Vanilla WoW Wiki
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Racial land mounts are typically the first mounts players will acquire. To purchase a racial land mount, players must either purchase their race's mount (such as horses for humans, or wolves for orcs), or gain exalted standing with that race's representative faction (such as exalted with Darnassus to purchase sabers). Flying mounts do not require any reputation rating.

In Cataclysm Cataclysm, the worgen do not get a racial mount, but instead use the ability [Running Wild] to achieve mount-like speeds.

Mount type +Speed Cost Requirements
Land Air Race Faction Riding skill
Alliance IconSmall Elekk Elekk mounts BC 60% 1g Draenei Exodar Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Ram Ram mounts 60% 1g Dwarf Ironforge Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Mechanostrider Mechanostrider mounts 60% 1g Gnome Gnomeregan Exiles Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Horse Horse mounts 60% 1g Human Stormwind Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Saber Saber mounts 60% 1g Night elf Darnassus Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Elekk Great elekk mounts BC 100% 10g Draenei Exodar Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Ram Swift ram mounts 100% 10g Dwarf Ironforge Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Mechanostrider Swift mechanostrider mounts 100% 10g Gnome Gnomeregan Exiles Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Horse Swift horse mounts 100% 10g Human Stormwind Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Saber Swift saber mounts 100% 10g Night elf Darnassus Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Gryphon Gryphon mounts BC 60% 150% 50g Expert (225)
IconSmall Gryphon Swift gryphon mounts BC 100% 280% 100g Artisan (300)
Horde IconSmall Hawkstrider Hawkstrider mounts BC 60% 1g Blood elf Silvermoon City Apprentice (75)
Inv misc questionmark Goblin Trike Cataclysm 60% 1g Goblin Bilgewater Cartel Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Wolf Wolf mounts 60% 1g Orc Orgrimmar Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Kodo Kodo mounts 60% 1g Tauren Thunder Bluff Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Raptor Raptor mounts 60% 1g Troll Darkspear Trolls Apprentice (75)
IconSmall SkeletalHorse Skeletal horse mounts 60% 1g Undead Undercity Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Hawkstrider Swift hawkstrider mounts BC 100% 10g Blood elf Silvermoon City Journeyman (150)
Inv misc questionmark Goblin Turbo-Trike Cataclysm 100% 10g Goblin Bilgewater Cartel Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Wolf Swift wolf mounts 100% 10g Orc Orgrimmar Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Kodo Great kodo mounts 100% 10g Tauren Thunder Bluff Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Raptor Swift raptor mounts 100% 10g Troll Darkspear Trolls Journeyman (150)
IconSmall SkeletalHorse Skeletal warhorse mounts 100% 10g Undead Undercity Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Wyvern Wyvern mounts BC 60% 150% 50g Expert (225)
IconSmall Wyvern Swift wyvern mounts BC 100% 280% 100g Artisan (300)
Both Inv misc questionmarkDragon Turtle Mists of Pandaria Pandaren Apprentice (75)
Inv misc questionmarkGreat Dragon Turtle Mists of Pandaria Pandaren Journeyman (150)

See also[]
