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Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
Gender Male
Race Human
Level 62
Character class Paladin, Warrior (RPG); Knight (presumed)
Health 4370
Affiliation Argent Dawn
Occupation Leader of the Argent Dawn in the Plaguelands
Location Light's Hope Chapel
Status Alive
See Icon-3D-48x48

Lord Maxwell Tyrosus is a level 62 quest giver located at Light's Hope Chapel in the contested territory of Eastern Plaguelands. To those who provide services to the Argent Dawn, he grants the honor of being an Argent Defender, Argent Avenger, or Argent Crusader.

He starts the quest N [60] The Argent Hold.

See list of Eastern Plaguelands NPCs.


Wrath of the Lich King[]

Wrath This section concerns content exclusive to Wrath of the Lich King.

Lord Maxwell Tyrosus assists the Argent Dawn during the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel.

Wrath of the Lich King Quotes[]

  • Stand fast brothers and sisters! The Light will prevail!
  • Attack!



Maxwell Tyrosus in WoW

Lord Maxwell Tyrosus is the leader of the Argent Dawn in the Plaguelands and one of the highest ranking officers in the organization as a whole. He resides in Light's Hope Chapel, and rarely sees visitors from outside his organization. Lately, he has been planning an offensive on Baron Rivendare of Stratholme. It's unknown where he'll get the manpower for the operation, though. He is older than most Argent Dawn knights, at about 40 years, but is still in peak physical condition.[1]

Lord Maxwell has been a member of the Argent Dawn for some time. He's only a little over 40 years old, so he'd barely be an adult by dwarven standards. As a human, he's starting to show his age, though he’s still a valiant fighter.[2]

Lord Maxwell Tyrosus dealt a critical blow to Kirkessen the Zealous, a powerful lich who reported directly to the Lich King himself, during the Siege of the Sanguine, and the lich is now no longer able to assume a corporeal form.[3]


  1. Alliance Player's Guide, page 151
  2. Dark Factions, page 126
  3. Compendium of Fallen Heroes

External links[]

Preceded by:
Lord Raymond George
Leader of the Argent Dawn in the Plaguelands
Succeeded by:

de:Maxwell Tyrosus es:Maxwell Tyrosus fr:Maxwell Tyrosus
