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With Mists of Pandaria Mists of Pandaria, mages can begin choosing their talents beginning at level fifteen. As of Mists of Pandaria talents are no longer tied to specializations. Players may choose a new talent from the same group of three talents at periodic levels (15, 30, 45, etc.).

Mists of Pandaria[]

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content exclusive to Mists of Pandaria.

Level Icon Ability Description
15 (Choose one) Spell nature enchantarmor Presence of Mind When activated, your next Mage spell with a casting time less than 10 sec becomes an instant cast spell. This spell is not on the global cooldown.
Spell fire soulburn Scorch Scorch the enemy for X Fire damage. Can be cast while moving.
Spell mage iceflows Ice Floes Allows you to move while casting and channeling the next 2 Mage spells that have a base cast or channel time less than 4 sec. This spell may be cast while a cast time spell is in progress and is not on the global cooldown.
30 (Choose one) Spell mage temporalshield Temporal Shield Envelops you in a temporal shield for 4 sec. Damage taken while shielded will be healed back over 6 sec. This spell is usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared or asleep, and is not on the global cooldown.
Spell fire burningspeed Blazing Speed Suppresses movement slowing effects and increases your movement speed by 150% for 1 sec. May only be activated after taking a melee or spell hit greater than 2% of your total health, or after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor. This spell may be cast while a cast time spell is in progress and is not on the global cooldown.
Spell ice lament Ice Barrier Instantly shields you, absorbing X damage. Lasts 1 min. While the shield holds, spellcasting will not be delayed by damage.
45 (Choose one) Spell frost ring of frost Ring of Frost Summons a Ring of Frost at the target location. Enemies entering the ring will become frozen for 10 sec. Lasts 10 sec. 10 yd radius.
Spell frost frostward Ice Ward Places an Ice Ward on a friendly target. When an enemy strikes the target, all enemies within 10 yds will become frozen in place for 5 sec. 1 charge. Lasts 30 sec.
Ability mage frostjaw Frostjaw Silences and freezes the target in place for 8 sec. Lasts half as long versus Player targets.
60 (Choose one) Ability mage greaterinvisibility Greater Invisibility Instantly makes the caster invisible, reducing all threat, and removing two damage over time effects. While invisible, you are untargetable by enemies. Lasts 20 sec. Invisibility is cancelled if you perform any actions. Damage taken is reduced by 90% while invisible and for 3 sec after coming out of invisibility. Replaces Invisibility.
Spell fire rune Cauterize An attack which would otherwise kill you will instead bring you to 50% of your maximum health, and you will burn for 40% of your maximum health over the next 6 sec. Cauterize cannot occur more than once every 2 min.
Spell frost wizardmark Cold Snap When activated, this spell finishes the cooldown of your Ice Block, Frost Nova, and Cone of Cold spells. Instantly restores 30% of your health. This spell is usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared or asleep, and is not on the global cooldown.
75 (Choose one) Spell mage nethertempest Nether Tempest Places a Nether Tempest on the target which deals X Arcane damage over 12 sec. Each time Nether Tempest deals damage, an additional 50% of that damage is also dealt to a random target within 10 yards.
Ability mage livingbomb Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking X Fire damage over 12 sec. When this effect ends, or the target dies, it explodes to deal an additional X Fire damage to up to 3 enemies within 10 yards. Limit 3 targets. This spell has a 1.0 sec global cooldown.
Spell mage frostbomb Frost Bomb Places a Frost Bomb on the target. After 5 sec, the bomb explodes, dealing X Frost damage to the primary target, and X Frost damage to all other targets within 10 yds. All affected targets are slowed by 70% for 2 sec. Frost Bomb's countdown and cooldown are reduced by haste.
90 (Choose one) Spell arcane arcane03 Invocation Reduces the cooldown of Evocation to 10 sec, but you passively regenerate 50% less mana. Completing an Evocation causes you to deal 25% increased spell damage for 40 sec.
Spell mage runeofpower Rune of Power Places a Rune of Power on the ground, which lasts for 1 min. While standing in your own Rune of Power, your mana regeneration is increased by 100% and your spell damage is increased by 15%. Only 2 Runes of Power can be placed at one time. Replaces Evocation.
Spell shadow detectlesserinvisibility Incanter's Ward Places a magical ward on you, absorbing up to X damage for 8 sec. Absorbed damage will restore up to 18% of your maximum mana. When this effect ends, you gain up to 30% increased spell damage for 15 sec, based on the absorption used.
Passive: Increases spell damage by 6% and increases mana regeneration by 65%. This effect is deactivated while Incanter's Ward is on cooldown.

