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  • Rogue Sets

Rogue Armor Selection[]

Pre-60 Rogue[]

Rogues can only wear leather and cloth armor, see also leather armor.

level 1-25
You can buy some standard leather armor when you start your character. You may be lucky to get some uncommon armor from mobs' corpses or from quests. The Defias Leather set is quite suitable for rogues below level 20, but you can get superior quality armor as follows:
  • [Serpent's Shoulders],Bind on Pickup, requires level 18, from Wailing Caverns.
  • [Leggings of the Fang], Bind on Pickup ,requires level 18, from Wailing Caverns
  • [Deviate Scale Belt], Bind on Equip, requires level 19, from recipe (quest rewards)
  • [Tunic of Westfall], Bind on Pickup, Alliance quest rewards involve The Deadmines
  • [Blackened Defias Armor], BoP, requires level 19, one of Defias Leather set.
  • [Feet of the Lynx], BoE, requires level 19, world drop, from AH.
  • [Wolfclaw Gloves], BoE, requires level 22, world drop.
  • [Toughened Leather Gloves], BoE, requires level 22, from recipe.
  • [Brawler Gloves], BoE, requires level 22,world drops.
  • [Petrolspill Leggings], BoE, requires level 25,Gnomeregan trash mob static drop.
  • [Harbinger Boots],boe,requires level 25,world drop.
  • [Mantle of Thieves],bop,requires level 25,Razorfen Kraul trash mob static drop.
  • [Troll's Bane Leggings], BoE, requires level 25, world drop.
  • [Warsong Boots], BoP, Horde quest - Warsong Supplies in Ashenvale. Soloable between 22-24+ if the player has the Deadly Blunderbuss item for the quest and can travel to Booty Bay. Also, once you hit level 15, as of patch 3.3, you can use the Dungeon Finder to start doing some low-level instances, which, if you take advantage of the Dungeon Finder's reward system for doing random dungeons, can net you some much-needed money and rare items.
level 26-45
During this period,you can head into many dungeons if you like, such as Shadowfang Keep, Gnomeregan, Scarlet Monastery, Uldaman, Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs, Zul'Farrak.The quest rewards and boss loots are rich and generous.
  • [Forest Tracker Epaulets], BoE, requires level 26, world drops.
  • [Barbaric Bracers], BoE, requires level 27, from recipe.
  • [Watchman Pauldrons], BoE, requires level 27, Scarlet Monastery trash mob static drop.
  • [Unearthed Bands], BoE, requires level 30, Uldaman trash mob static drop.
  • [Emissary Cuffs], BoP, requires level 30, from Gnomeregan rare spawn boss Dark Iron Ambassador.
  • [Ebon Vise], BoP, requires level 30, from Scarlet Monastery rare spawn boss Fallen Champion.
  • [Wolffear Harness], BoE, requires level 31, world drop.
  • [Swampwalker Boots], BoE, requires level 31, world drop.
  • [Adventurer's Pith Helmet],BoE, requires level 32, Uldaman trash mob static drop.
  • [Triprunner Dungarees], BoP, quest rewards involving Gnomeregan.
  • [Flintrock Shoulders], BoE, requires level 33, Scarlet Monastery trash mob static drop.
  • [Expert Goldminer's Helmet], BoE, requires level 33, Uldaman rare spawn mob Digmaster Shovelphlange(out of dungeon) drop.
  • [Quillward Harness], BoE, requires level 34, Razorfen Downs trash mob static drop.
  • [Shadowskin Gloves], BoE, requires level 35, from leatherworking.
  • [Arachnid Gloves],bop,requires level 37,from Razorfen Downs boss Tuten'kash.
  • [Ogron's Sash], BoE, requires level 37, world drop.
  • [Fleshhide Shoulders], BoP, requires level 37, from Razorfen Downs boss Glutton.
  • [Basilisk Hide Pants], BoE, requires level 38, world drop
  • [Sandstalker Ankleguards],bop,requires level 42,from Zul'Farrak rare spawn boss Zerillis.
  • [Arena Bracers], BoE, requires level 45, from Arena Treasure Chest.
  • [Embrace of the Lycan], BoP, requires level 45, from Zul'Farrak boss Chief Ukorz Sandscalp.
  • [Helm of Fire],boe,requires level 45,from leatherworking.
level 46-60
Probably you may run Maraudon, Temple of Atal'hakkar, and Blackrock Depths. When you reach level 60, there is a variety of choice of gear, so only equipment before 60 is listed. Refer to the Rogue Gear Guide for further information.
  • [Fungus Shroud Armor],bop,requires level 46,from Maraudon rare spawn boss Meshlok the Harvester.
  • [Phytoskin Spaulders],bop,requires level 46,from Maraudon boss Razorlash.
  • [Atal'ai Spaulders],bop,requires level 47,from the 6 bosses of Temple of Atal'hakkar
  • [Darkwater Bracers],bop,requires level 47,from Temple of Atal'hakkar boss Atal'alarion.
  • [Albino Crocscale Boots],bop,requires level 48,from Maraudon boss Rotgrip.
  • Stormshroud Armor set,boe,requires level 50/52/54,from leatherworking.
  • [Ebon Mask],bop,from reward of rogue class quest (level 50).
  • [Whisperwalk Boots],bop,from reward of rogue class quest (level 50).
  • [Warbear Harness],boe,requires level 50,world drop.
  • [Deepfury Bracers],boe,requires level 50,world drop.
  • [Girdle of Beastial Fury],bop,requires level 50,from Blackrock Depths boss Eviscerator
  • [Cinderhide Armsplints],bop,requires level 52,from Blackrock Depths boss Lord Incendius
  • [Ragefury Eyepatch],bop,requires level 52,from Blackrock Depths boss Hurley Blackbreath
  • [Warstrife Leggings],bop,requires level 53,from Blackrock Depths boss General Angerforge
  • Devilsaur Armor set,boe,requires level 53/55,from leatherworking.
  • [Swiftwalker Boots],bop,requires level 54,from Blackrock Depths boss High Priestess of Thaurissan

