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Riding Horse Icon WoW Icon 16x16 Riding (Profession)
See mount (disambig) for a less gigantic list with specific lists.

Mounts are a much sought after form of transportation in which players ride atop the backs of various more or less exotic beasts (or machinations). Warlocks and paladins can learn to summon mounts as a class perk. Mounted travel is almost always faster than walking/running (some vanity mounts such as Sea Turtle provide no speed benifit on the ground).

Each faction had its own riding skill with a cost of 100 gold, available at level 40. Some mounts do not cost any gold or other currencies (such as honor points) and will drop at very low rates from bosses in instances such as Stratholme, Zul'Gurub, Tempest Keep, Magisters' Terrace, Sethekk Halls, Karazhan, and Utgarde Pinnacle. There are numerous other methods to obtain mounts as well, such as class quests.

Mounts have a 1.5 second cast time, which will be interrupted by taking any damage, moving, or entering combat. Mounts also have a special emote that can be seen by either jumping (the Space key by default) while not moving or performing the /mountspecial slash command. For example hawkstriders will shriek and horses will rear up on their hind legs.

Riding Profession[]

Riding is a secondary profession in which characters may learn to ride mounts. Every mount has a minimum skill level required for riding.

In general, a normal mount will require Apprentice riding skill, and a swift mount will require Journeyman skill, but there are exceptions.
(More detail on the requirements for each mount can be found on the Mounts page.)

The following table lists the skill levels available and the cost to train the skill. because of the high cost of this training, the price with discounts is also listed in the table. The two discounts that are available are:

  • 10% Honored Faction discount
  • 10% PvP Rank 3 discount

Skill Proficiency Cost 10% Discount 20% Discount
75 Apprentice 100 90 80
150 Journeyman 1000 900 800

Historical note[]

The cost structure and functionality of Riding and Mounts was changed in patch 1.12. Prior to that patch, Riding was an ability rather than a secondary Profession, and had only one rank. Each faction had its own riding skill (tiger riding, horse riding, mechanostrider piloting, ram riding) and the cost was 100, available at level 40. Exalted reputation was required to learn cross-faction riding skill, but mounts were BoE and purchasable by anyone. This meant that characters who were PvP rank 3 or higher could pass on the 10% discount directly to other characters by buying the mount for them. This is no longer possible because all mounts are now BoP, and the majority of the cost is built into the Riding skill training (which is no longer faction-specific) rather than the cost of the mount. Note: Exalted reputation is required to buy cross-faction mounts.

Available mounts[]

The tables below are separated based on mount source, such as purchase requirements, killing specific creatures, participating in world events, completing achievements or more.

Racial mounts[]

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Racial land mounts are typically the first mounts players will acquire. To purchase a racial land mount, players must either purchase their race's mount (such as horses for humans, or wolves for orcs), or gain exalted standing with that race's representative faction (such as exalted with Darnassus to purchase sabers). Flying mounts do not require any reputation rating.

In Cataclysm Cataclysm, the worgen do not get a racial mount, but instead use the ability [Running Wild] to achieve mount-like speeds.