Pre-Mists of Pandaria[]

As with the other original classes, at level 10 a mage can begin spending talent points in order to gain and improve abilities. Mage talents underwent a significant review for patch 1.11, with additional modifications in 2.0.1 and 3.0.2.

Below, each talent has a quoted description of the talent, which was taken from the game. The differences between the various levels of each talent are quoted in brackets. For example, "Reduces the chance that the opponent can resist your Arcane spells by {2/4/6/8/10}%" to describe the 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 point variations of the talent.

Prerequisites are listed for all talents that have them.

All tier N talents require that you spend 5(N-1) talent points in their tree as a prerequisite. For example, to get a Tier 2 Arcane talent, you must first have spent at least 5 points on other Arcane talents, Tier 3 requires 10 points, etc.


The Arcane tree has an emphasis in Utility talents, such as mana restoration mechanics ([Arcane Meditation], [Arcane Concentration]) and resilience talents ([Prismatic Cloak], [Arcane Fortitude]), and gives buffs to spells of all schools, not just its own, in contrast with the other trees ([Spell Power], [Arcane Instability]).

Arcane provides high burst and sustained damage in both PvE and PvP settings through talents such as [Presence of Mind] and [Missile Barrage] while retaining some degree of mobility with it's capstone ability [Arcane Barrage].

Icon Talent Points Requirements Description
Spell shadow manaburn Arcane Concentration 3


Gives you a {3/6/10}% chance of entering a Clearcasting state after any damage spell hits a target. The Clearcasting state reduces the mana cost of your next damage spell by 100%
Spell frost iceshock Improved Counterspell 2


Your Counterspell also silences the target for {2/4} sec.
Ability mage netherwindpresence Netherwind Presence 3


Increases your spell haste by {1/2/3}%.
Ability mage tormentoftheweak Torment the Weak 3

Arcane 5

Your Arcane damage spells deal {2/4/6}% more damage to snared or slowed targets.
Spell arcane invocation Invocation 2

Arcane 5

You gain {5/10}% Damage Bonus for 8 seconds after successfully interupting a spell.
Spell nature starfall Improved Arcane Missiles 2

Arcane 5

Increases the number of missiles fired by your Arcane Missiles by {1/2}.
Spell arcane blink Improved Blink 2

Arcane 5

Increases your speed by {35/70}% after casting the Blink spell.
Spell nature enchantarmor Presence of Mind 1

Arcane 10

When activated, your next Mage spell with a casting time less than 10 sec. becomes an instant cast spell.
Ability mage potentspirit Arcane Flows 2

Arcane 10

Reduces the cooldown of your Presence of Mind, Arcane Power and Invisibility spells by {12/25}% and the cooldown of your Evocation spell by {1/2} min.
Ability mage missilebarrage Missile Barrage 2

Arcane 10

Your Arcane Missiles will fire its missiles every {0.6/0.5} sec.
Spell arcane prismaticcloak Prismatic Cloak 3

Arcane 10

Reduces all damage taken by {2/4/6}% and reduces the fade time of your invisibility spell by {1/2/3} sec.
Spell nature polymorph Improved Polymorph 2

Arcane 15

When a target you've polymorphed is damaged, that target is stunned for {1.5/3} sec. This effect cannot occur more often than once every 10 sec.
Spell arcane arcanetactics Arcane Tactics 1

