Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki

Alliance Alliance Priests[]

Name Title/Agnomen Role Race Affiliation Status
IconSmall NightElf Female A'moora Priestess Quest giver in the Temple of the Moon, Darnassus Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Ahuurn Anchorite Quest giver in Telredon, Zangarmarsh Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Alathea Priestess Priest trainer in the Temple of the Moon, Darnassus Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Alendar Anchorite Quest giver in the Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Amara Moon Priestess Quest giver in Dolanaar, Teldrassil Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Erelas Ambersky Quest giver in Rut'theran Village, Teldrassil Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Human Female Anetta Priestess Priest trainer in Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Human Male Anton Brother Quest giver in Nijel's Point, Desolace Human Scarlet Crusade/Alliance Alive
IconSmall Dwarf Male Maxan Anvol Priest trainer in Kharanos, Dun Morogh Dwarf Ironforge Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Aquinne Sister Quest giver in the Temple Gardens, Darnassus Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Avuun Anchorite Quest giver in the Harborage, Swamps of Sorrows Draenei Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Barada Anchorite Quest giver in Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula Draenei Honor Hold Alive
IconSmall Human Male Benedictus Archbishop Apprentice and successor as Leader of the Church of Light to Alonsus Faol Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Human Male Benjamin Brother Priest trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Human Female Mayara Brightwing Quest giver in Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Dwarf Female Moira Bronzebeard Princess Daughter of King Magni Bronzebeard Dwarf Ironforge/Dark Iron Clan Alive
Draenei male Caedmos Priest trainer in the Vault of Light, the Exodar Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall Human Male Cartwright Brother Wine vendor outside of Ironforge Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Human Male Cassius Brother Reagent vendor in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Human Male Crowley Brother Emissary of the Scarlet Crusade in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City Human Scarlet Crusade/Alliance Alive
IconSmall Human Male Daniels Brother Quest giver at the Stairs of Destiny, Hellfire Peninsula Human none Alive
IconSmall Human Male Danil Brother General Supplies vendor in Northshire Valle, Elwynn Forest Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Dwarf Male Toldren Deepiron Priest trainer in the Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge Dwarf Ironforge Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Delan Anchorite Quest giver in Darkshire, Duskwood Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall Human Male DeLavey Bishop Officer of the Church of Light, quest giver in Stormwind Keep Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Human Male Malgor Devidicus Father Quest giver in Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula Human Honor Hold Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Fallat Priest trainer in the Vault of Light, the Exodar Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall Human Male Alonsus Faol Archbishop Leader of Clerics of Northshire, Co-founder of the Knights of the Silver Hand Human Stormwind/Lordaeron Deceased
IconSmall Human Male Farthing Bishop Quest giver in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Draenei Female Fateema Anchorite First Aid trainer Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall Dwarf Female Braenna Flintcrag Priest trainer in the Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge Dwarf Ironforge Alive
IconSmall Dwarf Male Theodrus Frostbeard Priest trainer in the Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge Dwarf Ironforge Alive
IconSmall Human Female Shaina Fuller First aid trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Guvan Priest trainer in Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall Ghost Captain Eris Havenfire Quest giver between Stratholme and Terrordale, Eastern Plaguelands Human none Ghostly
IconSmall Human Male Hylan Bishop Leader of one of three power bases within the Church of Holy Light Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Kyleen Il'dinare Priestess Quest giver in Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle Night Elf the Exodar Alive
IconSmall Draenei Female Iridi A draenei priestess and an apprentice; heroine of Night of the Dragon Draenei the Exodar Deceased
IconSmall Draenei Male Izmir Priest trainer in the Vault of Light, the Exodar Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Jandria Priest trainer in the Temple of the Moon, Darnassus Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Human Male Jonathan the Revelator Quest giver at the Scarab Dais, Silithus Human Brood of Nozdormu Alive
IconSmall Human Female Josetta Priestess Priest trainer in Lion's Pride Inn, Elwynn Forest Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Human Male Joshua Brother Priest trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Dwarf Male Branstock Khalder Priest trainer in Anvilmar, Dun Morogh Dwarf Ironforge Alive
IconSmall Human Male Kristoff Brother Quest giver in Cathedral Square, Stormwind City Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Lariia Priest trainer in the Temple of the Moon, Darnassus Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Human Female Laurena High Priestess Priest trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Human Female Lazaril Bishop Quest giver in the Terrace of Light, Shattrath City Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Human Male Leander Bishop Leader of one of three power bases within the Church of Holy Light Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Zamael Lunthistle Quest giver near Firewatch Ridge, Searing Gorge Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Nara Meideros Priest trainer in the Park, Stormwind City Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Delas Moonfang Night Elf Hero Night Elf Darnassus unknown
IconSmall NightElf Female Jer'kai Moonweaver Quest giver near Grimtotem Compound, Feralas Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Laurna Morninglight Priest trainer in Dolanaar, Teldrassil Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Human Male Neals Brother Quest giver in Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Human Male Neheri Bishop Leader of one of three power bases within the Church of Holy Light Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Obadei Anchorite Quest giver in the Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Paethus Anchorite First Aid trainer in Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall Human Male Paxton Brother Quest giver in Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Ranshalla Quest giver in Owl Wing Thicket, Winterspring Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Dwarf Male Rohan High Priest Priest trainer in the Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge Dwarf Ironforge Alive
IconSmall Human Male Sarno Brother Quest giver in the Cathedral of the Light, Stowmwind City Human Stormwind Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Shanda Priest trainer in Aldrassil, Teldrassil Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Astarii Starseeker Priest trainer in the Temple of the Moon, Darnassus Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Dwarf Male Glorin Steelbrow Quest giver in Menethil Harbor, Wetlands Dwarf Ironforge Alive
IconSmall Highborne Male Thel'danis High Priest Quest giver at Uther's Tomb, Western Plaguelands Highborne Stormwind Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Truuen Anchorite Quest giver in Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall Human Female Tyriona Priestess Disguise of Tyrion's Spybot in Stormwind Keep Mechanical SI:7 Alive
IconSmall Uther Uther the Lightbringer Apprentice to Alonsus Faol, co-founder of the Knight of the Silver Hand Human Lordaeron/Silver Hand Deceased
IconSmall Velen Velen Prophet Leader of the Draenei in Azeroth located in the Vault of Light, the Exodar Draenei the Exodar Alive
IconSmall Tyrande Tyrande Whisperwind High Priestess Mother Superior of the Sisters of Elune, official head of the Night Elf Government NIght Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall NightElf Male Pelturas Whitemoon Quest giver in Astranaar, Ashenvale Night Elf Darnassus Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Zalduun Priest trainer at the Crash site, Azuremyst Isle Draenei the Exodar Alive