Mount type +Speed Cost Requirements
Land Air Race Faction Riding skill
Alliance IconSmall Elekk Elekk mounts BC 60% 1g Draenei Exodar Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Ram Ram mounts 60% 1g Dwarf Ironforge Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Mechanostrider Mechanostrider mounts 60% 1g Gnome Gnomeregan Exiles Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Horse Horse mounts 60% 1g Human Stormwind Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Saber Saber mounts 60% 1g Night elf Darnassus Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Elekk Great elekk mounts BC 100% 10g Draenei Exodar Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Ram Swift ram mounts 100% 10g Dwarf Ironforge Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Mechanostrider Swift mechanostrider mounts 100% 10g Gnome Gnomeregan Exiles Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Horse Swift horse mounts 100% 10g Human Stormwind Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Saber Swift saber mounts 100% 10g Night elf Darnassus Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Gryphon Gryphon mounts BC 60% 150% 50g Expert (225)
IconSmall Gryphon Swift gryphon mounts BC 100% 280% 100g Artisan (300)
Horde IconSmall Hawkstrider Hawkstrider mounts BC 60% 1g Blood elf Silvermoon City Apprentice (75)
Inv misc questionmark Goblin Trike Cataclysm 60% 1g Goblin Bilgewater Cartel Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Wolf Wolf mounts 60% 1g Orc Orgrimmar Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Kodo Kodo mounts 60% 1g Tauren Thunder Bluff Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Raptor Raptor mounts 60% 1g Troll Darkspear Trolls Apprentice (75)
IconSmall SkeletalHorse Skeletal horse mounts 60% 1g Undead Undercity Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Hawkstrider Swift hawkstrider mounts BC 100% 10g Blood elf Silvermoon City Journeyman (150)
Inv misc questionmark Goblin Turbo-Trike Cataclysm 100% 10g Goblin Bilgewater Cartel Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Wolf Swift wolf mounts 100% 10g Orc Orgrimmar Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Kodo Great kodo mounts 100% 10g Tauren Thunder Bluff Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Raptor Swift raptor mounts 100% 10g Troll Darkspear Trolls Journeyman (150)
IconSmall SkeletalHorse Skeletal warhorse mounts 100% 10g Undead Undercity Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Wyvern Wyvern mounts BC 60% 150% 50g Expert (225)
IconSmall Wyvern Swift wyvern mounts BC 100% 280% 100g Artisan (300)
Both Inv misc questionmarkDragon Turtle Mists of Pandaria Pandaren Apprentice (75)
Inv misc questionmarkGreat Dragon Turtle Mists of Pandaria Pandaren Journeyman (150)

Class-specific mounts[]

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There are four classes in the game that can acquire special mounts and abilities linked to their own class through lore: death knights, druids, paladins, and warlocks. The original quests to gain the paladin charger, warlock dreadsteed, and druid's swift flight form are all still in-game and reward feats of strength if they are completed. The aforementioned quests are not required to learn the ability, however, and are on the class trainers at the level listed in the table.

Druid and paladin abilities are slightly different based on race and faction. For example, the Alliance charger is blue and golden, while the Horde version is red and bronze. Similarly, night elf druids are black in flight form, while tauren are tan. With Cataclysm, it seems that tauren and draenei paladins will not be getting chargers, but special types of Kodo and Elekk mounts, respectively.[1][2]

Class Mount/form +Speed Source Level
Neutral IconSmall Deathcharger [Acherus Deathcharger] 100% Into the Realm of Shadows 55
IconSmall DeathKnightGryphon [Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade] 150%-280% 1000g 60
Druid Druid IconSmall Raven [Flight Form] 150% 3g from trainer 60
IconSmall Crow [Swift Flight Form] 280%-310% 20g from trainer 71
Paladin Paladin IconSmall Warhorse [Warhorse] 60% 1g from trainer 20
IconSmall Charger [Charger] / [Summon Charger] 100% 2g from trainer 40
IconSmall Charger [Argent Charger] 100% 100 Champion's Seal & <Crusader> 40
Warlock Warlock IconSmall Felsteed [Felsteed] 60% 1g from trainer 20
IconSmall Dreadsteed [Dreadsteed] 100% 2g from trainer 40

PvP mounts[]

PvP mounts can be obtained by exchanging honor points or other world PvP currency. For Arena rewards, see the Arena section.

