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This article is a list of Knights of the Silver Hand paladins. A Knight of the Silver Hand is a fancy title for paladin, but also refers to the organization.[citation needed] The group has recently been folded into the Argent Crusade. It is unclear if the Knights of the Silver Hand remain a suborganization of the Argent Crusade or if it has completely absorbed.

Name Title/Agnomen Role Affiliation (other) Status
Human male Abbendis High General Leader of the military section in Tyr's Hand Scarlet Crusade (current) Deceased
Human female Brigitte Abbendis High General Leader of the military section in Tyr's Hand Scarlet Crusade (former), Scarlet Onslaught (current) Killable
Human male Maximus Adams Sir Arathi Basin battlemaster at Refuge Pointe, Arathi Highlands League of Arathor Alive
Human male Aelmar the Vanquisher Defender of Alonsus Chapel, Stratholme Alliance (concurrent) Alive
Human male Ares the Oathbound Quest giver in Utgarde Catacombs, Howling Fjord Argent Crusade (concurrent) Deceased
HalfElf male Arator the Redeemer Son of Turalyon and Alleria in Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula Honor Hold (current) Alive
Human male Arthur the Faithful Paladin trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind Stormwind (concurrent) Alive
Human male Aurius Defender of Alonsus Chapel, Stratholme Alliance (concurrent) Deceased
Human male Ballador the Bright Defended Uther in Andorhal Alliance (concurrent) Alive
Dwarf male Muiredon Battleforge Paladin trainer in the Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge Ironforge (concurrent) Alive
Dwarf female Tiza Battleforge Paladin trainer in the Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge Ironforge (concurrent) Alive
IconSmall Wight Barthilas Magistrate Once disciple to Tirion Fordring, Magistrate of Stratholme Scourge (current) Undead
Dwarf male Jarlath Brewbelly He was one of the adventures hired by Molus Blackburn Ironforge (concurrent) Alive
Human female Cathela the Seeker Defender of Alonsus Chapel, Stratholme Alliance (concurrent) Alive
Human female Julia Celeste Justicar Patrols the entrance to Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra Valiance Expedition (current) Alive
Human male Christoff Fellow of Duncan Senturus Alliance (concurrent) -
Human male Davil Crokford Lightfire Knight of the Silver Hand who fought and fell at Darrowshire Alliance (concurrent) Deceased
Human male Dagren the Orcslayer Last seen with Admiral Proudmoore in Theramore Alliance (concurrent) -
Human male Saidan Dathrohan Grand Crusader Leader of the Scarlet Crusade, his corpse possessed by Balnazzar Scarlet Crusade (former) Deceased
BloodElf male Mehlar Dawnblade Former apprentice of Uther at the Bulwark, Tirisfal Glades Argent Dawn (concurrent), Silvermoon (concurrent) Alive
Human male Delgren the Purifier Quest giver at Maestra's Post, Ashenvale Alliance (concurrent) Alive
Dwarf male Dirgehammer Captain Sells PvP armor in the Champions' Hall, Stormwind Alliance (concurrent) Alive
Dwarf male Beldruk Doombrow Commander Paladin trainer in the Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge Ironforge (concurrent) Alive
Dwarf male Durkon Cavalier Quest giver in Wintergarde, Dragonblight Valiance Expedition (current) Alive
Human male Duron Commander Commands the Alliance force at the Dark Portal, Hellfire Peninsula Honor Hold (current) Alive
Human male Edward the Odd Very eccentric paladin unknown (current) -
Dwarf male Erol Evensworth Weaponsmith of the Silver Hand, killed by agents of the Lich King Silver Hand Deceased
Human male Mimblis Evermorne Friend to Uther Lightbringer Silver Hand -
Dwarf male Henze Faulk Quest giver outside Hero's Vigil, Elwynn Forest Stormwind (concurrent) Resurrected
Dwarf male Narm Faulk Quest giver near Helm's Bed Lake, Dun Morogh Ironforge (current) Resurrected
IconSmall Bolvar Bolvar Fordragon Highlord Regent of Stormwind, new Lich King Stormwind , Valiance Expedition (former), Scourge (current) Undead
