Vanilla WoW Wiki
Malor the Zealous
Race Human
Level 60 Elite
Location Stratholme
Status Killable
See Icon-3D-48x48

Malor the Zealous is a level 60 elite human found in the Scarlet Bastion in Stratholme.

Malor drops no special loot and in fact often drops less than the other Scarlets do. However, Malor's Strongbox contains the [Medallion of Faith].


Malor is a member of the Scarlet Crusade who decided to stay back in the ruins of Stratholme as a commander.


Malor is a very straight-forward fight, with a difficulty similar to Timmy the Cruel. He is by himself in a side room and after clearing in front of that room, he can be bypassed or taken down easily.

He has only two abilities besides his melee attack:

  • AoE Hammer of Justice for two seconds, every ten seconds - about 10 yard range.
  • Lay On Hands which he uses on himself when he reaches 5-1% health.
  • Holy Light


  • N [60D] The Medallion of Faith

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