Mount +Speed Cost Riding skill
Alliance IconSmall Mechanostrider [Black Battlestrider] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Elekk [Black War Elekk] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Mammoth [Black War Mammoth] Wrath 100% 300 Stone Keeper's Shard Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Ram [Black War Ram] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Horse [Black War Steed] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Saber [Black War Tiger] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Ram [Stormpike Battle Charger] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
Inv misc questionmark [Vicious War Steed] Cataclysm[3] 100% Win 75, 150, or 300 Rated battlegrounds Journeyman (150)
Horde IconSmall Kodo [Black War Kodo] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Mammoth [Black War Mammoth] Wrath 100% 300 Stone Keeper's Shard Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Raptor [Black War Raptor] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Wolf [Black War Wolf] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Wolf [Frostwolf Howler] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
IconSmall SkeletalHorse [Red Skeletal Warhorse] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Hawkstrider [Swift Warstrider] 100% 2000 Honor Point  Journeyman (150)
Inv misc questionmark [Vicious War Wolf] Cataclysm[3] 100% Win 75, 150, or 300 Rated battlegrounds Journeyman (150)
Neutral IconSmall Talbuk [Dark Riding Talbuk] BC 100% 75 Halaa Battle Token 15 Halaa Research Token Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Talbuk [Dark War Talbuk] BC 100% 100 Halaa Battle Token 20 Halaa Research Token Journeyman (150)

Quest reward mounts[]

Some laborious or involved quest chains reward mounts.

Mount +Speed Quest Riding skill
Land Air Water
Horde IconSmall Raptor [Venomhide Ravasaur] 100% H [53] They Grow Up So Fast Apprentice (75)
Neutral IconSmall Deathcharger [Crimson Deathcharger] Wrath 100% N [80] Mograine's Reunion Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Seahorse[Subdued Abyssal Seahorse] Icon Cataclysm 18x18 450% N [81] The Abyssal Ride Expert (225)
Inv misc questionmark[Tarecgosa's Visage] Icon Cataclysm 18x18 60%/100% 150%/280%/310% Requires [Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest] equipped and recieved from quest A [85] The Stuff of Legends or H [85] The Stuff of Legends Apprentice (75?)
Inv misc questionmark[Cloud serpent] Mists of Pandaria Neutral [90] Cloud serpent quests Artisan (300)

Faction reward mounts[]

As a reward for gaining high reputation standing with various factions, players can purchase mounts. Such high reputation is a function of large quantities of time.

Mount type +Speed Cost Faction Riding skill
Land Air
Alliance IconSmall Saber [Winterspring Frostsaber] 100% 100g Wintersaber Trainers exalted Apprentice (75)
Inv misc questionmark [Spectral Steed] Icon Cataclysm 18x18 100% 165 Tol Barad Commendation Baradin's Wardens exalted Apprentice (75)
Inv misc questionmark [Drake of the West Wind] Icon Cataclysm 18x18 100% 280%/310% 200 Tol Barad Commendation Baradin's Wardens exalted Artisan (300)
Horde Inv misc questionmark [Spectral Wolf] Icon Cataclysm 18x18 100% 165 Tol Barad Commendation Hellscream's Reach exalted Apprentice (75)
Inv misc questionmark [Drake of the West Wind] Icon Cataclysm 18x18 100% 280%/310% 200 Tol Barad Commendation Hellscream's Reach exalted Artisan (300)
Neutral IconSmall Hippogryph [Cenarion War Hippogryph] BC 100% 280% 2,000g Cenarion Expedition exalted Artisan (300)
IconSmall Talbuk Riding talbuk mounts BC 100% 70g Kurenai/Mag'har exalted Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Talbuk War talbuk mounts BC 100% 100g Kurenai/Mag'har exalted Journeyman (150)
IconSmall DrakeNether Netherwing drake mounts BC 100% 280% 200g Netherwing exalted Artisan (300)
IconSmall Netherray Nether ray mounts BC 100% 280% 200g Sha'tari Skyguard exalted Artisan (300)
IconSmall Mammoth [Ice Mammoth] Wrath 100% 1,000g Sons of Hodir revered Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Mammoth [Grand Ice Mammoth] Wrath 100% 10,000g Sons of Hodir exalted Journeyman (150)
IconSmall DrakeRed [Red Drake] Wrath 100% 280% 1,600g Wyrmrest Accord exalted Artisan (300)
Inv misc questionmark [Reins of the Brown Riding Camel] Cataclysm 100% 280% 80g Ramkahen exalted Journeyman (150)
Inv misc questionmark [Reins of the Tan Riding Camel] Cataclysm 100% 280% 80g Ramkahen exalted Journeyman (150)
Inv misc questionmark [Reins of the Water Strider] Mists of Pandaria 100% Anglers exalted Artisan (300)