60 Rogue[]

When you reach 60,a lot of people may continuously run dungeons or join in raid group.

5-10 man dungeons

This include Stratholme, Blackrock Spire, Scholomance, Dire Maul,we categorize leather armors to some types:

  • Resist Gear

See also Main Resist List.But the information categorized by armor type may confuse us,because besides rogue leather,there are also many resist gear designed for caster druid.Therefore you can go to Rogue Resist Gear for further information.

  • Tier 0 and Tier 0.5 set

Tier 0 is Shadowcraft Armor, Tier 0.5 set is acquired through a quest series.It is said that Tier 0.5 is designed for casual people those who have no or few time to join raid group.

  • +%Critical to Strike Gear

There is a list of so famous +%critical strkie chance gears:

  • Attack Power Gear
  • Dodge & +%Chance to Hit Gear (PVE oriented)

Leather Armor Category
+%Critical to Strike Attack Power +%Chance to Hit +%Chance to Dodge
[Pads of the Dread Wolf](40) [Cadaverous Armor](60) [Mask of the Unforgiven](2) [Blademaster Leggings](2)
[Eye of Rend](2) [Nightbrace Tunic](50) [Truestrike Shoulders](2) [Quickdraw Gloves](1)
[Vosh'gajin's Strand](1) [Skul's Fingerbone Claws](40) [Abyssal Leather Shoulders](1) [Dawn Treaders](1)
[Gargoyle Slashers](1) [Pads of the Dread Wolf](40) [Blackmist Armguards](1) [Warstrife Leggings](1)
[Abyssal Leather Leggings](1) [Defiler's Leather Girdle](34) [Plaguehound Leggings](1) [Ash Covered Boots](1)
[Mugger's Belt](1) [Girdle of Beastial Fury](30) [Tattered Leather Hood](1) [Golden Mantle of the Dawn](1)
[Blademaster Leggings](1) [Bracers of the Eclipse](24)

20-40 man raid dungeons

We simply give the following rule to categorize the leather armor:

  • If the leather armor has any attribute of "%Chance to Hit" or "%Chance to Dodge",we categorize it to one of the "%chance" of "%Chance to Crit","%Chance to Hit" or "%Chance to Dodge".else,go to step 2.
  • If the leather armor has attribute of "%Chance to crit",then give each unit of "%Chance to Crit" a score of 15, we categorize it to "%chance" type if the total score larger than 1/3 of "stamina+agility+strength+AP".Else,we categorize it to one of "Stamina","Agility","Attack Power".e.g.Item of "1%chance to crit/10agi/20ap",because 15*1 > 1/3 * (10+20),so it should fall into "%Chance" Group.
  • If the armor falls into "%chance" group,and the leather armor has any attribute of "%Chance to Crit","%Chance to Hit" or "%Chance to Dodge",we give each unit of 15 score,10 score and 11 score.Then simply compare each score.It should falls into the largest score type.e.g.armor with 1crit/2hit/1dodge,then each score would be 15 score/20 score/11 score,20>15>11,thus it belong to "%Chance to Hit" type.
  • If the armor doesn't fall into "%chance" group,we simply figure out the largest number of "stamina","agility" and "strength+AP",the armor falls into the type of the largest above number.e.g.if strength+AP > agility > stamina,the armor should categorized to "Attack Power" type.