Horde Horde Priests[]

Name Title/Agnomen Role Race Affiliation Status
IconSmall Banshee Aelthalyste Priest trainer in the War Quarter, Undercity Banshee Undercity Undead
IconSmall BloodElf Male Aldrae Priest trainer in the Sunfury Spire, SIlvermoon City Blood Elf Silvermoon Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Allister Shadow Priest Quest giver in the Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female Arena Matron Priest trainer in the Sunspire, Eversong Woods Blood Elf Silvermoon Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female Belestra Priest trainer in Sunfury Spire, Silvermoon City Blood Elf Silvermoon Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Beryl Dark Cleric Priest trainer in Brill, Tirisfal Glades Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Bom'bay Witch Doctor in training in Sen'jin Village, Durotar Troll Darkspear Tribe Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Cobb Father Priest trainer in the Pools of Visions, Thunder Bluff Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Malakai Cross Priest trainer in the Pools of Visions, Thunder Bluff Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Duesten Dark Cleric Priest trainer in Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall Orc Female Jeeda Witch Doctor Apprentice Reagent Vendor in Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains Orc Orgrimmar Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Jin'Zil Witch Doctor Quest giver at Malaka'jin, Stonetalon Mountains Troll Darkspear Tribe Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Ken'jai Priest trainer in the Valley of Trials, Durotar Troll Darkspear Tribe Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Lankester Father Priest trainer in the War Quarter, Undercity Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Lazarus Father Priest trainer in the War Quarter, Undercity Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female Liadrin Lady Blood Knight matron, quest giver in Farstrider's Square, Silvermoon City Blood Elf Silvermoon Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Male Lotheolan Priest trainer in the Sunfury Spire, Silvermoon City Blood Elf Silvermoon Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Mau'ari Witch Doctor Quest giver Everlook, Winterspring Troll none Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Malod Dark Cleric Meat and drink Vendor at the Stairs of Destiny, Hellfire Peninsula Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Male Ponaris Priest trainer in Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods Blood Elf Silvermoon Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Sarvis Shadow Priest Quest giver in Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Sen'jin Chieftain of the Darkspear Trolls while in Darkspear Island Troll Darkspear Tribe Deceased
IconSmall Troll Female Shai Shadow Priestess Quest giver in Hive'Regal, Silithus Troll Orgrimmar Alive
IconSmall Ghost Captain T'chali the Witch Doctor Quest giver in Bloodmaul Ravine, Blade's Edge Mountains Troll Darkspear Tribe Ghostly
IconSmall Troll Female Tai'jin Priest trainer in Razor Hill, Durotar Troll Darkspear Tribe Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Tor'gash Witch Doctor Quest giver in Zabra'jin, Zangarmarsh Troll Darkspear Tribe Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Ur'kyo Priest trainer in the Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar Troll Darkspear Tribe Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Uzer'i Witch Doctor Quest giver in Camp Mojache, Feralas Troll Darkspear Tribe Alive
IconSmall Undead Female Vandis Shadow Priestess Quest giver at the Bulwark, Tirisfal Glades Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Vol'jin Chieftain of the Darkspear Trolls in Grommash Hold, Orgrimmar Troll Darkspear Tribe Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Miles Welsh Priest trainer in the Pools of Visions, Thunder Bluff Forsaken Undercity Alive
IconSmall Troll Male X'yera Priest trainer in the Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar Troll Darkspear Tribe Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Zabra Hexx Follower of the Light, befriended the first members of the Scarlet Crusade Troll Darkspear Tribe unknown
IconSmall Troll Male Zayus Priest trainer in the Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar Troll Darkspear Tribe Alive

