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Razorfen Kraul
Razorfen Kraul loading screen
Razorfen Kraul loading graphic
LocationSouthern Barrens
Race(s)QuilboarQuilboar Quilboar
End bossCharlga Razorflank
Advised level30-40
Minimum level25
Player limit5 (10)

Razorfen Kraul is the ancestral home of the quilboar, heavily entrenched within the thorns that supposedly sprang from the corpse of the demigod Agamaggan. It is found in the Southern Barrens, at the far southern edge, west side. The enemy level range is 21-35. The meeting stone for this instance is at [43, 95]



From old World Dungeons site:

Ten thousand years ago - during the War of the Ancients, the mighty demigod, Agamaggan, came forth to battle the Burning Legion. Though the colossal boar fell in combat, his actions helped save Azeroth from ruin. Yet over time, in the areas where his blood fell, massive thorn-ridden vines sprouted from the earth. The quilboar - believed to be the mortal offspring of the mighty god, came to occupy these regions and hold them sacred. The heart of these thorn-colonies was known as the Razorfen. The great mass of Razorfen Kraul was conquered by the old crone, Charlga Razorflank. Under her rule, the shamanistic quilboar stage attacks on rival tribes as well as Horde villages. Some speculate that Charlga has even been negotiating with agents of the Scourge - aligning her unsuspecting tribe with the ranks of the Undead for some insidious purpose.



Razorfen Kraul

The entrance to Razorfen Kraul


Razorfen Kraul bosses

Quest Guide[]

Quest name Quest giver Zone location
Neutral 15 Neutral quests
N [35] Agamaggan Tauren maleNeutral Auld Stonespire Razorfen Kraul
N [35] Agamaggan's Charge IconSmall BoarNeutral Spirit of Agamaggan Razorfen Kraul
N [35] Going, Going, Guano! Tauren maleNeutral Auld Stonespire Razorfen Kraul
N [35] Take Them Down! Tauren maleNeutral Auld Stonespire Razorfen Kraul
N [30] Willix the Importer Goblin maleNeutral Willix the Importer In the instance
N [33] Feeling Thorny Orc femaleNeutral Mahka Southern Barrens
Icon Cataclysm 18x18 Removed quests
Quest name Quest giver Zone location
Alliance Alliance quests
A [27] The Crone of the Kraul NightElf maleAlliance Falfindel Waywarder Thalanaar, Feralas
A [30] Mortality Wanes NightElf maleAlliance Heralath Fallowbrook Tent at the end of the instance
Horde Horde quests
H [27] A Vengeful Fate Tauren maleHorde Auld Stonespire Lower Rise, Thunder Bluff
H [36] An Unholy Alliance INV Scroll 03[Small Scroll], drop
from Charlga Razorflank
End of the instance
Neutral 15 Neutral quests
N [26] Blueleaf Tubers Goblin maleNeutral Mebok Mizzyrix Ratchet, the Barrens
Neutral 15 Class specific quests
A Warrior [28] Fire Hardened Mail Dwarf maleAlliance Furen Longbeard The Dwarven District, Stormwind
H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor Orc maleHorde Thun'grim Firegaze Hill east of the Crossroads, the Barrens




  • Silver Vein
  • Iron Deposit
  • Gold Vein

Dungeon Denizens[]

  • IconSmall Bat Bats
  • IconSmall Boar Boars
  • IconSmall Earth Earth elementals
  • Goblin male Goblins (one, Willix the Importer)
  • IconSmall Hyena Hyenas
  • NightElf male Night elves (one, Heralath Fallowbrook)
  • Quilboar maleQuilboar female Quilboar


  • Blood of Agamaggan: casts Curse of Blood
  • Kraul Bat
  • Greater Kraul Bat: casts Sonic Burst
  • Agam'ar
  • Raging Agam'ar: enrages at low health
  • Rotting Agam'ar: casts Cursed Blood
Razorfen Tribe
  • Razorfen Servitor
  • Razorfen Warrior
  • Razorfen Quilguard: casts Devotion Aura, Thunderclap, Battle Stance
  • Razorfen Warden: casts Net
  • Razorfen Handler: casts Shoot. Has a Tamed Hyena as a pet.
  • Razorfen Geomancer: casts Lightning Bolt. Has a Stone Rumbler as a minion.
  • Razorfen Defender: casts Improved Blocking, Defensive Stance, Shield Bash
  • Razorfen Groundshaker: casts Ground Tremor, Earth Shock
  • Razorfen Beast Trainer: casts Shoot, Frost Shot. Has a Tamed Battle Boar as a pet.
  • Razorfen Stalker: has Stealth, casts Backstab
  • Razorfen Dustweaver: casts Enveloping Winds. Has a Wind Howler as a minion.
  • Razorfen Totemic: Puts down Healing Ward V and Earthgrab Totems.
  • Quilguard Champion: casts Devotion Aura, Sunder Armor, Defensive Stance
  • Razorfen Beastmaster: casts Shoot, Poisoned Shot. Has a Tamed Battleboar as a pet.
  • Razorfen Spearhide: casts Thorns Aura, Whirling Barrage
  • Ward Guardian: casts Healing Wave
Death's Head Tribe
  • Death's Head Priest: casts Shadow Bolt, Heal, Power Word: Fortitude
  • Death's Head Adept: casts Frostbolt, Chains of Ice
  • Death's Head Acolyte: casts Renew, Mana Burn
  • Death's Head Seer: Puts down Healing Ward V and Lava Spout Totems.
  • Death's Head Sage: Puts down Healing Ward V and Elemental Protection Totems.
  • Death's Head Ward Keeper


  • Charlga Razorflank (Final Boss)
  • Overlord Ramtusk
  • Agathelos the Raging
  • Death Speaker Jargba
  • Aggem Thorncurse
  • Roogug
  • Blind Hunter (Rare Spawn)
  • Earthcaller Halmgar (Rare Spawn)


Cataclysm This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.

The level range of Razorfen Kraul was raised to 30-40, and the quests were completely changed.


See Razorfen Kraul loot.

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 4.0.3a
  • Template:Patch 2.4.0
  • Template:Patch 2.3.0
  • Template:Patch 2.2.0
  • Patch 1.3.0 (patch date:2005-03-07): Capped at ten players. 

External links[]

This article has been tagged among the Pages that need revision.

Template:Southern Barrens

fr:Souilles de Tranchebauge