+%Chance to xxx Group
Name & Category %Chance to Crit %Chance to Hit %Chance to Dodge
ZG [Foror's Eyepatch] (2%)
[Shadow Panther Hide Gloves] (1%)
[Blooddrenched Footpads] (1%) [Shadow Panther Hide Belt] (1%)
AQ20 [Southwind Helm] (1%)
MC [Aged Core Leather Gloves] (1%)
BWL [Boots of the Shadow Flame] (2%) [Taut Dragonhide Belt] (1%)
AQ40 [Gloves of Enforcement] (1%)
[Qiraji Execution Bracers] (1%)
[Guise of the Devourer] (1%)
Outdoor Bosses [Dark Heart Pants] (2%)

Attributes Oriented Group
Name & Category Stamina Agility Attack Power
ZG [Blooddrenched Leggings] (35) [Blooddrenched Grips] (34ap)
AQ20 [Thick Silithid Chestguard] (30)
[Toughened Silithid Hide Gloves] (18)
[Boots of the Vanguard] (22)
[Chitinous Shoulderguards] (25)
[Scaled Bracers of the Gorger] (15)
MC [Fireguard Shoulders] (28)
BWL [Interlaced Shadow Jerkin] (25) [Taut Dragonhide Shoulderpads] (46ap)
AQ40 [Hive Tunneler's Boots] (30)
[Gloves of the Hidden Temple] (22)
[Thick Qirajihide Belt] (20)
[Bile-Covered Gauntlets] (21)
[Mantle of Wicked Revenge] (30)
[Vest of Swift Execution] (41)
Outdoor Bosses [Circlet of Restless Dreams] (38)
[Unnatural Leather Spaulders] (19)
[Doomhide Gauntlets] (42ap)
[Dragonspur Wraps] (34ap)

Weapon Selection[]

Main Weapon[]

Dagger Rogue[]

see also dagger

Notable daggers:

  • [Dawnblade] - level 21, Quest reward from H [21] The Traitor's Destruction, a Horde quest in Ghostlands.
  • [Tail Spike] - level 22 (required 17), drops from Skum in Wailing Caverns.
  • [Bite of Serra'kis] - level 23, drops from Old Serra'kis in Blackfathom Deeps.
  • [Meteor Shard] - level 24, drops from Archmage Arugal in Shadowfang Keep in Silverpine Forest.
  • [Talon of Vultros] - level 26 (21 required), drops from Vultros, a rare monster in central Westfall.
  • [Swinetusk Shank] - level 30, drops from Agathelos the Raging in Razorfen Kraul.
  • [Black Menace] - level 44, Bind on Pickup reward dagger from A [40] In the Name of the Light, an Alliance quest in Southshore.
  • [Coldrage Dagger] - level 44 (39 required) Bind on Pickup, drops off Amnennar the Coldbringer, the final boss in Razorfen Downs.
  • [Widowmaker] - level 47 (42 required) Bind on Equip, highest damage rare dagger until Barman Shanker
  • [Julie's Dagger] level 55 (50 required), World Drop
  • [Barman Shanker] - level 55 (50 required) Bind on Pickup, drops off Plugger Spazzring in the Blackrock Depths instance.
  • [Fang of the Faceless] - level 68 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Hakkar the Soulflayer in the Zul'Gurub instance.
  • [Gutgore Ripper] - level 69 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Garr in the Molten Core instance.
  • [Perdition's Blade] - level 77 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Ragnaros in the Molten Core instance.
  • [Dragonfang Blade] - level 74 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Vaelastrasz the Corrupt in the Blackwing Lair instance.
  • [Core Hound Tooth] - level 70 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Majordomo Executus in the Molten Core instance.
  • [Malchazeen] - level 125 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Prince Malchezaar in Karazhan.
  • [Heartrazor] - level 128 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from High Astromancer Solarian in The Eye.
  • [Fang of Vashj] - level 138 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Lady Vashj in SSC.
  • [Tracker's Blade] - level 141 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Rage Winterchill in Hyjal Summit.
  • [Boundless Agony] - level 141 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Azgalor in Hyjal Summit.
  • [Messenger of Fate] - level 141 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Gurtogg Bloodboil in Black Temple.
  • [Shard of Azzinoth] - level 151 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic dagger from Illidan Stormrage in Black Temple.

