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Mind Blast
Spell shadow unholyfrenzy
  • Mind Blast
  • 30 yd.  range
  • 8 sec. cooldown
  • 17% of base mana
  • 1.5 sec. cast
  • Blasts the target for X to Y Shadow damage.
Usable by
Cooldown8 sec.
See below
Other information
"Feel the pain in your mind and get the true taste of Shadow Priests!" —Xianthos[1]
“Shadow priests, mon . . . dey can melt faces.” — Ta’zo[2]

Mind Blast is Shadow-based direct-damage spell. It has a short cast time considering its high damage and mana cost, but a relatively long cooldown. Because it increases 100% extra threat, it is considered to only be truly viable for PvP.


Mind Blast is available at level 9 for 5s 24c.

Level Mana Cost Shadow Damage Cast Time
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
6 - - -
7 - - -
8 - - -
9 9 % 47 1.5 sec.
10 8 % 47 1.5 sec.


The formula for Mind Blast is based on the damage in the table above. The value given in the tooltip includes up to 10% bonus damage from the Darkness talent, which is a bit wrong since talent effects are supposed to be included after bonus damage for damage spells. To convert the tooltip-listed base damage to the real base damage use the following formula.

Real_base_damage = Listed_base_damage / (1 + Darkness_bonus)

The formula for calculating the damage from this spell is as follows:

Damage_done = (Real_base_damage + (1.5/3.5) * Spelldamage * Downrank_factor) * (1 + Darkness_Bonus)

A level-80 priest with 1.500 Shadow damage and full ranks in Darkness would end up with (maximum non-critical damage)

Damage_done = (1048 + 1500*(1.5/3.5) * 1.0) * ( 1 + 0.10 ) = 1860 Shadow damage
Mindblast TCG

In the World of Warcraft: Trading Card Game.

Related talents[]

  • [Darkness]
  • [Shadow Affinity]
  • [Shadow Focus]
  • [Improved Mind Blast]
  • [Shadow Reach]
  • [Shadow Weaving]
  • [Focused Mind]
  • [Mind Melt]
  • [Shadowform]
  • [Shadow Power]
  • [Misery]
  • [Twisted Faith]
  • [Inner Focus]
  • [Focused Power]
  • [Enlightenment]
  • [Power Infusion]