Arcane 15

Increases the damage of all party and raid members within 100 yards by 3%.
Ability mage incantersabsorbtion Incanter's Absorption 2

Arcane 15

When your Mana Shield or Mage Ward absorbs damage your spell damage is increased by {10/20}% of the amount absorbed for 10 sec. In addition, when your Mana Shield is destroyed, all enemies within 6 yards are knocked back 12 yards.
Spell nature wispsplode Improved Arcane Explosion 2

Arcane 15

Reduces the global cooldown of your Arcane Explosion by {0.25/0.5} sec and reduces the threat generated by {40/80}%.
Spell arcane arcanepotency Arcane Potency 2

Arcane 20

Increases the critical strike chance of your next two damaging spells by {7/15}% after gaining Clearcasting or Presence of Mind.
Spell nature slow Slow 1

Arcane 20

Reduces target's movement speed by 60%, increases time between ranged attacks by 60%, and increases casting time by 30%. Lasts 15 sec. Slow can only affect one target at a time.
Spell arcane blast Nether Vortex 2

Arcane 20

Gives your Arcane Blast spell a {50/100}% chance to apply the slow spell to any target it damages if no target is currently affected by slow.
Spell arcane studentofmagic Focus Magic 1

Arcane 25

Increases the target's chance to critically hit with spells by 3%. When the target critically hits your chance to critically hit with spells is increased by 3% for 10 sec. Cannot be cast on self.
Inv misc gem emerald 01 Improved Mana Gem 2

Arcane 25

Mana gained from your Mana Gem also increases your spell power by {1/2}% of your maximum mana for 10 seconds.
Spell nature lightning Arcane Power 1

Arcane 30

When activated, your spells deal 20% more spell damage but spells cost 10% more mana to cast. This effect lasts 15 sec.


Fire spells are traditionally harder-hitting and burstier in nature, resulting in higher sustained single-target damage. The Fire tree reflects this with its focus on DPS talents such as [Critical Mass] and [Pyromaniac], and while it has good survival abilities ([Blast Wave], for instance), they are not as significant as the other trees' abilities, turning the Mage into the proverbial glass cannon: kill fast and die fast.

Icon Talent Points Requirements Description
Spell fire fireball Improved Fire Blast 2


Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Blast spell by {1/2} sec.
Spell fire flameshock Incineration 3


Increases the critical strike chance of your Fire Blast, Scorch, Arcane Blast and Cone of Cold spells by {2/4/6}%.
Spell fire flamebolt Improved Fireball 5


Reduces the casting time of your Fireball spell by {0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5} sec.
Spell fire incinerate Ignite 5

Fire 5

Your critical strikes from Fire damage spells cause the target to burn for an additional {8/16/24/32/40}% of your spell's damage over 4 sec.
Spell fire totemofwrath Burning Determination 2

Fire 5

When Interrupted or Silenced you have a {50/100}% chance to become immune to both mechanics for 10 sec.
Ability mage worldinflames World in Flames 3

Fire 5

Increases the critical strike chance of your Flamestrike, Pyroblast, Blast Wave, Dragon's Breath, Living Bomb, Blizzard and Arcane Explosion spells by {2/4/6}%.
Spell fire flare Flame Throwing 2

Fire 10

Increases the range of your all Fire spells except Frostfire Bolt by {3/6} yards.
Spell fire meteorstorm Impact 3

Fire 10

Gives your damaging spells a {4/7/10}% chance to cause the next Fire Blast you cast to stun the target for 2 sec.
Spell fire fireball02 Pyroblast 1

Fire 10

  • 5 sec casting time
  • Casting cost: 22% of base mana
  • Range: 35 yards
  • Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes X to Y Fire damage and an additional Z Fire damage over 12 sec.
Spell fire fire Burning Soul 2

Fire 10

Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Fire spells by {35/70}% and reduces threat by caused by your Fire spells by {10/20%}.
Spell fire soulburn Improved Scorch 3

