Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki
Shadow Priest Allister
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 20
Location Silverpine Forest
See Icon-3D-48x48

Shadow Priest Allister is a level 20 quest giver located at the Sepulcher in the Forsaken zone of Silverpine Forest.

Despite his low level, he must have been a powerful shadow priest while still alive; this is supported by the fact that he has written a book, [Holy Bologna: What the Light Won't Tell You], that eventually reached Dire Maul.

Shadow Priest Allister is a Forsaken leader and is nice enough, for a hideous undead monster, and is concerned that the Dalaran wizards are showing an increased interest in Silverpine.[1]

He starts the following quests:

  • H [14] Border Crossings
  • H [14] Dalar's Analysis
  • H [16] Ambermill Investigations
  • H [21] Beren's Peril
  • H [22] The Weaver

See List of Silverpine Forest NPCs.


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