Vanilla WoW Wiki

Elemental Motes[]

Elemental motes are elemental fragments which can be assembled into primal ingredients, used in many professions (at the Master level).

There are multiple ways of collecting each mote type which vary by element, but all of them drop off of certain Outland mobs related to their element, specifically elementals of the related element.

The types are

  • [Mote of Air]
  • [Mote of Earth]
  • [Mote of Fire]
  • [Mote of Life]
  • [Mote of Mana]
  • [Mote of Shadow]
  • [Mote of Water]

A stack of 10 of any mote can be made into a Primal (of the same element), i.e. 10 Mote of Water → 1 Inv elemental primal water [Primal Water]. The reverse conversion is not usually possible, but see Earth Shatter and Fire Sunder as exceptions.

Engineers can also use a [Zapthrottle Mote Extractor] to gather motes from gas clouds in Outland.

Other Motes[]

  • There is a quest item for N [37] The Princess Trapped called [Mote of Myzrael] which is unrelated to the elemental motes.


  • The crystallized ingredient is the Wrath (Wrath of the Lich King) equivalent of motes.

See also[]

  • Elemental ingredients
  • Primal ingredients BC
  • Eternal ingredients Wrath
  • Volatile ingredients Cataclysm