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Vanilla WoW Wiki
Classese Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
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Trainers Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
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A rogue trainer is an NPC that offers rogues the opportunity to train and learn ranks of abilities, including talent-based abilities.

Alliance Crest Alliance Trainers[]

Location Rogue Trainers
Aldrassil, Teldrassil
(Night elf starting location)
NightElf male Frahun Shadewhisper (11)
Dolanaar, Teldrassil NightElf male Jannok Breezesong (20)
Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus NightElf female Syurna (40)
NightElf male Anishar (50)
NightElf male Erion Shadewhisper (60)
Howling Oak, Darnassus Human female Loren the Fence (40)
Lor'danel, Darkshore NightElf male Kenral Nightwind (25)
Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest
(Human starting location)
Human male Jorik Kerridan (5)
Lion's Pride Inn, Goldshire, Elwynn Forest Human female Keryn Sylvius (11)
SI:7, Old Town, Stormwind Human male Osborne the Night Man (60)
Human male Lord Tony Romano (60)
Sentinel Hill, Westfall Human male Sern Hallows (25)
Anvilmar, Dun Morogh
(Dwarf and Gnome starting location)
Dwarf male Solm Hargrin (5)
Thunderbrew Distillery, Kharanos, Dun Morogh Dwarf male Hogral Bakkan (12)
Gnomeregan, Dun Morogh Gnome female Kelsey Steelspark (20)
The Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge Gnome male Fenthwick (40)
Dwarf male Ormyr Flinteye (50)
Dwarf male Hulfdan Blackbeard (60)
Thelsamar, Loch Modan Dwarf female Galda Bronzeblade (25)
Silver Enclave, Dalaran HighElf male Pathstalker Ralsir (80)

Horde Crest Horde Trainers[]

Location Rogue Trainers
Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades
(Undead starting location)
Undead male David Trias (5)
Gallows' End Tavern, Brill, Tirisfal Glades Undead female Marion Call (13)
Rogues' Quarter, Undercity Undead female Carolyn Ward (40)
Undead male Miles Dexter (50)
Undead male Gregory Charles (60)
The Den, Durotar
(Orc and Troll starting location)
Orc male Rwag (8)
Razor Hill, Durotar Orc male Kaplak (14)
The Crossroads, Northern Barrens Orc male Dargad (25) (Exists as of 4.3 at coordinates 50.2,58.5)
Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar Orc male Gest (40)
Orc male Ormok (50)
Troll male Shenthul (60)
BC The Sunspire, Eversong Woods
(Blood elf starting location)
BloodElf male Pathstalker Kariel (5)
BC Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods BloodElf female Tannaria (12)
BC Murder Row, Silvermoon BloodElf male Nerisen (40)
BloodElf female Elara (50)

BloodElf male Zelanis (60)

Neutral Neutral Trainers[]

Location Rogue Trainers
Ravenholdt Manor, Alterac Mountains Human male Fahrad <Grand Master Rogue> (60)
The Salty Sailor Tavern, Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale Human male Ian Strom (47)
Terrace of Light, Shattrath City IconSmall Ethereal Windstalker Ifram (70)
Scryer's Tier, Shattrath City BloodElf male Pathstalker Arpalir (70)