To generate a random number in a particular range (usually 1 - 100) by players vying for an looted item or chest.
In World of Warcraft, most players would generate a random number using the Slash Command:
/random [[<lower>-]<upper>]
/roll [[<lower>-]<upper>]
The number <#> denotes the range of numbers to pick randomly from. This can be a range (two numbers separated by a "‐"), or a single number. If a single number is given, 1 will be used as lower bound and the number as the higher, if no numbers are given at all 1-100 is assumed. Examples:
- "/roll 1337-1337" will result in rolling the number 1337,
- "/random 20" returns a number from 1 to 20 (inclusive),
- "/roll" yields a result between 1 and 100.
In a group or party, rolling is involuntary depending on the loot options.
Voluntary Rolling[]
Example scenario:
- Player 1: "Hey, I see a chest!"
- Player 2: "Okay, let's roll for it."
- Player 3: /random 100
- System Message: Player 3 rolled a 3 of 100.
- Player 3: "I guess I don't get to open it... :-("
- Player 1: /rand 100
- System Message: Player 1 rolled a 97 of 100.
- Player 1: "W00t!"
- Player 2: "Hold on, cowboy..."
- Player 2: /roll
- System Message: Player 2 rolled a 56 of 100.
- Player 2: "Darn, roll hack! ;-)"
- Player 1 opens the chest and loots its contents... but being nice, gives stuff not needed or can't use to the other players...
- Player 2: "Sweet"
- Player 3: "Thx"
Blizzard claims that there is no such thing as roll hacks.
When you are the one who has rolled, it says You instead of your character's name.