Human female Mara Fordragon Lady Patron of the Refugees who fled to Lordaeron after the First War Lordaeron (concurrent), Stormwind (concurrent) -
Human male Taelan Fordring Highlord Highlord of Hearthglen, Western Plaguelands Silver Hand (former) Deceased
IconSmall Tirion Tirion Fordring Highlord Once spoiled knight, now Grand Master of the reformed Silver Hand Argent Crusade (concurrent) Alive
Human male Magroth the Defender Prisoner of Illidan in Dalaran, last seen in Lordaeron Alliance (concurrent) Deceased
Human male Gavinrad the Dire Guarded the remains of Kel'Thuzad in Andorhal Alliance (concurrent) Deceased
Dwarf male Gravelhammer Lieutenant Quest giver in Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest Alliance (current) Alive
Human male Gregor the Justiciar Defender of Alonsus Chapel, Stratholme Alliance (concurrent) Alive
Dwarf male Grumbol Grimhammer Alterac Valley Battlemaster at the entrance to the Battleground Stormpike Guards (current) Alive
Dwarf male Bromos Grummner Paladin trainer in Anvilmar, Dun Morogh Ironforge (concurrent) Alive
Human male Halahk the Lifebringer Commander of Circle of Holy Light in Lordaeron Alliance (concurrent) Deceased
Human male Hartman Sergeant Paladin located in Southshore only during the Hallow' End Event Hillsbrad (current) Alive
Human male Hieronymus Vicar Defender of Alonsus Chapel, Stratholme Alliance (concurrent) Alive
Dwarf male Valgar Highforge Paladin trainer in the Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge Ironforge (concurrent) Alive
Dwarf male Brandur Ironhammer Paladin trainer in the Hall of Mysteries, Ironforge Ironforge (concurrent) Alive
Human male Feero Ironhand Quest giver at Maestra's Post, Ashenvale Stormwind (current) Alive
Human male Jakob Fellow of Duncan Senturus Alliance (concurrent) -
Human male Karman Brother Paladin trainer in Theramore City, Dustwallow Marsh Theramore (concurrent) Alive
Human female Katherine the Pure Paladin trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind Stormwind (concurrent) Alive
IconSmall Human Male Morgan Ladimore Follower of Uther, his ghost haunts Raven Hill Cemetery,Duskwood none (current), Stormwind Undead
Human male Trey Lightforge Captured and tortured to death by the Jaedenar in Shadow Hold Alliance Deceased
Dwarf male Savin Lightguard Those who underestimate the power of the Light do so only once. Alliance (TCG) Alive
Human male Lionheart Duke Commanded a scout party in Ashenvale Silver Hand Deceased
Human male Lordenson General Co-Commander of Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands Silver Hand Alive
IconSmall Jorad Jorad Mace Assisted Kalec and Anveena to find the Sunwell, now in Outland Alliance Alive
Human male Mattingly Major Quest giver in the Valley of Heroes, Stormwind Stormwind (current) Alive
IconSmall Arthas Arthas Menethil King Heir to the throne of Lordaeron, now Lich King incarnated Scourge (current), Lordaeron Deceased
IconSmall Terenas Terenas Menethil King King of Lordaeron Alliance Deceased
IconSmall Mograine Alexandros Mograine the Ashbringer Formerly Death Knight in Naxxramas None, Scourge (former), Silver Hand (former) Missing, Undead (former)
Human male Aretain Naris Captain Chief of a bandit band in the Alterac region none -
Human male Nemas the Arbiter Defender of Alonsus Chapel, Stratholme Alliance (concurrent) Alive
Human male Relthorn Netherwane Watch Commander Sends adventurers through the Dark Portal, Blasted Lands Dalaran (concurrent), Alliance (concurrent) Alive
Human male Nimetz Brother Quest giver at the entrance to Stranglethorn Vale from Duskwood Stormwind (current) Alive
Human male Raleigh the True Now a Quest giver in Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills Scarlet Crusade (former), Alliance (current) Alive
Human male Duthorian Rall Quest giver in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind Stormwind (current) Alive
Human male Roland Fellow of Duncan Senturus Alliance (concurrent) -
Human male Romus Field Commander Quest giver in Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula Honor Hold (current) Alive
