Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki
For lore of the class, see priest.
For lore of the class with this specific race, see Priest races#Blood elf priests and Priest races#High elf priests.
Race Human (High elf, Blood elf)
Role Healer
Base unit N/A
Faction Human Alliance
Hit points 290 (370*)
Hit point regeneration Always
Hit point regen. rate 0.25 HP/sec.
Mana 200 (400*)
Mana regen. rate 0.667 (1.167*) Mana/sec.
Unit Classified As: Ground
Level 2
Gold 135 Gold
Lumber 10 Lumber
Food 2 Food
Produced at Arcane Sanctum
Build time 28 sec.
Requires N/A
Gold Bounty Awarded 26-38BTNPillage
Transport slots 1
Attacking priority 7
Sleeps False
Hotkey P
Weapon(s) Staff
Normal attack: 8.5 avg
Can attack: Ground, Structure, Debris, Air, Item, Ward
Range 600
Attack type Magic
Cooldown 2.00 sec.
Weapon type Missile
Armor Type Flesh
Defense Type Unarmored
Armor 0
Day Sight 1400
Night Sight 800
Movement Speed Average (270)
Sound Set Priest

The Priest, a holy field medic, these padres roam the battlefield curing the wounds of fallen comrades.


Priests can be a very important part of a Human army. While Healing and Dispel can be very useful many prefer Priests for their Inner Fire ability. Inner Fire can be an alternative to Orc Shaman Bloodlust and especially useful in team games. Healing can help return units to full health saving you the cost of replacing them. Dispel Magic is useful for countering powerful spells such as Bloodlust and Slow. Dispel Magic is also useful against Skeleton and other summoned units.

Remember to research Adept and Master Training. Besides just giving extra spells these upgrades also increase mana capacity and mana regeneration which is exactly what you want on spell casting units.

Spells and abilities[]

Heal (Autocast)[]

Heals a target friendly non-mechanical wounded unit for 25 hit points.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements
None Always Available None
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
Instant 1 sec. 5 25 N/A Air, Ground, Friend, Self, Organic, Non Ancient Heals 25 HP

Any friendly unit within acquisition range of the Priest will be automatically healed. The auto-healing function does not work when the Priest is in Hold Position.

Dispel Magic[]

Removes all buffs from units in a target area. Deals 200 damage to summoned units.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements
100 WC3gold 50 WC3lumber Arcane Sanctum Priest Adept Training
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
Instant None 75 50 20 Air, Ground, Ward Removes all spells, 200 damage to summoned units

Dispel Magic has many different uses such as removing buffs and de-buffs. Dispel Magic is also useful for damaging summoned units.

Inner Fire (Autocast)[]

Increases a target friendly unit's damage by 10% and armor by 5.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements
100 WC3gold 150 WC3lumber Arcane Sanctum Priest Master Training
Duration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
60 sec. 1 sec. 35 50 Unit Air, Ground, Friend Damage +10%, Armor +5

Inner Fire is a very powerful spell since it both increases damage and armor. On Knights it can make them very difficult to kill. Inner Fire is especially useful in team games where many allied units can be buffed with Inner Fire. Inner Fire can be a good alternative to Bloodlust.


Priest Adept Training
Increases mana capacity by 100, mana regeneration rate by 30%, hit points by 40, and gives Priests the ability to cast Dispel Magic
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
100 WC3gold 50 WC3lumber Arcane Sanctum None 60 sec.
Priest Master Training
Further increases mana capacity by 100, mana regeneration rate by 30%, hit points by 40, and gives him the ability to cast Inner Fire.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
100 WC3gold 150 WC3lumber Arcane Sanctum Priest Adept Training, Castle 75 sec.

Manual description[]

Despite the high elves' official departure from the Alliance, some elves still remain true to their former human and dwarven allies. The altruistic priests of Quel'Thalas refused to abandon their roles as healers and agreed to remain in Lordaeron despite the edicts from their reclusive masters in Silvermoon. The high elven priests use their Light-given powers to heal the wounded and bolster the spirits of Lordaeron's fighting elite.

World Editor description[]

Supporting spellcaster. Can initially cast Heal, which increases the life of wounded units. Can also learn Dispel Magic and Inner Fire.


External links[]
