Vanilla WoW Wiki
Nightslayer Armor

Nightslayer Armor

Nightslayer Armor is the Tier 1 set for Rogues.


All Tier 1 set items drop in Molten Core.

Item Source Bind
[Nightslayer Cover] Garr BoP
[Nightslayer Pants] Magmadar BoP
[Nightslayer Bracelets] Trash Mobs BoE
[Nightslayer Belt] Trash Mobs BoE
[Nightslayer Boots] Shazzrah BoP
[Nightslayer Gloves] Gehennas BoP
[Nightslayer Shoulder Pads] Sulfuron Harbinger BoP
[Nightslayer Chestpiece] Golemagg the Incinerator BoP


Nightslayer Armor
Inv helmet 41
Inv pants 06
Inv bracer 02
Inv belt 23
Inv boots 08
Inv gauntlets 21
Inv shoulder 25
Inv chest cloth 07


The Nightslayer set has rounded shoulder pieces that are jokingly referred to as "boob shoulders", "bowling balls", or "soup bowls".

When Combined with the Vigor Talent, increases maximum Energy to 120, though does not increase Energy Regeneration. This is considered most useful when combined with Energy Restoring trinkets such as Thistle Tea or Renataki's Charm of Trickery.

See also: Set look alikes

Patch changes[]

  • Patch 1.5.0 (patch date:2005-06-07):
    • Statistics, effects, and set bonuses updated.
    • New art has been added for the Nightslayer set. 

External links[]

{{navbox |name = Rogue sets |title = Rogue sets |state = plain

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