Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki
Spell nature wispheal

Mind Quickening Gem is a trinket for mages that can increase their casting speed. It drops from Vaelastrasz the Corrupt in Blackwing Lair.


This item was debuffed in the 1.12.1 patch. It used to increase casting speed by 25%.

Per Casting Speed calculations, this item will increase spell casting speed by .2102, or 17.4%. A 3.5 second spell will be cast in 2.89 seconds.

Effective Haste[]

This item grants:

330 * (20 / 300) = 22 Haste Rating

Or in other words 1.395% Spell Haste.

Patches and hotfixes[]

Patch 1.6.0 (patch date:2005-07-12): Added 

External links[]