Rare drop mounts[]

Rarely, specific creatures will drop a mount as a reward. If the mount drops, only one mount will appear per kill, no matter the size of the party or raid killing the creature. Also, mounts may rarely be inside other containers rewarded for doing other objectives.

Mount +Speed Source Riding skill
Land Air
Neutral IconSmall SilithidTank Qiraji battle tank mounts 100% AQ40 Drop Apprentice (75)
Ability mount undeadhorse [Deathcharger's Reins] 100% Baron Rivendare, Stratholme Journeyman (150)
Fiery Warhorse's Reins BC 100% Attumen the Huntsman, Karazhan Journeyman (150)
Reins of the Raven Lord BC 100% Anzu, Heroic Sethekk Halls Journeyman (150)
Swift White Hawkstrider BC 100% Kael'thas Sunstrider, Heroic Magisters' Terrace Journeyman (150)
Reins of the White Polar Bear Wrath 100% [Hyldnir Spoils], Gretta the Arbiter Journeyman (150)
Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth Wrath 100% Vault of Archavon, any boss, 10- or 25-player Journeyman (150)
Ashes of Al'ar BC 100% 310% Kael'thas Sunstrider, The Eye Artisan (300)
Reins of the Azure Drake Wrath 100% 280% Malygos 25-player, Eye of Eternity Artisan (300)
Reins of the Blue Drake Wrath 100% 280% Malygos 10-player, Eye of Eternity Artisan (300)
Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake Wrath 100% 280% Skadi the Ruthless, Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle Artisan (300)
Reins of the Green Proto-Drake Wrath 100% 280% [Mysterious Egg], Oracles revered Artisan (300)
Reins of the Onyxian Drake Wrath 100% 310% Onyxia 10- or 25-player, Onyxia's Lair Artisan (300)
Reins of the Drake of the North Wind Cataclysm 100% 280% Altairus, Vortex Pinnacle Artisan (300)
Reins of the Drake of the South Wind Cataclysm 100% 280% Heart of Wind 10- or 25-player, Throne of the Four Winds Artisan (300)
Reins of the Vitreous Stone Drake Cataclysm 100% 280% Slabhide, The Stonecore Artisan (300)
Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake Cataclysm 100% 280% Aeonaxx, Deepholm Artisan (300)
Reins of the Grey Riding Camel Cataclysm 100% Combat Dormus the Camel-Hoarder in Steam Pools Journeyman (150)

Guaranteed drop mounts[]

Wrath This section concerns content exclusive to Wrath of the Lich King.

A guaranteed drop mount will result in one mount being awarded upon killing the specified creature under the condition listed, regardless of the size of the party or raid. For mounts rewarded such that everyone who completes the achievement gets the mount, see the "Achievements" section. There is no direct achievement for killing the Time-Lost Proto-Drake; the hard part is actually finding the drake alive.

So far, all these mounts were introduced in Wrath Wrath of the Lich King.