Brother Malach

Neutral 15 Other Priests[]

Name Title/Agnomen Role Race Affiliation Status
IconSmall Akama Akama Priest of Karabor before it felt to the Horde Broken Ashtongue Deathsworn Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Almonen Grand Anchorite Friend of Khadgar in the Terrace of Light, Shattrath City Draenei Shattered Sun Offensive Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Arlokk High Priestess High priestess of the Primal God Bethekk in Zul'Gurub Jungle Troll Hakkari Alive
IconSmall Draenei Female Ayuri Anchorite Quest giver at the Shattered Sun Memorial, Isle of Quel'Danas Draenei Shattered Sun Offensive Alive
IconSmall Ogre Male2 Blindeye the Seer Member of Maulgar's Ogre Council in Gruul's Lair Ogre Gruul the Dragonkiller Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Caalen Anchorite Assaults the Black Temple along with Xi'ri Draenei the Aldor Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Ceyla Anchorite Quest giver at the Altar of Sha'tar Draenei the Aldor Alive
IconSmall Human Female Demetria the Scarlet Oracle Chief adviser to Saidan Dathroan Human Scarlet Crusade Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Elbadon Anchorite Quest giver in Isle of Quel'Danas Draenei Shattered Sun Offensive Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Ensham Anchorite First aid trainer at the Sha'tari Base Camp, Terokkar Forest Draenei Sha'tar Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Fairbanks High Inquisitor Companion of the Ashbringer, murdered by the Scarlet Crusade Human Scarlet Crusade Undead
IconSmall Human Male Alonsus Faol Leader of the Church of Light and founder of the Order of the Silver Hand Human Church of Light Deceased
IconSmall Human Male Gavin Father Guard of the Argent Dawn in Misty Pine Refuge, Dun Morogh Human Argent Dawn Alive
IconSmall Human Female Ysida Harmon Wife of Anthion, Prisoner of Baron Rivendare in Stratholme Human Argent Dawn Alive
IconSmall ForestTroll Female Hexx Vile Priestess Leader of Jintha'Alor, the Hinterland Forest Troll Vilebranch Tribe Alive
IconSmall ForestTroll Female Hitah'ya the Keeper Protects the egg of Hakkar the Soulflayer in Jintha'Alor, the Hinterland Forest Troll Vilebranch Tribe Alive
IconSmall Arakkoa Ishaal Talonpriest Tries to summon Terokk in Veil Ala'rak, Skettis Arakkoa Skettis Alive
IconSmall Draenei Female Ishanah High Priestess of the Aldor Quest giver in the Aldor Rise, Shattrath City Draenei the Aldor Alive
IconSmall Human Male Isillien Grand Inquisitor Spiritual Leader of the Scarlet Crusade Human Scarlet Crusade Alive
IconSmall Troll Female Jeklik High Priestess High priestess of the Primal God Hir'eek in Zul'Gurub Jungle Troll Hakkari Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Kairthos Anchorite Quest giver at the Shattered Sun Memorial, Isle of Quel'Danas Draenei Shattered Sun Offensive Alive
IconSmall Draenei Female Karja Anchorite Quest giver in Area 52, Netherstorm Draenei the Aldor Alive
IconSmall Human Male Landgren Archbishop Leader of the Scarlet Onslaught in the Scarlet Harbor, Icecrown Human Scarlet Onslaught Alive
IconSmall Human Female MacDonnell High Priestess Quest giver in Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands Human Argent Dawn Alive
