In World of Warcraft[]
The term quartermaster has a number of meanings in World of Warcraft.
Faction quartermasters[]
Various factions offer items usable only by characters who have sufficient reputation with the faction.
As of patch 4.0.3, the cloth and commendations quartermasters for each faction have been removed. These have been replaced with racial faction quartermasters. Tabards can be purchased from city quartermasters which will gain reputation for the wearer in dungeons.
Argent Quartermaster Hasana <The Argent Dawn>
Argent Quartermaster Lightspark <The Argent Dawn>
Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock <The Argent Dawn>
- Bloodsail Buccaneers (none)
- Brood of Nozdormu (none)
Rayne <Cenarion Circle>
Gelvas Grimegate <Darkmoon Faire Ticket Redemption>
Professor Thaddeus Paleo <Darkmoon Faire Cards & Exotic Goods>
- Gelkis Clan Centaur (none)
- Hydraxian Waterlords (none)
- Magram Clan Centaur (none)
- Ravenholdt (none)
- Shen'dralar (none)
Lokhtos Darkbargainer <The Thorium Brotherhood>
Meilosh (Timbermaw Hold)
Provisioner Vredigar (Tranquillien)
Rin'wosho the Trader <Zandalar Supplies & Repair> (Zandalar Tribe)
Race and city[]
Zjolnir <Raptor Handler> (Darkspear Trolls)
Ogunaro Wolfrunner <Kennel Master> (Orgrimmar)
Harb Clawhoof <Kodo Mounts> (Thunder Bluff)
Zachariah Post <Undead Horse Merchant> (Undercity)
Winaestra <Hawkstrider Breeder> (Silvermoon City)
Captain Donald Adams <Undercity Quartermaster> (Undercity)(Trade Quarter)
Magistrix Nizara <Silvermoon Quartermaster> (Silvermoon City) - At the Silvermoon Flightmaster
Champion Uru'zin <Darkspear Quartermaster> (Orgrimmar) - At the Orgrimmar Flightpath near Zeppelins
Stoneguard Nargol <Orgrimmar Quartermaster> (Orgrimmar) - At the Orgrimmar Flightpath near Zeppelins
Frizzo Villamar <Bilgewater Cartel Quartermaster> (Orgrimmar) - At the Orgrimmar Flightpath near Zeppelins
Brave Tuho <Thunder Bluff Quartermaster> (Thunder Bluff) - Next to the Flightmaster
Horde Expedition[]
Sebastian Crane <Horde Expedition Quartermaster> (The Hand of Vengeance)
Quartermaster Bartlett <Blacksmithing Supplies> (The Hand of Vengeance)
Magistrix Lambriesse <Emblem of Heroism Quartermaster> (The Sunreavers)
Magister Brasael <Emblem of Valor Quartermaster> (The Sunreavers)
- The Taunka (none)
Stone Guard Mukar <Wintergrasp Quartermaster> (Warsong Offensive in Wintergrasp Keep)
Champion Ros'slai <Wintergrasp Quartermaster> (Warsong Offensive in Wintergrasp Keep)
Quartermaster Gakzug (Warsong Offensive)
Quartermaster Holgoth (Warsong Offensive)
Gara Skullcrush <Horde Expedition Quartermaster> (Warsong Offensive)
Rutherford Twing <Defilers Supply Officer>
Kelm Hargunth <Warsong Supply Officer> (Warsong Outriders)
Jekyll Flandring <Frostwolf Supply Officer> (Frostwolf Clan)
Grunnda Wolfheart <Frostwolf Supply Officer> (Frostwolf Clan)
Frostwolf Quartermaster (Frostwolf Clan)
Officer Vu'Shalay <Darkspear Commendations>
Officer Redblade <Orgrimmar Commendations>
Officer Thunderstrider <Thunder Bluff Commendations>
Officer Gothena <Undercity Commendations>
Officer Dawning <Silvermoon City Commendations>
Race and city[]
Lelanai <Saber Handler> (Darnassus)
Kadu <Quartemaster> (Exodar)
Milli Featherwhistle <Mechanostrider Merchant> (Gnomeregan Exiles)
Veron Amberstill <Ram Breeder> (Ironforge)
Unger Statforth <Horse Breeder> (Stormwind)
Merideth Carlson <Horse Breeder> (Stormwind)
Katie Hunter <Horse Breeder> (Stormwind)
Torallius the Pack Handler <Elekk Breeder> (Exodar)
Alliance Vanguard[]
Logistics Officer Brighton <Alliance Vanguard Quartermaster> (Valiance Expedition)
Logistics Officer Silverstone <Alliance Vanguard Quartermaster> (Valiance Expedition)
Quartermaster Brevin (Valiance Expedition)
Quartermaster McCarty <Innkeeper> (Valiance Expedition)
Marshal Magruder <Wintergrasp Quartermaster> (Valiance Expedition in Wintergrasp Keep)
Knight Dameron <Wintergrasp Quartermaster> (Valiance Expedition in Wintergrasp Keep)
