- Rugged Leather
- Item Level 50
- Sell Price: 5
- Vendor 20
Rugged Leather is used mainly by Leatherworkers to create various leather armor.
Rugged Leather is the last stage of non-Outland leather skinned directly from normal monsters(lvl 55-60). Leatherworkers with 250 skill can create a Rugged Leather from six Thick Leathers.
Good locations to farm rugged leather include:
- Fungal Rock[63.8, 16.4] in Un'Goro Crater, killing the Un'Goro Gorillas
- Ice Thistle Hills[67, 55.8] in Winterspring, killing Ice Thistle Yetis in and around the cave; bears and chimaera can also be killed to the north
- Dark Portal[52.8, 43.4] in Blasted Lands, killing the Felhounds around the crater. They also have a small chance of dropping Imperfect Draenethyst Fragments, which start the repeatable quest One Draenei's Junk....
see also: Places to farm
As an Ingredient[]
Rugged Leather is used in the following recipes:
- Corruption (Sword)
- Dawn's Edge
- Enchanted Battlehammer
- Huge Thorium Battleaxe
- Imperial Plate Belt
- Imperial Plate Shoulders
- Ornate Thorium Handaxe
- Thorium Boots
- Volcanic Hammer
- Dark Iron Rifle
- Field Repair Bot 74A
- Large Blue Rocket Cluster
- Large Green Rocket Cluster
- Large Red Rocket Cluster
- Lifelike Mechanical Toad
- Masterwork Target Dummy
- Powerful Seaforium Charge
- Black Dragonscale Breastplate
- Black Dragonscale Leggings
- Black Dragonscale Shoulders
- Blue Dragonscale Breastplate
- Blue Dragonscale Leggings
- Blue Dragonscale Shoulders
- Chimeric Boots
- Chimeric Gloves
- Chimeric Leggings
- Chimeric Vest
- Chromatic Cloak
- Dawn Treaders
- Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Devilsaur Leggings
- Frostsaber Boots
- Frostsaber Gloves
- Frostsaber Leggings
- Frostsaber Tunic
- Girdle of Insight
- Green Dragonscale Breastplate
- Green Dragonscale Gauntlets
- Green Dragonscale Leggings
- Heavy Scorpid Belt
- Heavy Scorpid Bracers
- Heavy Scorpid Gauntlet
- Heavy Scorpid Helm
- Heavy Scorpid Leggings
- Heavy Scorpid Shoulders
- Heavy Scorpid Vest
- Hide of the Wild
- Ironfeather Breastplate
- Ironfeather Shoulders
- Living Breastplate
- Living Leggings
- Living Shoulders
- Might of the Timbermaw
- Mongoose Boots
- Red Dragonscale Breastplate
- Rugged Armor Kit
- Runic Leather Armor
- Runic Leather Belt
- Runic Leather Bracers
- Runic Leather Gauntlets
- Runic Leather Headband
- Runic Leather Pants
- Runic Leather Shoulders
- Shifting Cloak
- Stormshroud Armor
- Stormshroud Pants
- Stormshroud Shoulders
- Swift Flight Bracers
- Volcanic Breastplate
- Volcanic Leggings
- Volcanic Shoulders
- Warbear Harness
- Warbear Woolies
- Wicked Leather Armor
- Wicked Leather Belt
- Wicked Leather Bracers
- Wicked Leather Gauntlets
- Wicked Leather Headband
- Wicked Leather Pants
- Felcloth Boots
- Felcloth Shoulders
- Runecloth Bag
- Runecloth Boots
- Runecloth Gloves
- Runecloth Shoulders
- Soul Pouch
Patch changes[]
Patch 1.3.0 (patch date:2005-03-07): There is now a recipe at leatherworking trainers that allows thick leather to be turned into rugged leather.
External links[]