Human male Samaul Commander Quest giver in Theramore City, Dustwallow Marsh Theramore (current) Alive
Human male Sammuel Brother Paladin trainer in Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest Stormwind (concurrent) Alive
Human male Duncan Senturus Lord Helped Rhonin and Vareesa to reach Khaz Modan Alliance (concurrent) Deceased
Human male Grayson Shadowbreaker Lord Supreme paladin trainer in the Cathedral of Light, Stormwind Stormwind (concurrent) Alive
Human male Skarloc Captain Boss of Escape from Durnholde Keep intance in Cavern of Time Hillsbrad (concurrent), Alliance (concurrent) -
Dwarf male Snowfall Field Marshall Ahn'Qiraj War Effort commander in the Military Ward, Ironforge Ironforge (current) Alive
Human male Springvale Commander Protected Shadowfang Keep before Archmage Arugal led siege Lordaeron (former) Undead
Human male Stefon the Loyal Companion of Guzul'dar and Lenaeas Silver Hand (former) -
Dwarf male Glordrum Steelbeard Alterac Valley Battlemaster in the Hall of Arms, Ironforge Stormpike Guards (current) Alive
Dwarf female Stonehewer Prospector Quest giver on the Headland, Alterac Valley Stormpike Guards (current) Alive
Dwarf male Brogun Stoneshield Alterac Valley Battlemaster in the Warrior's Terrace, Darnassus Stormpike Guards (current) Alive
Human male Gryan Stoutmantle Quest Giver in Sentinel Hill, Westfall The People's Militia (former), Westfall Brigade (current) Alive
Dwarf male Azar Stronghammer Paladin trainer in Kharanos, Dun Morogh Ironforge (concurrent) Alive
Human male Thomas Thomson Sir Haunted spirit as the Headless Horseman in the Scarlet Monastery None Undead
Human male Darian Thunderhammer Injured paladin in Auberdine, Darkshore Silver Hand Alive
Human male Irulon Trueblade Lord QUest giver in Valgarde, Howling Fjord Argent Crusade (concurrent) Alive
Human male Harthal Truesight Knight of the Silver Hand, Lord Paladin of the Scarlet Crusade Scarlet Crusade (current) Deceased
Human male Sage Truthbearer Defended Uther in Andorhal Alliance (concurrent) Deceased
IconSmall Turalyon Turalyon General Military commander of the Alliance Expedition to Draenor Alliance (concurrent) -
IconSmall Uther Uther the Lightbringer Supreme Commander and co-founder of the Silver Hand Alliance (concurrent) Deceased
Human female Valdania Charismatic paladin, user of the Holy Strike Spell Silver Hand -
Human male Valorcall Lieutenant Watch over the road to Refuge Pointe, Arathi Highlands Stromgarde (current) Alive
Dwarf male Bosch Verigan Friend to Jordan Stilwell Alliance (concurrent) -
Human male Wexford Fellow of Duncan Senturus Alliance (concurrent) -
Dwarf male Fraweth Whiteshield Fought the Pit Lord Timmanrug twice in the Blasted Lands Silver Hand -
Human male Wilhelm Brother Paladin trainer in Goldshire, Elwynn Forest Stormwind (concurrent) Alive
Human male Yuriv Husband of Clarice Foster, now rests in the Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest Silver Hand (former), Scarlet Crusade (former) Deceased
IconSmall Zeliek Zeliek Sir Death Knight in Naxxramas who retains the control over his mind Scourge (current) Undead
Human male Leoric Von Zeldig Highlord Member of the Ahn'qiraj war council Might of Kalimdor (former), Valiance Expedition (current) Alive

Other paladins[]

  • Vontair

The following are "random hero" names from Warcraft III (Human paladins):

  • Granis Darkhammer
  • Jorn the Redeemer
  • Malak the Avenger
  • Morlune the Mighty
  • Agamand the True
  • Manadar the Healer
  • Zann the Defender
  • Arius the Seeker
  • Aurrius the Pure
  • Karnwield the Seeker
  • Buzan the Fearless

The following are unique paladins in the Warcraft III world editor:

Unnamed Paladins & NPCs[]

Name Title/Agnomen Role Affiliation Formerly (other) Status
IconSmall DeathKnight Darkreaver Death Knight Death Knight in the Great Ossuary, Scholomance Scourge Silver Hand Alive
IconSmall RevenantAir Eldritch Deathlord Revenant who infested the Echoe Isles none Silver Hand Undead
Human male Knight of the Silver Hand Silver Hand Silver Hand Unknown