Mount +Speed Achievement Creature Riding skill
Land Air Water
IconSmall Horse [Swift Alliance Steed]
IconSmall Wolf [Swift Horde Wolf]
100% Money achievement A Tribute to Insanity (10) Argent Crusade Tribute Chest Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Horse [Crusader's White Warhorse]
IconSmall Horse [Crusader's Black Warhorse]
100% Money achievement A Tribute to Insanity (25) Argent Crusade Tribute Chest Journeyman (150)
Neutral IconSmall DrakeBronze [Bronze Drake] 100% 280% Money achievement Culling of Time Infinite Corruptor Artisan (300)
IconSmall DrakeBlack [Black Drake] 100% 280% Money achievement Twilight Zone (10) Sartharion Artisan (300)
IconSmall Deathcharger [Invincible's Reins] 100% 310% Money achievement The Light of Dawn The Lich King Artisan (300)
Mimiron's Head [Mimiron's Head] 100% 310% Money achievement Alone in the Dark (25) Yogg-Saron Artisan (300)
IconSmall ProtoBronze [Time-Lost Proto-Drake] 100% 280% Time-Lost Proto Drake Artisan (300)
IconSmall DrakeTwilight [Twilight Drake] 100% 280% Money achievement Twilight Zone (25) Sartharion Artisan (300)
IconSmall Seahorse [Subdued Seahorse] 60%/300% Poseidus Expert (225)

Crafted mounts[]

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Mounts can also be created by players via professions. Typically such mounts are a perk of the profession and are not available to other players, but a few are.

Mount +Speed Required skill
Land Air Profession Riding
Alliance Mekgineer's Chopper Wrath 100% 450 Engineering (and Alliance Vanguard - Exalted) to craft only Journeyman (150)
Horde Mechano-hog Wrath 100% 450 Engineering (and Horde Expedition - Exalted) to craft only Journeyman (150)
Neutral Flying Machine Control [Flying Machine Control] BC 60% 150% 300 Engineering Expert (225)
Flying Carpet [Flying Carpet] Wrath 60% 150% 300 Tailoring Expert (225)
Turbo-Charged Flying Machine Control [Turbo-Charged Flying Machine Control] BC 100% 280% 375 Engineering Artisan (300)
Magnificent Flying Carpet [Magnificent Flying Carpet] Wrath 100% 280% 425 Tailoring Artisan (300)
Frosty Flying Carpet [Frosty Flying Carpet] Wrath 100% 280% 425 Tailoring Artisan (300)
Fossilized Raptor [Fossilized Raptor] Icon Cataclysm 18x18 60%/100% 225 Archaeology to obtain? Journeyman (150)
Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank [Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank] Icon Cataclysm 18x18 60%/100% 225 Archaeology to obtain? Journeyman (150)
Vial of the Sands [Vial of the Sands] Icon Cataclysm 18x18 100% 310% 525 Alchemy to craft only Expert (225)
Inv misc questionmark [Jeweled Panther] Mists of Pandaria 615 Jewelcrafting Journeyman (150)

Argent Tournament mounts[]

Wrath This section concerns content exclusive to Wrath of the Lich King.

A major draw of the Argent Tournament is the large quantity of mounts rewarded in exchange for [Champion's Seal]s.

