Vanilla WoW Wiki
Ability druid supriseattack
  • Pounce
  • Melee range
  • 50 Energy
  • Instant cast
  • Requires Cat Form
  • Pounce, stunning the target for 4 sec and causing X Bleed damage over 18 sec. Must be prowling. Awards 1 combo point.
Usable by
SchoolPhysical (Bleed)
Cooldown (GCD 1 sec)
Level required32
Other information
RequirementsRequires Cat Form
Related debuff
Ability druid supriseattack
  • Pounce
  • Stunned.
  • Duration: 4 seconds
Related debuff
Ability druid supriseattack
  • Pounce Bleed
  • Bleeding for X damage every 3 seconds.
  • Duration: 18 seconds

Pounce is a druid ability learned at level 32. It is a sneak attack that stuns the target for a short period and applies a bleed effect.


  • This ability can be considered as the equivalent of the Rogue ability Cheap Shot.
  • A helpful initial attack when you need to get in a couple of attacks before the target has a chance to do anything.
  • Also helpful when sneak attacking an enemy with a group.
  • However, if you wish to deal the most damage possible in a shorter duration and/or if stun or bleeding effects aren't useful on your target (immunity, for example), you may use [Ravage] as an opener. Some things that are immune to bleeds can still be affected by the stun, which may allow you to get off one or more [Shred]s.

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 3.1.0
  • Since 2.0.1, Pounce Rank 4 lasts 3 seconds and deals 600 damage, increased by attack power, doesn't require behind target. It is now a reliable opener for Cat Form.

External links[]