Sword Rogue[]

Ideally, sword rogues should have a hard-hitting, slow weapon for their main hand, because Sinister Strike and other attacks are based on single-hit weapon damage. A faster weapon serves well in the off-hand, so that it can apply poisons more quickly, and proc combat potency more often.

For the Horde, there's an excellent sword available as a reward for a Blackfathom Deeps quest, the [Outlaw Sabre]. Also, rogues might try for a drop from the final boss in Deadmines, the [Cruel Barb], as there are no rare swords available from quests.

At about level 36 or so there are few choices better than these swords:

  • [Speedsteel Rapier] - World Drop with +8 Agility, +3 Stamina and a speed of 1.80.
  • [Ginn-su Sword] - World Drop with +8 Agility, +4 Strength, and a speed of 1.70.
  • [Vanquisher's Sword] - reward for the quest to kill the Razorfen Downs boss
  • [Sword of Omen] (Horde) / [Sword of Serenity] (Alliance) - reward for the quest to kill the Scarlet Monastery bosses

These can last you quite a while, so try to finish these quests as early as possible, it's worth it.

The next good sword available as a quest reward is the [Thrash Blade], from Maraudon, around level 47. This is a great main-hand weapon. While there are a few better swords available below level 60, they are not much better, and can be hard (i.e. expensive) to obtain. You won't find swords much better for your off-hand than Vanquisher's Sword until about level 50, when some good random drop swords are available. Look for [Hanzo Sword] or [Doomforged Straightedge], but be prepared to pay a lot for them.

If you love Warsong Gulch enough to get Revered, the swords you can buy from the Warsong vendor are very good for their level, you need look no further for a main-hand sword. They are slow, however, so you may want a faster weapon for your off-hand.

Notable swords:

  • [Cruel Barb] - level 24 (19 required) Bind on Pickup superior sword from Edwin VanCleef in the Deadmines.
  • [Outlaw Sabre] - level 30 Bind on Pickup quest reward from H [30] Baron Aquanis in Blackfathom Deeps.
  • [Sword of Omen] - level 44 (33 required) from Horde quest Into the Scarlet Monastery from Varimathras in the Undercity.
  • [Ginn-su Sword] - Level 36 sword.
  • [Speedsteel Rapier] - level 41 (36 required) World Drop.
  • [Thrash Blade] - Quest reward from the Maraudon quest where you need to kill Princess
  • [Hanzo Sword] - Fast 1.50 speed off-hand sword with nice instant damage CoH attack; goes great with a Thrash Blade in the early 50s. Random world drop.
  • [Vanquisher's Sword] - level 44 (37 required) from quest Bring the End from Andrew Brownell in the Undercity.
  • [Krol Blade] - level 56 (51 required) Bind on Equip epic sword. Random world drop.
  • [Mirah's Song] - Quest reward from the Ras Frostwhisper quest line in Scholomance
  • [Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge] - level 63 (58 required) Bind on Pickup superior sword from Rend Blackhand of Blackrock Spire.
  • [Dal'Rend's Tribal Guardian] - level 63 (58 required) Bind on Pickup superior sword from Rend Blackhand of Blackrock Spire.
  • [Ravenholdt Slicer] - Quest reward from Silithus
  • [Warblade of the Hakkari] - level 66 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic sword (offhand) from Bloodlord Mandokir in the Zul'Gurub instance.
  • [Brutality Blade] - level 70 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic sword from Garr in the Molten Core instance.
  • [Vis'kag the Bloodletter] - level 74 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic sword from Onyxia from Onyxia's Lair.
  • [Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight] - level 75 (60 required) BoP epic sword from Broodlord Lashslayer from Blackwing Lair.
  • [Chromatically Tempered Sword] - level 77 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic sword from Chromaggus in Blackwing Lair.
  • [Ancient Qiraji Ripper] - level 77 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic sword from Fankriss the Unyielding in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.
  • [Latro's Shifting Sword] - level 115 (70 required) Bind on Pickup rare drop from Aeonus in the Black Morass, one of the best off-hand swords at lvl 70 outside of the arena rewards, at least until...
  • [Quickening Blade of the Prince] - level 125 (70 required) Bind on pickup epic drop from Kael'thas in heroic mode of Magister's Terrace.
  • [Blade of Savagery] - level 141 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic drop from Mother Shahraz in the Black Temple.
  • [The Twin Blades of Azzinoth] - level 156 (70 required) First "Take-home" legendary BC weapons in the game. Drop from Illidan Stormrage in the Black Temple.