Mount +Speed Cost Requirement Riding skill
Land Air
Alliance Exodar Elekk 100% 100 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of the Exodar Journeyman (150)
Darnassian Nightsaber 100% 100 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Darnassus Journeyman (150)
Ironforge Ram 100% 100 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Ironforge Journeyman (150)
Stormwind Steed 100% 100 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Stormwind Journeyman (150)
Gnomeregan Mechanostrider 100% 100 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Gnomeregan Journeyman (150)
Great Red Elekk 100% 500g5 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of the Exodar Journeyman (150)
Swift Moonsaber 100% 500g5 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Darnassus Journeyman (150)
Swift Violet Ram 100% 500g5 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Ironforge Journeyman (150)
Swift Gray Steed 100% 500g5 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Stormwind Journeyman (150)
Turbostrider 100% 500g5 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Gnomeregan Journeyman (150)
Quel'dorei Steed 100% 100 Champion's Seal Silver Covenant exalted Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Hippogryph [Silver Covenant Hippogryph] 100% 280% 150 Champion's Seal Silver Covenant exalted Artisan (300)
Horde Forsaken Warhorse 100% 100 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of the Undercity Journeyman (150)
Thunder Bluff Kodo 100% 100 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Thunder Bluff Journeyman (150)
Orgrimmar Wolf 100% 100 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Orgrimmar Journeyman (150)
Darkspear Raptor 100% 100 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Sen'jin Journeyman (150)
Silvermoon Hawkstrider 100% 100 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Silvermoon City Journeyman (150)
White Skeletal Warhorse 100% 500g5 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of the Undercity Journeyman (150)
Great Golden Kodo 100% 500g5 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Thunder Bluff Journeyman (150)
Swift Burgundy Wolf 100% 500g5 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Orgrimmar Journeyman (150)
Swift Purple Raptor 100% 500g5 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Sen'jin Journeyman (150)
Swift Red Hawkstrider 100% 500g5 Champion's Seal Money achievement Champion of Silvermoon City Journeyman (150)
Sunreaver Hawkstrider (mount) 100% 100 Champion's Seal Sunreavers exalted Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Dragonhawk [Sunreaver Dragonhawk] 100% 280% 150 Champion's Seal Sunreavers exalted Artisan (300)
Neutral Argent Warhorse 100% 100 Champion's Seal <Crusader> Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Hippogryph [Argent Hippogryph] 100% 280% 150 Champion's Seal Artisan (300)

Holiday mounts[]

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There are several disguises and time-limited items that are available during holidays. Disguises simply turn the player's mount into something "more festive" like a kodo or a reindeer but do not otherwise affect mount mechanics. Time-limited items exist only during the duration of the holiday itself. Previously, time-limited items had a set time such as seven or 14 days, but were changed to be directly tied to the holiday.

Back during Brewfest 2007, an ["Honorary Brewer" Hand Stamp] was available for purchase and granted access to the [Brewfest Ram] and [Swift Brewfest Ram] vendors. Coren Direbrew (the holiday boss in the Grim Guzzler of Blackrock Depths) had not yet been implemented, so completing the quest was the only way to get the mounts. The hand stamp was removed for the 2008 Brewfest and the Swift Brewfest Ram added to Coren Direbrew's loot table (along with the new [Great Brewfest Kodo]), but the 60%-speed Brewfest Ram can no longer be purchased except by players who completed the Hand Stamp quest.

Mount +Speed Limited Requirements Source and notes
Disguises Neutral IconSmall Stag [Fresh Holly] Yes Level 20 /kiss holiday NPCs during the Feast of Winter Veil
IconSmall Stag [Preserved Holly] No Level 20 Quest rewards during the Feast of Winter Veil
Inv misc herb 08 [Fresh Brewfest Hops] Yes Level 20 2 [[File:Brewfest Prize Token.png|Brewfest Prize Token|16px|link=Brewfest Prize Token]] during Brewfest
Inv misc herb 08 [Preserved Brewfest Hops] No Level 20 20 [[File:Brewfest Prize Token.png|Brewfest Prize Token|16px|link=Brewfest Prize Token]] during Brewfest
Alliance IconSmall Kodo [Fresh Goblin Brewfest Hops] Yes Level 20 5 [[File:Brewfest Prize Token.png|Brewfest Prize Token|16px|link=Brewfest Prize Token]] during Brewfest
Horde IconSmall Ram [Fresh Dwarven Brewfest Hops] Yes Level 20 5 [[File:Brewfest Prize Token.png|Brewfest Prize Token|16px|link=Brewfest Prize Token]] during Brewfest
Love is in the Air Neutral Inv valentinepinkrocket [Big Love Rocket] 60% - 310% No Apprentice (75) Apothecary Hummel. Scaling mount
Hallow's End Neutral IconSmall Broom [Rickety Magic Broom] 0% Yes None [Crudely Wrapped Gift] Vanity mount
IconSmall Broom [Magic Broom] 60% - 280% Yes Apprentice (75) Headless Horseman. Scaling mount
IconSmall Dreadsteed [The Horseman's Reins] 60% - 280% No Apprentice (75) Headless Horseman. Scaling mount
Brewfest Neutral IconSmall Ram [Swift Brewfest Ram] 100% No Journeyman (150) Coren Direbrew
IconSmall Kodo [Great Brewfest Kodo] 100% No Journeyman (150) Coren Direbrew

