Vanilla WoW Wiki

PvP-Epic is a type of item set. Each set consist of 6 pieces.


There are two sets per class, one for the alliance and one for the horde.

Class Set
Alliance / Horde
Druid Druid Field Marshal's Sanctuary / Warlord's Sanctuary
Hunter Hunter Field Marshal's Pursuit / Warlord's Pursuit
Mage Mage Field Marshal's Regalia / Warlord's Regalia
Paladin Paladin Field Marshal's Aegis / Warlord's Aegis
Priest Priest Field Marshal's Raiment / Warlord's Raiment
Rogue Rogue Field Marshal's Vestments / Warlord's Vestments
Shaman Shaman Field Marshal's Earthshaker / Warlord's Earthshaker
Warlock Warlock Field Marshal's Threads / Warlord's Threads
Warrior Warrior Field Marshal's Battlegear / Warlord's Battlegear


The Items that form those sets are purchasable for Honor Points in Orgrimmar or Stormwind. For details, refer to the set page.


Earlier, this set was obtainable by having reached a PVP-Rank rather than having enough honor points.
