Shaman the Elemental Champion
Healer , Tank , DPS
Armor Types
Cloth , Leather , Mail , Shield , Totem (Relic)
Weapon Types
Axes (2h ), Daggers , Maces (2h ), Staves
Orc , Tauren , Troll
A Shaman set refers to a collection of equipment with a shaman class restriction that provides an additional bonus when worn together. See the shaman set comparison , too.
Dungeon sets [ ]
Shaman Dungeon Sets
Tier sets [ ]
Shaman Tier Sets
Faction sets [ ]
Shaman Faction Sets
PvP sets [ ]
Shaman PvP Sets
Shaman Arena Sets
Alliance and Horde Arena Reward
Mail armor sets [ ]
Turtle Scale collection
Chain of the Scarlet Crusade
Green Dragon Mail
The Gladiator
Blue Dragon Mail
Black Dragon Mail
Bloodmail Regalia
Bloodsoul Embrace
Shaman sets
Level 60 Dungeon sets
Dungeon set 1: The Elements Dungeon set 2: The Five Thunders
Raid sets Faction sets
Zandalar Tribe set: Augur's Regalia Cenarion Circle set: Gift of the Gathering Storm Brood of Nozdormu set: Stormcaller's Garb
PvP sets
PvP rare:
Lieutenant Commander's Earthshaker /
Champion's Stormcaller PvP epic:
Field Marshal's Earthshaker /
Warlord's Earthshaker Arathi Basin:
The Highlander's Determination /
The Defiler's Determination
Armor sets
Level 60 Dungeon Faction Raid PvP Non-class
Instance sets
Zandalar crafted sets