Outside of game mounts[]

The mounts in previous sections are acquired using solely in-game means. The mounts that follow require some real-world interactions, such as getting a rare loot card in the TCG, going to BlizzCon, or purchasing mounts from the Blizzard Store.

BlizzCon mounts[]

The BlizzCon Mounts comes from the BlizzCon Welcome packages. The mounts must first be unlocked using a code found on the Blizzard Convention Card, the NPC's for unlocking the mounts can be found in Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar if you are Horde or in Forlorn Cavern, Ironforge if Alliance.

Mount +Speed Riding skill
Neutral IconSmall Bear [Big Blizzard Bear] 60%-100% Apprentice (75). Scaling mount

Recruit a friend mounts[]

These mounts are obtainable by recruiting a friend with the Recruit-A-Friend program.

Mount +Speed Available Riding skill
Land Air
Ability Mount RocketMount [X-53 Touring Rocket] 100% 150–310% 27 April 2010 – Present Expert (225)

No longer available mounts[]

Arena System reward mounts[]

At the end of each Arena season, the top 0.5% of teams in the 3v3 and 5v5 bracket each battlegroup are rewarded with a 310% speed flying mount.

Such mounts are inherently time-limited and are not currently available.

Mount +Speed Season Riding skill
Land Air
Neutral Swift Nether Drake[Swift Nether Drake] BC 100% 310% Season 1 Artisan (300)
Merciless Nether Drake[Merciless Nether Drake] BC 100% 310% Season 2 Artisan (300)
Vengeful Nether Drake[Vengeful Nether Drake] BC 100% 310% Season 3 Artisan (300)
Brutal Nether Drake[Brutal Nether Drake] BC 100% 310% Season 4 Artisan (300)
Deadly Gladiator's Frostwyrm[Deadly Gladiator's Frostwyrm] Wrath 100% 310% Season 5 Artisan (300)
Furious Gladiator's Frostwyrm[Furious Gladiator's Frostwyrm] Wrath 100% 310% Season 6 Artisan (300)
Relentless Gladiator's Frostwyrm[Relentless Gladiator's Frostwyrm] Wrath 100% 310% Season 7 Artisan (300)

Unobtainable mounts[]

These mounts are no longer obtainable in the game.

Mount +Speed Original availability Removed Riding skill
Land Air
Alliance IconSmall Horse [Palomino], [White Stallion] 100% 1000g Patch 1.4.0 Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Ram [Black Ram], [Frost Ram] 100% 1000g Patch 1.4.0 Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Mechanostrider [Icy Blue Mechanostrider Mod A], [White Mechanostrider Mod B] 100% 1000g Patch 1.4.0 Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Saber [Ancient Frostsaber], [Nightsaber] 100% 1000g Patch 1.4.0 Journeyman (150)
Horde IconSmall Wolf [Arctic Wolf], [Red Wolf] 100% 1000g Patch 1.4.0 Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Kodo [Green Kodo], [Teal Kodo] 100% 1000g Patch 1.4.0 Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Raptor [Ivory Raptor], [Mottled Red Raptor] 100% 1000g Patch 1.4.0 Journeyman (150)
Neutral IconSmall Bear [Amani War Bear] BC 100% Ashli's Bag, Zul'Aman Patch 3.0.2 Journeyman (150)
IconSmall ProtoWhite [Plagued Proto-Drake] Wrath 100% 310% Money achievement Glory of the Raider (10) Patch 3.1.0 Artisan (300)
IconSmall ProtoBlack [Black Proto-Drake] Wrath 100% 310% Money achievement Glory of the Raider (25) Patch 3.1.0 Artisan (300)
Inv misc qirajicrystal 05 [Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal] 100% Bang a Gong! Patch 3.2.0 Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Zhevra [Swift Zhevra] 100% Recruit-A-Friend 27 April 2010 Journeyman (150)
Ability mount raptor [Razzashi Raptor] 100% Bloodlord Mandokir, Zul'Gurub Patch 4.0.3 Journeyman (150)
Ability mount jungletiger [Swift Zulian Tiger]Returning 100% High Priest Thekal, Zul'Gurub Patch 4.0.3 Journeyman (150)

