Vanilla WoW Wiki

This article contains a list of Hand of Argus paladins.

Name Title/Agnomen Role Affiliation (other) Status
Draenei female Aalesia Vindicator Quest giver in Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle the Exodar (current) Alive
Draenei male Aesom Vindicator Paladin trainer in Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle Hand of Argus Alive
Draenei male Aldar Vindicator Quest giver in Ammen Vale, Azuremyst Isle the Exodar (current) Alive
Draenei male Aurelon Paladin trainer in Ammen Vale, Azuremyst Isle the Exodar (current) Alive
Draenei male Baatun Paladin trainer in the Exodar the Exodar (current) Alive
Draenei male Boros Vindicator Quest giver in Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle Hand of Argus Alive
Draenei female Corin Vindicator Quest giver in Vindicator's Rest, Bloodmyst Isle the Exodar (current) Alive
Draenei male Idaar Vindicator Quest giver in Telredor, Zangarmarsh Alliance (current) Alive
Draenei female Jol Paladin trainer in the Exodar the Exodar (current) Alive
Draenei male Justinius the Harbinger Leader of the defence of the Dark Portal, Blasted Lands Argent Dawn (concurrent), Alliance (concurrent) Alive
Draenei male Kavaan Paladin trainer in the Exodar the Exodar (current) Alive
Draenei male Khan Interrogator Quest giver near Telaar, Nagrand Hand of Argus Alive
Draenei male Kuros Vindicator Quest giver in Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle Hand of Argus Alive
Draenei male Mahul Alterac Valley Battlemaster in the Exodar Alliance (current) Alive
Draenei male Maraad Vindicator Uncle of Garona Halforcen, tutor of Med'an, now abroad The Skybreaker, Icecrown Valiance Expedition (current) Alive
Draenei male Mikolaas Harbinger Quest giver in Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle the Exodar (current) Alive
Draenei male Nimaasus the Implacable The tide has begun to turn. The Prophet has led us
here to join your valiant fight. By the Light, we must prevail.
Alliance (TCG) Alive
Broken male Nobundo Vindicator/Farseer Former Hand of Argus vindicator transformed into a Broken, founder of draenei shamanism the Exodar (current) Alive
Draenei female Palanaar Vindicator Quest giver at Astranaar, Ashenvale Forest Hand of Argus Alive
Draenei female Rukua Paladin trainer in the Temple of the Moon, Darnassus Hand of Argus Alive
Draenei male Saruan Vindicator Mentor to Vindicator Kuros Hand of Argus Unknown
IconSmall Ghost Captain Sedai Vindicator Ghostly Draenei near the Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula the Exodar (current) Deceased
Draenei female Tullas Paladin trainer in Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle the Exodar (current) Alive
Draenei male Vedaar Vindicator Commander of the Hand of Argus at Forest Song, Ashenvale Hand of Argus Alive
Draenei female Vuuleen Vindicator Quest giver caged in Bladespire Hold, Blade's Edge Mountains Alliance (current) Alive
Draenei female Yaala Vindicator Quest giver in Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra Valiance Expedition (current) Alive
Draenei male Zorus the Judicator Quest giver in Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley Alliance (current) Alive