IconSmall ForestTroll Male Witch Doctor Mai'jin Witch Doctor Leader of the Witherbark Trolls in Bogen's Ledge, Hinterland Forest Troll Whitebark Tribe Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Female Malande Lady Member of the Illidari Council in the Black Temple Blood Elf Illidari Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Natalia Mar'alith Mistress Wife of Commander Mar'alith, became the High Priestess of C'Thun in Hive'Regal Night Elf Silithid unknown
IconSmall Troll Female Mar'li High Priestess High priestess of the Primal God Shadra in Zul'Gurub Jungle Troll Hakkari Alive
IconSmall Human Male Ferren Marcus High Abbot of the Scarlet Monastery Human Scarlet Crusade Deceased
IconSmall Ghost Captain Dorothea Millstipe Baroness Minion of Moroes in Karazhan Human none Ghostly
IconSmall Human Male Inigo Montoy Father Quest giver in Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands Human Brotherhood of the Light Alive
IconSmall Human Male Syndrissin Naris Brother of the renegade paladin Aretain Human none unknown
IconSmall Draenei Male Nindumen Anchorite Quest giver in the Aldor Rise, Shattrath City Draenei the Aldor Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Orglum High Priest Quest giver at the Refugee Caravan, Terokkar Forest Troll Lower City Alive
IconSmall Draenei Male Ramdor the Mad Quest giver in the Auchenai Crypts, Terokkar Forest Draenei Auchenai Alive
IconSmall BloodElf Male Rammal Father Blood elf priest that disguised as a human killed the pit lord Verius Blood Elf Silver Hand unknown
IconSmall Arakkoa Skizzik Talonpriest Tries to summon Terokk in Veil Ala'rak, Skettis Arakkoa Skettis Alive
IconSmall SandTroll Male Sezz'ziz Shadowpriest Boss in Zul'Farrak Sand Troll Sandfury Tribe Alive
IconSmall NightElf Female Shiromar Scarab Lord at Scarab Dais, Silithus Night Elf Might of Kalimdor Alive
IconSmall Human Male Street Bishop Leads priests in New Hearthglen, Dragonblight Human Scarlet Onslaught Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Thekal High Priest High priest of the Primal God Shirvallah in Zul'Gurub Jungle Troll Hakkari Alive
IconSmall Undead Male Trevor Aspires to join his friend, Leonid Barthalomew in the the Argent Dawn Forsaken Argent Dawn/Undercity Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Unbagwa Witch Doctor Summons Mokk the Savage in a cave in Stranglethorn Vale Jungle Troll none Alive
IconSmall Troll Male Venoxis High Priest High priest of the Primal God Hethiss in Zul'Gurub Jungle Troll Hakkari Alive
IconSmall Human Male James Vishas Interrogator Lead interrogator in the Scarlet Monastery Human Scarlet Crusade Alive
IconSmall Ghost Captain Catriona Von'Indi Lady Minion of Moroes in theBanquet Hall, Karazhan Human none Ghostly
IconSmall Human Female Sally Whitemane High Inquisitor Leader of the Scarlet Crusade in the Scarlet Monastery Human Scarlet Crusade Alive
IconSmall Arakkoa Zellek Talonpriest Tries to summon Terokk in Veil Ala'rak, Skettis Arakkoa Skettis Alive
IconSmall SandTroll Male Zum'rah Witch Doctor Boss in Zul'Farrak Sand Troll Sandfury Tribe Alive

Green witch, Wertala, Selene, Jory Zaga, Tal'Kierthan