Hammer Rogue[]

Notable maces:

  • [Wirt's Third Leg] - level 45 (40 required) Bind on Equip rare mace.
  • [Stormstrike Hammer] - level 65 (60 required) Bind on Pickup, requires revered with Alterac Valley (Alliance only)
  • [Mass of McGowan] - level 62 (57 required) Bind on Equip superior mace. Random world drop.
  • [Empyrean Demolisher] - No longer obtainable. level 66 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic mace from Kazzak in Blasted Lands.
  • [Sand Polished Hammer] - level 72 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic mace from Ossirian the Unscarred in Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.
  • [Misplaced Servo Arm] - level 83 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic mace. Has a small chance of dropping from the various trash mobs in Naxxramas.

Fist Rogue[]

Fistweapons are very uncommon weapons for rogues, but not due to any particular lack for power - the simple problem is that, compared to swords and daggers, there are very, very few options for fistweapons. Also, as often as not, fistweapons are itemized for Enhancement shamans (Matching sets being slow both main and offhand) - which turns some off.

Notable fist weapons:

  • [Thekal's Grasp] - level 65 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic fist weapon from High Priest Thekal in Zul'Gurub.
  • [Arlokk's Grasp] - level 65 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic fist weapon from High Priestess Arlokk in Zul'Gurub.
  • [Claw of the Black Drake] - level 75 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic fist weapon from Firemaw in Blackwing Lair.
  • [Claw of the Frost Wyrm] - level 88 (60 required) Bind on Pickup epic fist weapon from Sapphiron in Naxxramas.
  • [Sporeling Claw] - level 94 quested rare fist weapon from Fhwoor Smash! quest in Zangarmarsh.
  • [Creepjacker] - level 97 (64 required) Bind on Pickup rare fist weapon from Pandemonius in Mana-Tombs.
  • [Mag'hari Fury Brand] - level 103 quested rare fist weapon from The Ring of Blood: The Final Challenge! quest in Nagrand.
  • [The Bladefist] - level 105 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic fist weapon from Warchief Kargath Bladefist in heroic mode of The Shattered Halls.
  • [Stormreaver Warblades] - level 115 (70 required) Bind on Pickup rare fist weapon from High Botanist Freywinn in The Botanica.
  • [Claw of the Watcher] - level 115 (70 required) Bind on Pickup rare fist weapon from Shirrak the Dead Watcher in heroic Auchenai Crypts.
  • [Reflex Blades] - level 115 (70 required) Bind on Pickup rare fist weapon from Dalliah the Doomsayer in The Arcatraz.
  • [Demonblood Eviscerator] - level 115 (70 required) Bind on Pickup rare fist weapon from Warchief Kargath Bladefist in The Shattered Halls.
  • [Boggspine Knuckles] - level 115 (70 required) Bind on Pickup rare fist weapon from Hungarfen in heroic mode of The Underbog.
  • [Big Bad Wolf's Paw] - level 115 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic fist weapon from Big Bad Wolf in Karazhan.
  • [Talon of the Phoenix] - level 128 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic fist weapon from Al'ar in The Eye.
  • [Claw of the Phoenix] - level 128 (70 required) Bind on Pickup epic fist weapon from Al'ar in The Eye.

