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Inv misc bomb 04
  • Pet Bombling
  • Item Level 41Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
  • Sell Price: 25s

Tiny Walking Bomb

Pet Bombling summons and dismisses Tiny Walking Bomb, a bom bot companion — it is a non-combat pet despite its appearance.


Pet Bombling is crafted by Engineers with a skill level of 205.

The components are:
Inv misc questionmark
1x [Big Iron Bomb]
Inv misc questionmark
1x [Heart of Fire]
Inv misc questionmark
1x [Fused Wiring]
Inv ingot 06
6x [Mithril Bar]
Raw materials for the engineer:
Inv misc questionmark
1x [Heart of Fire]
Inv ingot 06
6x [Mithril Bar]
Inv misc questionmark
3x Delicate Copper Wire
Spell fire volcano
2x [Essence of Fire]
Inv ingot iron
3x [Iron Bar]
Inv ingot 01
1x [Silver Bar]
Inv misc questionmark
3x Heavy Stone

4x Fused Wiring, 1x Big Iron Bomb and 4x Silver Contact will be left over if the engineer is provided with these materials.

Raw materials for the jewelcrafter:
Inv ingot 02
6x [Copper Bar]

The recipe for this item is taught by Schematic: Pet Bombling, which drops from Mekgineer Thermaplugg, the final boss of Gnomeregan.

Patch changes[]

Template:Patch 3.3.3 Template:Patch 3.1.0

External links[]