Fire 15

Increases your chance to critically hit with Scorch, Fireball and Frostfire Bolt by and additional {1/2/3}% and your damaging Scorch spells have a {33/66/100}% chance to cause your target to be vulnerable to spell damage, increasing spell critical strike chance against that target by 1% and lasts 30 sec. Stacks up to 5 times.
Spell fire firearmor Molten Shields 2

Fire 15

Causes your Fire Ward and Frost Ward spells to have a {15/30}% chance to reflect the warded spell while active. In addition, your Molten Armor has a {50/100}% chance to affect ranged and spell attacks.
Spell fire masterofelements Master of Elements 3

Fire 15

Your spell criticals will refund {10/20/30}% of their base mana cost.
Spell fire playingwithfire Playing with Fire 3

Fire 20

Increases all spell damage caused by {1/2/3}% and all spell damage taken by {1/2/3}%.
Spell nature wispheal Critical Mass 3

Fire 20

Increases the critical strike chance of your Fire spells by {2/4/6}%
Spell holy excorcism 02 Blast Wave 1

Pyroblast 1
Fire 20

  • Instant spell
  • 30 second cooldown
  • Casting cost: 7% of base mana
  • A wave of flame radiates outward from the caster, damaging all enemies caught within the blast for X to Y Fire damage, knocking them back and dazing them for 6 sec.
Spell fire burningspeed Blazing Speed 2

Fire 25

Gives you a {5/10}% chance when hit by a melee or ranged attack to increase your movement speed by 50% and dispel all movement impairing effects. This effect lasts 8 sec.
Spell fire immolation Fire Power 5

Fire 25

Increases the damage done by your Fire spells by {2/4/6/8/10}%.
Spell fire burnout Pyromaniac 3

Fire 30

Increases chance to critically hit by {1/2/3}% and allows {17/33/50}% of your mana regeneration to continue while casting.
Spell fire sealoffire Combustion 1

Critical Mass 3
Fire 30

  • Instant spell
  • 2 minute cooldown
  • Casting cost: 0 mana
  • When activated, this spell increases your critical strike damage bonus with Fire damage spells by 50%, and causes each of your Fire damage spell hits to increase your critical strike chance with Fire damage spells by 10%. This effect lasts until you have caused 3 non-periodic critical strikes with Fire spells.
Spell fire moltenblood Molten Fury 2

Fire 30

Increases damage of all spells against targets with less than 35% health by {6/12}%.
Ability mage fierypayback Fiery Payback 2

Fire 35

When below 35% health all damage taken is reduced by {10/20}% and your Pyroblast spell's cast time is reduced by {1.75/3.5} secs while the cooldown is increased by {2.5/5} secs. In addition, melee and ranged attacks made against you have a {5/10}% chance to disarm your attacker's main hand and ranged weapons.
Spell fire flamebolt Empowered Fire 3

Fire 35

Increases the damage of your Fireball, Frostfire Bolt and Pyroblast spells by an amount equal to {5/10/15}% of your spell power. In addition, each time your Ignite talent causes damage, you have a {33/67/100}% chance to regain 2% of your base mana.
Ability mage firestarter Firestarter 2

Dragon's Breath
Fire 40

Your damaging Blast Wave and Dragon's Breath spells have a {50/100}% chance to make your next Flamestrike spell instant cast. Lasts 10 sec.
Inv misc head dragon 01 Dragon's Breath 1

Combustion 1
Fire 40

  • Instant spell
  • 20 sec. cooldown
  • Casting cost: 7% of base mana
  • Targets in a cone in front of the caster take X to Y Fire damage and are Disoriented for 5 sec. Any direct damaging attack will revive targets. Turns off your attack when used.
Ability mage hotstreak Hot Streak 3

Fire 40

Any time you score 2 non-periodic spell criticals in a row using Fireball, Fire Blast, Scorch, Living Bomb, or Frostfire Bolt, you have a {33/66/100}% chance the next Pyroblast spell cast within 10 sec will be instant cast.
Ability mage burnout Burnout 5

Fire 45

Increases your spell critical damage bonus with all spells by {10/20/30/40/50}% but your non-periodic spell criticals cost an additional {1/2/3/4/5}% of the spell's cost.
Ability mage livingbomb Living Bomb 1

Fire 50

  • Instant spell
  • Casting cost: 22% of base mana
  • Range: 35 yards
  • The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking X Fire damage over 12 sec. After 12 sec or when the spell is dispelled, the target explodes dealing Y Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards.


