Vanilla WoW Wiki
For other uses, see Overlord (disambiguation).
Overlord Mor'ghor
Title <Leader of the Dragonmaw>
Gender Male
Race Fel orc (Humanoid)
Level 73 - 84 Elite
Character class Warrior (Presumed)
Health ?? - 322,480
Reaction Alliance Horde (Netherwing Ledge)
Alliance Horde (Twilight Highlands)
Affiliation Dragonmaw clan, Horde, formerly Illidari and Black dragonflight
Occupation Overlord of the Dragonmaw Clan on Netherwing Ledge
Location Dragonmaw Base Camp, Netherwing Ledge
Icon Cataclysm 18x18 Dragonmaw Port, Twilight Highlands
Status Alive / Killable Icon Cataclysm 18x18
See Icon-3D-48x48

Overlord Mor'ghor is first encountered by players of both factions as an orc quest giver on Netherwing Ledge[66.2, 85.6]


in Shadowmoon Valley. He is friendly to players after completing the quest N [70] Blood Oath of the Netherwing. As Warchief Mor'ghor he is encountered solely by Horde players within the initial phases of Dragonmaw Port[75, 54]


in the Twilight Highlands.


Overlord Mor'ghor is the leader of the Dragonmaw Clan on Netherwing Ledge in Shadowmoon Valley and oversees all operations that take place there. It is presumed he is Zuluhed the Whacked’s second in command and is therefore the current Chieftain of the Dragonmaw when the player encounters him.

From his meeting with Lady Sinestra, it is possible he was an orc of high standing during the Dragonmaw's stay at Grim Batol and also an agent of the black dragonflight during this time. It is possible that he supplied Deathwing with information on Alexstrasza and the Dragon Soul's whereabouts which eventually led to the events that took place in Day of the Dragon. However, if this is the case, it means that Mor'ghor was either not present at the The Battle of Grim Batol, having already traveled to Outland with his chieftain, or he has only recently arrived there, which would mean that he survived the Dragon Queen's wrath and possibly served under Nek'rosh Skullcrusher. The latter theory is probably more likely, given Nek'rosh's connection with the Black Dragonflight. (See Dark Horde)

Whatever the case, it is known that Mor'ghor serves under Zuluhed and Illidan Stormrage as a fel orc and aids the Illidari in collecting valuable resources from Netherwing Ledge, much to the dismay of the Netherwing. However, Mor'ghor still secretly serves the Black Dragonflight as is apparent from both his conversation with Lady Sinestra and the player's conversation with the Murkblood Overseer in the Netherwing Mines. From both of these events it is shown that although the Dragonmaw under Mor'ghor are using much of the resources they take from the Ledge to supply Illidan's armies, they are also taking much of it for themselves and either selling it or giving it to the Black Dragonflight in return for mounts and the favor of the Dragonflight's master.


Cataclysm This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.

Mor'ghor, now in Dragonmaw Port, becomes the new Warchief of the Dragonmaw clan in the Twilight Highlands. He is unwilling to aid the Horde in the Highlands and this, in combination with his bloodthirsty nature, leads to a rebellion led by battlemaiden Zaela which ultimately results in his death.



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Following the player's completion of the Netherwing quest chain, it is possible that once the player escaped he could have fled to work once again with the black dragonflight back in Azeroth.


Netherwing Ledge, Shadowmoon Valley
  • N [70] Disrupting the Twilight Portal RRQ Avail 16x16RRQ Complete 16x16
  • N [70] Enter the Taskmaster Quest Avail 16x16
  • N [70] Kill Them All! Quest Avail 16x16
  • N [70] Lord Illidan Stormrage Quest Avail 16x16
  • N [70G] A Job Unfinished... Quest Complete 16x16
  • N [70] Bow to the Highlord Quest Complete 16x16
  • N [70] Hail, Commander! Quest Complete 16x16
  • N [70] In Service of the Illidari Quest Complete 16x16
  • N [70] Rise, Overseer! Quest Complete 16x16
  • N [70] Stand Tall, Captain! Quest Complete 16x16
  • N [70G] The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid RRQ Complete 16x16

Objective of[]

Dragonmaw Port, Twilight Highlands
  • N [84] Death to Mor'ghor


  • His name is a pun; Mor'ghor — More Gore.
  • His armor is the tier 6 armor for warriors.
  • He wields an enchanted Arcanite Reaper.

See also[]

  • List of Shadowmoon Valley NPCs

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 4.0.3a
  • Template:Patch 2.2.0

External Links[]

as Overlord, Shadowmoon Valley as Warchief, Twilight Highlands
Preceded by:
Zuluhed the Whacked
Chieftain of the Dragonmaw Clan (Outland)
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Nek'rosh Skullcrusher
Chieftain of the Dragonmaw Clan (Azeroth)
Succeeded by:
Warlord Zaela