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This is a list of known paladins in the former Argent Dawn organization.

Name Title/Agnomen Role Affiliation (other) Status
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Addar Lightbringer Second in command to Andarin Lightblade Argent Dawn Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Andarin Lightblade Commander Commander of the Argent Dawn at Mount Hyjal Argent Dawn Alive
Alliance IconSmall Human Male Ashlam Valorfist Commander Quest giver in Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands Argent Dawn/Alliance Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Metz Dispatch Commander Dispatch Commander at Light's Hope Chapel Argent Dawn Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Eligor Dawnbringer Commander Commander in Light's Hope Chapel Brotherhood of the Light Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Female Pureheart Argent Officer Quest giver in Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands Argent Dawn Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Gregor Greystone Quest giver in Everlook, Winterspring Argent Dawn Alive
Alliance IconSmall Draenei Male Justinius the Harbinger Leader of the defence of the Dark Portal, Blasted Lands Argent Dawn/Alliance Alive
Neutral IconSmall DeathKnight Thorval Lord Death knight trainer inside Acherus, Eastern Plaguelands Knights of the Ebon Blade (current) Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Maxwell Tyrosus Lord Leader of the Argent Dawn at Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands Argent Dawn Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Nicholas Zverenhoff Duke Quest giver in Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands Argent Dawn Alive
Neutral IconSmall Human Male Thorn Paladin that sided with Argent Dawn to free Andorhal of the Scourge Independant Deceased