. You regain X mana from a Healing Wave or Greater Healing Wave critical, X * 0.6 mana from a Healing Surge, Riptide, or Unleash Life critical, and X * 0.333 mana from a Chain Heal critical. |
Totemic Focus | 2 |
5 Restoration |
Reduces the mana cost of your totems by X%. |
Focused Insight | 3 |
5 Restoration |
After casting any Shock spell, your next heal's mana cost is reduced by X% of the cost of the Shock spell, and its healing effectiveness is increased by Y%. |
Nature's Guardian | 3 |
5 Restoration |
Whenever a damaging attack is taken that reduces you below 30% health, you have a 100% chance to increase your maximum health by X% for 10 seconds and reduce your threat level on that target. 30 second cooldown. |
Ancestral Healing | 2 |
10 Restoration |
Reduces your target's physical damage taken by X% for 15 seconds after getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells. |
Nature's Swiftness | 1 |
10 Restoration |
When activated, your next Nature spell with a base casting time less than 10 sec. becomes an instant cast spell. Nature's Swiftness shares a cooldown with Elemental Mastery. |
Nature's Blessing | 3 |
10 Restoration |
Increases your healing by an amount equal to X% of your Intellect. |
Soothing Rains | 2 |
15 Restoration |
Increases the amount healed by your Healing Stream Totem X%, and your Healing Rain spell by X%. |
Improved Cleanse Spirit | 1 |
15 Restoration |
Empowers your Cleanse Spirit spell to also remove a magic effect from a friendly target. |
Cleansing Waters | 2 |
15 Restoration |
Reduces the cost of Cleanse Spirit by X%, and when your Cleanse Spirit successfully removes a harmful effect, you also heal the target for Y. |
Ancestral Awakening | 3 |
20 Restoration 2 Ancestral Healing |
When you critically heal with a single-target direct heal, you summon an Ancestral spirit to aid you, instantly healing the lowest percentage health party or raid target with in 40 yards for for X% of the amount healed. |
Mana Tide Totem | 1 |
20 Restoration |
Summons a Mana Tide Totem with 10% of the caster's health at the feet of the caster for 12 seconds sec that Increases the spirit of all party and raid members within 40 yards by 400%. |
Telluric Currents | 2 |
20 Restoration |
Your attunement to natural energies causes your Lightning Bolt spell to restore mana equal to X% of damage dealt. |
Spirit Link Totem | 1 |
20 Restoration |
Summons a Spirit Link Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The totem reduces damage taken by all party and raid members within 10 yards by 10%. Every 1 sec, the health of all affected players is redistributed, such that each player ends up with the same percentage of their maximum health. Lasts 6 sec. |
Tidal Waves | 3 |
25 restoration |
When you cast Chain Heal or Riptide, you gain the tidal wave effect, which reduces the cast time of your Healing Wave and Greater Healing Wave by X% and increase the critical effect chance of your Healing surge by X%, until two such spells have been cast. |
Blessing of the Eternals | 2 |
25 restoration |
Grants an additional X% chance to trigger your Earthliving heal over time effect when you heal an ally who is below 35% of total health. |
Riptide | 1 |
30 Restoration |
Heals a friendly target for X and another Y over 15 sec. Your next Chain Heal cast on that primary target within 15 sec will consume the healing over time effect and increase the amount of the Chain Heal by 25%. |
External links[]
- Builds