- Explorers' League (none)
Arcanist Adurin <Emblem of Valor Quartermaster> (The Silver Covenant)
Arcanist Ivrenne <Emblem of Heroism Quartermaster> (The Silver Covenant)
- The Frostborn (none)
Samuel Hawke <League of Arathor Supply Officer>>
Illiyana Moonblaze <Silverwing Supply Officer> (Silverwing Sentinels)
Gaelden Hammersmith <Stormpike Supply Officer> (Stormpike Guard)
Thanthaldis Snowgleam <Stormpike Supply Officer> (Stormpike Guard)
Officer Lunalight <Darnassus Commendations>
Officer Porterhouse <Gnomeregan Exiles Commendations>
Officer Ironbeard <Ironforge Commendations>
Officer Maloof <Stormwind Commendations>
Officer Khaluun <Exodar Commendations>
Shattrath City[]
Nakodu <Lower City Quartermaster>
Grella <Skyguard Quartermaster> (Sha'tari Skyguard)
Shaani <Jewelcrafting Supplies> (Shattered Sun Offensive)
Ontuvo <Jewelcrafting Supplies> (Shattered Sun Offensive)
Eldara Dawnrunner <Shattered Sun Quartermaster> (Shattered Sun Offensive)
Almaador <Sha'tari Quartermaster>
G'eras (Sha'tar)
Quartermaster Endarin <Aldor Quartermaster>
Inscriber Saalyn <Aldor Inscriptions>
Haldor the Compulsive <Aldor Apothecary>
Asuur <Keeper of Sha'tari Artifacts> (Aldor)
Kelara <Keeper of Sha'tari Heirlooms> (Aldor)
Marksman Bova <Specialty Ammunition Vendor> (Aldor)
Quartermaster Enuril <Scryers Quartermaster>
Inscriber Veredis <Scryer Inscriptions> (Scryers)
Arcanist Xorith <Scryer Apothecary> (Scryers)
Archer Delvinar <Specialty Ammunition Vendor> (Scryers)
Arodis Sunblade <Keeper of Sha'tari Artifacts> (Scryers)
Veynna Dawnstar <Keeper of Sha'tari Heirlooms> (Scryers)
Sholazar Basin[]
Tanak <Frenzyheart Quartermaster> (Frenzyheart Tribe)
Geen <Oracles Quartermaster>
Steamwheedle Cartel[]
In Burning Crusade[]
Okuno <Ashtongue Deathsworn Quartermaster>
Fedryen Swiftspear <Cenarion Expedition Quartermaster>
Logistics Officer Ulrike <Honor Hold Quartermaster>
Alurmi <Keepers of Time Quartermaster>
Trader Narasu <Kurenai Quartermaster>
Drake Dealer Hurlunk (Netherwing)
Jho'nass <Ogri'la Quartermaster>
Mycah <Sporeggar Quartermaster>
Provisioner Nasela <Mag'har Quartermaster>
Quartermaster Urgronn <Thrallmar Quartermaster>
Indormi <Keeper of Ancient Gem Lore> (The Scale of the Sands)
Soridormi <The Scale of Sands>
Tydormu <Keeper of Lost Artifacts> (The Scale of the Sands)
Apprentice Darius (The Violet Eye)
Archmage Leryda (The Violet Eye)
Koren <The Blacksmith> (The Violet Eye)
In Wrath of the Lich King[]
Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard <Argent Crusade Quartermaster>
Tanaika <Kalu'ak Quartermaster>
Sairuk <Kalu'ak Quartermaster>
Archmage Alvareaux <Kirin Tor Quartermaster>
Duchess Mynx <Ebon Blade Quartermaster> (Knights of the Ebon Blade)
Lillehoff <The Sons of Hodir Quartermaster>
Cielstrasza <Wyrmrest Accord Quartermaster>
In Cataclysm[]
Provisioner Whitecloud <Guardians of Hyjal Quartermaster>
Provisioner Arok <Earthen Ring Quartermaster>
D'lom the Collector <Therazane Quartermaster>
Blacksmith Abasi <Ramkahen Quartermaster>
Naresir Stormfury <Avengers of Hyjal Quartermaster>
Craw MacGraw <Wildhammer Clan Quartermaster>
Quartermaster Brazie <Baradin's Wardens Quartermaster>
Grot Deathblow <Dragonmaw Clan Quartermaster>
Pogg <Hellscream's Reach Quartermaster>
In Mists of Pandaria[]
- Ambersmith Zikk <Klaxxi Quartermaster>
- Commander Lo Ping <Justice Quartermaster>
- Commander Oxheart <Valor Quartermaster>
- Elder Sage Zephyr <Elders Quartermaster>
- Jaluu the Generous <Golden Lotus Quartermaster>
- Master Craftsman Soong <Craftsmen Quartermaster>
- Nana Mudclaw <Tillers Quartermaster>
- Nat Pagle <The Anglers Quartermaster>
- Rushi the Fox <Shado-Pan Quartermaster>
- Sage Lotusbloom <August Celestials Quartermaster>
- Teng Thundermalt <Brewmasters Quartermaster>
- Syndicate (none)
Rivern Frostwind <Wintersaber Trainer> (Wintersaber Trainers)
PvP quartermasters[]
PvP quartermasters offer items in exchange for honor points and tokens. Take note that this listing is not complete.
