The portrait is a small, circular picture of a creature's head.
player character target From World of Warcrafts Interface at
- Additional notes
- The character's name and current Health and Mana bars (Energy or Rage bars if Rogue, Warrior, Cat Form or Bear Form; Runic Power if Death Knight) appear to the right of their portrait.)
- Additional Resources, such as Holy Power, Soul Shards, Runes, Lunar and Solar Power, and Chakra appear under the resource bar depending on the class.
- A small circular Level indicator appears at the bottom-left of the portrait (shows "zzz" if Resting).
- If your PvP Flag is on, it will appear above the Level indicator.
- You should always see your character's portrait at the top-left of the screen.
- Your character's portrait usually matches whatever your character is wearing.
- A smaller portrait of the character's pet will appear below the character's portrait with name, attribute bars and mood icon to the right, but no level indicator.
- The portrait of any selected (current target) creature should appear to the right of your character's portrait.
- The name and current Health and Mana bars (Energy or Rage bars if rogue or warrior) appear to the left of the portrait.
- The small circular Level indicator appears at the bottom-right. This will display a skull if the selected mob has a level much higher than yours (usually if more than 10 levels above you).
- Smaller portraits of any Party members should appear below your character's portrait. The party Leader will have a small crown icon at the top-left of the portrait.
- A dragon border appears around Elite creatures' portraits.
- The portrait will flash red if health is very low.