Mount class examples[]

Vanity mounts[]

Vanity mounts only exist to put the player on a mount. They confer no bonuses to movement speed, and thus require no riding skill. The two vanity mounts are the [Rickety Magic Broom], a fairly common reward for completing daily quests during Hallow's End, and the [Riding Turtle], available from the TCG.

See also[]

  • Riding skill
  • List of mounts for a full list of mounts
  • Transportation category for a detailed list of methods of transportation in WoW.
  • If you want to get a head start, read a Guide for Preparing to Buy a Mount.
  • Locations of fixed devices throughout Azeroth, including where to purchase mounts.

Patch history[]

  • Patch 1.12.1 (patch date:2006-09-26): The riding skill has been changed. A riding skill of 75 is now needed to ride level 40 mounts and a skill of 150 for level 60 mounts. Those that already have mounts will automatically be granted the appropriate level skill. 
  • Patch 1.12.0 (patch date:2006-08-22): The Items that summon mounts have been changed in their color/quality. Items that summon normal mounts are now blue (superior) items and items that summon swift mounts are now purple (epic) items. 
  • Patch 1.6.0 (patch date:2005-07-12): Clarified the error message when trying to attack while mounted. 
  • Patch 1.5.0 (patch date:2005-06-07): Many of the Swift Mounts have gained eye glows and some have had other tweaks made to them to improve their looks. 
  • Patch 1.4.0 (patch date:2005-05-05): Level 60 mounts purchased at vendors now have a whole new look. Faster undead mounts already have a different look and so have not changed. The new mounts can be seen standing near the mount vendors. If you have one of the old fast mounts, you can exchange it for one with a new look at the mount vendor. 
  • Patch 1.3.0 (patch date:2005-03-07): Mounts now are Horde or Alliance restricted in the tooltip. We do not intend to allow Horde players to ride Alliance vendor-purchased mounts and vice versa. 
  • Patch 1.2.0 (patch date:2004-12-18): Players will now be able to purchase and train mounts from other races in their faction. However, you will first need to obtain "Exalted" reputation status with that race in order to do so. Mounts of the opposing faction are not available for purchase. 
  • Patch 1.1.0 (patch date:2004-11-07): Tauren players will no longer have the [Plainsrunning] ability, due to the availability of Kodo mounts! Tauren players can purchase the Kodo mount at Bloodhoof village


  • Mounts have a special emote they can do: This can be invoked while motionless on the ground, either by the /mountspecial slash command, or by pressing the Space key


  1. Tauren Paladin lvl20/40 mounts #23 by Kisirani - 2009/09/19 04:04:43 AM
  2. Pally Mounts #2 by Vrakthris - 2011/02/14 11:58:46 PM
  3. 3.0 3.1 Zarhym 2011-06-20. Patch 4.2: New PvP Mounts for Rated Battlegrounds.
    Zarhym 2011-06-20. Patch 4.2: New PvP Mounts for Rated Battlegrounds.

External links[]


da:Mount de:Reittiere es:Montura fr:Monture ru:Верховое животное