World PvP[]
Hellfire Peninsula/Zangarmarsh[]
The following vendors take Mark of Honor Hold tokens as currency.
Terrokar Forest[]
The following vendors take Spirit Shard tokens as currency.
The following vendors take Halaa Battle Tokens and Halaa Research Tokens as currency.
Aldraan <Blade Merchant>
Quartermaster Davian Vaclav
Coreiel <Blade Merchant>
Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe
Warsong Gulch[]
The following vendors take [Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor] tokens as currency.
Brave Stonehide <Officer Accessories Quartermaster>
First Sergeant Hola'mahi <Armor Quartermaster>
Raider Bork <Mount Quartermaster>
Stone Guard Zarg <Weapons Quartermaster>
Master Sergeant Biggins <Officer Accessories Quartermaster>
Sergeant Major Clate <Armor Quartermaster>
Arathi Basin[]
The following vendors take [Arathi Basin Mark of Honor] tokens as currency.
First Sergeant Hola'mahi <Armor Quartermaster>
Raider Bork <Mount Quartermaster>
Stone Guard Zarg <Weapons Quartermaster>
Lieutenant Jackspring <Weapons Quartermaster>
Master Sergeant Biggins <Officer Accessories Quartermaster>
Sergeant Major Clate <Armor Quartermaster>
Alterac Valley[]
The following vendors take [Alterac Valley Mark of Honor] tokens as currency.
First Sergeant Hola'mahi <Armor Quartermaster>
Raider Bork <Mount Quartermaster>
Stone Guard Zarg <Weapons Quartermaster>
Lieutenant Jackspring <Weapons Quartermaster>
Master Sergeant Biggins <Officer Accessories Quartermaster>
Sergeant Major Clate <Armor Quartermaster>
Eye of the Storm[]
The following vendors take [Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor] tokens as currency.
Brave Stonehide <Officer Accessories Quartermaster>
Master Sergeant Biggins <Officer Accessories Quartermaster>
Strand of the Ancients[]
Strand of the Ancients is associated with the Strand of the Ancients Mark of Honor token. It currently does not have any associated quartermasters.
The following vendors may take only Arena Points or it may be a mix of
battleground tokens and
honor points.
Just honor[]
These vendors require only honor to purchase their wares.
Captain Dirgehammer <Apprentice Armor Quartermaster>
Captain O'Neal <Jewelcrafting Quartermaster>
Sergeant Thunderhorn <Apprentice Armor Quartermaster>
Lady Palanseer <Jewelcrafting Quartermaster>
Miscellaneous quartermasters[]
Additionally, there are a few mobs and vendors with "quartermaster" in their name simply as a matter of flavor.
Frostwolf Quartermaster
Quartermaster Drake <Supplies>
Quartermaster Gorman <Rations>
Quartermaster Hicks <Master Weaponsmith>
Quartermaster Hudson <Armorer & Shieldcrafter>
Quartermaster Lewis <Quartermaster>
Quartermaster Lungertz (quest giver)
Quartermaster Lymel <General Goods>
Stormpike Quartermaster
Draenei Quartermaster (non-interactive)
Quartermaster Zigris <Bloodaxe Legion> (Lower Blackrock Spire boss)
Scarshield Quartermaster <Scarshield Legion>
Cloth quartermasters[]
As of Patch 4.0.3, the cloth quartermasters have been removed. Cloth quartermasters were used to gain reputation with faction cities quickly.
Bubulo Acerbus <Alliance Cloth Quartermaster>
Clavicus Knavingham <Alliance Cloth Quartermaster>
Dugiru <Alliance Cloth Quartermaster>
Mistina Steelshield <Alliance Cloth Quartermaster>
Raedon Duskstriker <Alliance Cloth Quartermaster>
Ralston Farnsley <Horde Cloth Quartermaster>
Rashona Straglash <Horde Cloth Quartermaster>
Rumstag Proudstrider <Horde Cloth Quartermaster>
Sorim Lightsong <Horde Cloth Quartermaster>
Vehena <Horde Cloth Quartermaster>
External links[]

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