Bow & Gun & Thrown[]

Thrown weapons are excellent for high level PvP thanks to Deadly Throw. For PvE, choice of ranged item is based on attributes.

item categories sheer Attributes chance to crit chance to hit
  • [Huhuran's Stinger](18agi)
  • [Heartstriker](9sta/24ap)
  • [Bow of Taut Sinew](8NR/22ap)
  • [Mandokir's Sting](11agi/8sta)
  • [Hoodoo Hunting Bow](10agi/4sta)
  • [Eaglehorn Long Bow](10agi/4sta)
  • [Outrider's Bow](10sta/4agi)
  • [Gorewood Bow](2str/3agi/9sta)
  • [Ancient Bone Bow](11agi)
  • [Screeching Bow](3sta/10SR)
  • [Riphook](22ap)
  • [Gryphonwing Long Bow](8agi/4sta)
  • [Striker's Mark](24ap/1%)
  • [Satyr's Bow](3agi/1%)
  • [Polished Ironwood Crossbow] (5sta/7NR/24ap)
  • [Bloodseeker](8str/7agi)
  • [Carapace Spine Crossbow](4agi/9sta)
  • [Heartseeking Crossbow](9agi/4sta)


  • [Crossbow of Imminent Doom]
  • [Blackcrow](1%)
  • [Dragonbreath Hand Cannon](14agi/7sta)
  • [Gurubashi Dwarf Destroyer](30ap)
  • [Precisely Calibrated Boomstick](14agi)
  • [Silithid Husked Launcher](10sta/4agi)
  • [Crystal Slugthrower](4sta/20ap)
  • [Xorothian Firestick](4agi/6sta/6SR)
  • [Willey's Portable Howitzer](9sta/4spi)
  • [Blastershot Launcher](6sta/1%)


Typically, there are only four types of enchants rogues use. Those include:

Easily the most expensive and best enchant available for rogues. Permanently enchants a Melee Weapon to occasionally increase Agility by 120 and attack speed slightly. Requires a level 35 or higher item. It has been theorized that the attack speed increase is 2% and the Agility increase yields 3.63% Critical Strike and 120 Attack Power.
+15 Agility
Using this formula: 29 Agility = 1% Crit, 2.07% Dodge, and 29 attack power. The +15 Agility enchant rewards about .5% crit, 1.07% dodge, and 15 attack power per enchant. Since rogues can dual wield, this means with a +15 Agility enchant on both weapons you output 1% Crit, 2.14% dodge, and 30 attack power. When Crusader procs it rewards 100 strength (since 1 str = 1 attack power for rogues) dual +15 agility is like having a passive 30.0% crusader enchant on at all times on both weapons. +15 Agility is also the premier offhand enchant. With almost any enchant combo, +15 agility is the best for the offhand. Because unlike +5 weapon damage, the crit, dodge, and attack power on the offhand affect both weapons at all times.
This enchant is used for rogues who plan to PvE more than anything else. It offers the best DPS output in raids. Use this on your mainhand dagger. It may be wise to put this on an offhand dagger but +15 Agility is usually the best option for the offhand. When it procs it grants the rogue 100 str, which equals 100 attack power since 1str = 1 attack power for rogues, for 15 seconds. It also heals the rogue for about 75-100+ health, which is perfect for PvE content (not so much so for PvP where burst damage is favored, small healing effects don't really matter. And yes, it can proc on both weapons if you have it enchanted to both of your weapons adding up to 200 attack power, however this is very, very rare for both weapons to proc on, or near the same time as each other.
+7 Weapon Damage
+7 Weapon damage is preferred for medium quality epic daggers such as The Lobotomizer, Fang of the Faceless, Gutgore Ripper, and so on. When weapons reach quality like the Perdition's Blade with a max damage of 137+, Mongoose is the preferred enchant. Most PvP specced dagger rogues choose +5 weapon damage for their mainhand, and +15 agility for their offhand.

Rogues also may use Fiery and Lifestealing enchants but this is less common than the four listed above.

For those of you looking for +Agi 70 gear here's your list

Level 70 +Agility gear[]

[Chestguard of the Conniver] +33 agi
[Nimble-foot Treads] +32 agi
[Gloves of Dexterous Manipulation] +32 agi
[Cobrascale Hood] +37 agi
[Deathmantle Legguards] +41 agi
[Deathmantle Shoulderpads] +31 agi
[Girdle of the Deathdealer] +27 agi
[Nightfall Wristguards] +23 agi
[Shapeshifter's Signet] +23 agi
[Drape of the Dark Reavers] +22 agi
[Delicate Eternium Ring] +25 agi
2x[Felsteel Longblade] +52 agi
[Felsteel Longblade] & [Guile of Khoraazi] (for the Dagger/sword Build) +50 agi
[Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix] +19 agi

Total:+394 agility, or +392 if you go with the Dagger/Sword Build

External links[]
