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Inv pet lilsmoky
  • Lil' Smoky
  • Item Level 41Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
  • Sell Price: 25s

A Lil' Smoky pet

The Lil' Smoky item summons and dismisses Lil' Smoky, a robot Companion.


Lil' Smoky is crafted by Engineers with a skill level of 205.

Materials required:
Inv misc questionmark
1x [Core of Earth]
Inv misc questionmark
2x [Gyrochronatom]
Inv misc questionmark
1x [Fused Wiring]
Inv ingot 06
2x [Mithril Bar]
Inv ingot 08
1x [Truesilver Bar]
Raw materials for the engineer:
Inv misc questionmark
1x [Core of Earth]
Inv ingot iron
2x [Iron Bar]
Inv ingot 03
1x [Gold Bar]
Spell fire volcano
2x [Essence of Fire]
Inv misc questionmark
3x Delicate Copper Wire
Inv ingot 06
2x [Mithril Bar]
Inv ingot 08
1x [Truesilver Bar]

1x Gold Power Core and 4x Fused Wiring will be left over if the engineer is provided with these materials.

Raw materials for the jewelcrafter:
Inv ingot 02
6x [Copper Bar]

The recipe for this item is taught by [Schematic: Lil' Smoky], which drops from several mob types in Gnomeregan, notably the Arcane Nullifier X-21.


  • Prior to Patch 3.1.0, this item was received from renewing the Gnomish Engineering membership.
  • Lil' Smoky is about waist high to a gnome and produces a small cloud of black smoke around himself as well as producing a loud motor sound which can be heard by all around him.

Patch changes[]

Template:Patch 3.3.3 Template:Patch 3.1.0

External links[]
