In World of Warcraft[]
The word neutral means:
- unfriendly ⇐ neutral ⇒ friendly
- The faction alignment of an NPC, town, or city that is not allied or hostile towards the Alliance or Horde. Contrast with Friendly and Unfriendly.
- Derivative; the availability of a quest or item that is obtained through an Neutral aligned NPC.
- Available to both Alliance and Horde is not the same thing as available through a Neutral NPC.
- Pairs of nearly identical quests that have an Alliance quest giver and end point and a Horde quest giver and end point are not a single Neutral quest.
- They are a pair of Alliance and Horde quests.
- The quest id numbers are different.
- The disposition alignment of a monster, beast, or NPC towards your character
- When you click on Neutral beasts or NPCs, their name and highlight will be yellow.
- Neutral creatures will not attack unless attacked.
- Neutral creatures become hostile when attacked, but will revert to neutral, if you go out of attack range for long enough.
- Most non-carnivorous beasts will be neutral.
- Goblins are typically neutral NPCs.
- You can talk to some neutral creatures.
- Not all Neutral creatures can be attacked.
- Darkmoon Faire NPCs cannot be attacked, even when they are Neutral.
- (Applies mainly to Horde) Neutral NPCs from your own faction generally cannot be attacked; there are specific exceptions.
- The Reputation Level 3000 points below Friendly and above Unfriendly.
- The members of a faction you have a Neutral reputation with will generally have a like disposition alignment towards you.
In Warcraft III[]
In Warcraft III, non-aligned creeps are considered neutral whether they are friendly, neutral, or hostile. Creeps are generally aggressive and hostile.
Roleplaying Game[]
In the RPG, neutral means:
- Refers various neutral alignments including:
- Neutral good
- Neutral evil
- Lawful neutral
- Chaotic neutral
- Neutral (aka true neutral)
- Regions that are "neutral", i.e. neutral to all factions.
- Some of the Independent factions.
External links[] Neutral Heroes Creep Basics
WowInsider The surreal concept of neutrality in Warcraft