The Frost tree has an emphasis in control and survivability talents such as [Permafrost] and [Ice Barrier]. It sacrifices some of its single-target DPS in exchange for powerful snares, the highest Mage AoE damage and higher mana-efficiency than other trees that makes it excel in fights that include multiple adds or are longer than average. Its control and longevity earned it the crown of most recognized PvP Mage tree.

Icon Talent Points Requirements Description
Spell frost frostarmor Frostbite 3


Gives your Chill effects a {5/10/15}% chance to freeze the target for 5 sec.
Spell frost frostbolt02 Improved Frostbolt 5


Reduces the casting time of your Frostbolt spell by {0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5} sec.
Spell frost icefloes Ice Floes 3


Reduces the cooldown of your Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Ice Block and Icy Veins spells by {7/14/20}%.
Spell frost iceshard Ice Shards 3

Frost 5

Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Frost spells by {33/66/100}%.
Spell frost frostward Frost Warding 2

Frost 5

Increases the armor and resistances given by your Frost Armor and Ice Armor spells by {25/50}%. In addition, gives your Frost Ward and Fire Ward a {15/30}% chance to negate the warded damage spell and restore mana equal to the damage caused.
Spell ice magicdamage Precision 3

Frost 5

Reduces the mana cost and increase the chance to hit with spells by {1/2/3}%.
Spell frost wisp Permafrost 3

Frost 5

Increases the duration of your Chill effects by {1/2/3} sec, reduces the target's speed by an additional {4/7/10}%, and reduces the target's healing received by {7/13/20}%.
Spell frost frostbolt Piercing Ice 3

Frost 10

Increases the damage done by your Frost spells by {2/4/6}%.
Spell frost coldhearted Icy Veins 1

Frost 10

  • Instant Spell
  • 3 minute cooldown
  • Casting cost: 3% of base mana.
  • Hastens your spellcasting, reducing casting time of all spells by 20% and grants your spells a 100% pushback resistance. Last 20 seconds.
Spell frost icestorm Improved Blizzard 3

Frost 10

Adds a chill effect to your Blizzard spell. This effect lowers the target's movement speed by {25/40/50}%. Lasts 1.5 sec.
Spell shadow darkritual Arctic Reach 2

Frost 15

Increases the range of your Frostbolt, Ice Lance, Deep Freeze and Blizzard spells and the radius of your Frost Nova and Cone of Cold spells by {10/20}%.
Spell frost stun Frost Channeling 3

Frost 15

Reduces the mana cost of all spells by {4/7/10}% and reduces threat caused by Frost spells by {4/7/10}%.
Spell frost frostshock Shatter 3

Frost 15

Increases the critical strike chance of all your spells against frozen targets by {17/33/50}%.
Spell frost wizardmark Cold Snap 1

Frost 20

  • Instant spell
  • 8 minute cooldown
  • Casting cost: 0 mana
  • When activated, this spell finishes the cooldown on all Frost spells you recently cast.
Spell frost glacier Improved Cone of Cold 3

Frost 20

Increases the damage dealt by your Cone of Cold spell by {15/25/35}%.
Spell frost frozencore Frozen Core 3

Frost 20

Reduces the damage taken from all spells by {2/4/6}%.
Ability mage coldasice Cold as Ice 2

Cold Snap 1
Frost 25

Reduces the cooldown of your Cold Snap, Ice Barrier and Summon Water Elemental spells by {10/20}%.
Spell frost chillingblast Winter's Chill 3

Frost 25

Increases your chance to critically hit with your Frostbolt by an additional {1/2/3}% and gives your Frost damage spells a {33/66/100}% chance to apply the Winter's Chill effect, which increases the chance spells will critically hit the target by 1% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
Ability mage shattershield Shattered Barrier 2

Ice Barrier 1
Frost 30

Gives your Ice Barrier spell a {50/100}% chance to freeze all enemies within 10 yds for 8 sec when it is destroyed.
Spell ice lament Ice Barrier 1

Cold Snap 1
Frost 30

  • Instant spell
  • 30 second cooldown
  • Casting cost: 21% of base mana
  • Rank 1: Instantly shields you, absorbing X damage. Lasts 1 min. While the shield holds, spellcasting will not be delayed by damage.
Spell frost arcticwinds Arctic Winds 5

Frost 30

Increases all Frost damage you cause by {1/2/3/4/5}% and reduces the chance melee and ranged attacks will hit you by {1/2/3/4/5}%.
Spell frost frostbolt02 Empowered Frostbolt 2

Frost 35

Increases the damage of your Frostbolt spell by an amount equal to {5/10}% of your spell power and reduces the cast time by {0.1/0.2} sec.
Ability mage wintersgrasp Fingers of Frost 2

Frost 35

Gives your Chill effects a {7/15}% chance to grant you the Fingers of Frost effect, which treats your next 2 spells cast as if the target were frozen. Lasts 15 secs.
Ability mage brainfreeze Brain Freeze 3

Frost 40

Your Frost damage spells with chilling effects have a {5/10/15}% chance to cause your next Fireball or Frostfire Bolt spell to be instant cast and cost no mana.
Spell frost summonwaterelemental 2 Summon Water Elemental 1

Frost 40

  • Instant spell
  • 3 minute cooldown
  • Casting cost: 16% of base mana
  • Summon a Water Elemental to fight for the caster for 45 sec.
Spell frost summonwaterelemental 2 Enduring Winter 3

Summon Water Elemental 1
Frost 40

Increases the duration of your Summon Water Elemental spell by {5/10/15} sec and your Frostbolt spell has a {33/66/100}% chance to grant the Replenishment effect to up to 10 party or raid members mana regeneration equal to 1% of their maximum mana per 5 sec for 15 sec. This effect cannot occur more often than once every 6 sec.
Ability mage chilledtothebone Chilled to the Bone 5

Frost 45

Increases the damage caused by your Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt and Ice Lance spells by {1/2/3/4/5}% and reduces the movement speed of all chilled targets by an additional {2/4/6/8/10}%.
Ability mage deepfreeze Deep Freeze 1

Frost 50

  • Instant spell
  • 30 sec cooldown
  • Casting cost: 9% of base mana
  • Range: 30 yards
  • Stuns the target for 5 sec. Only usable on Frozen targets.

Notable talents[]

  • Arcane Concentration gives you a chance to enter a Clearcasting state, improving your mana efficiency by about 10%. When you proc Clearcasting, take the opportunity to cast a mana expensive spell.
  • Pyroblast is the highest single target damage spell available, but is limited by its long casting time.
  • Ice Shards, Frostbite and Shatter are the holy trinity of Shatter/critical hit Frost mage build, giving you a 50% bonus to crit a frozen target. They can now all be maxed with only 20 points in Frost. Also, Shatter now affects all your spells, not just Frost spells, giving additional flexibility to Shatter builds.
  • Ice Block is a very situational ability with a number of uses. As of patch 2.3.2 Ice Block is trainable to any mage at the level of 30. See main article for details: Ice Block.
  • The tier 7 Frost talent Ice Barrier is potentially much more efficient than Mana Shield. In Patch 1.11 its cooldown was reduced to 30 seconds, making it much more useful. Its functionality and mana efficiency are similar to a self-cast version of a priest's Power Word: Shield.

See also[]

External links[]


