Vanilla WoW Wiki
Libram redirects here. For other uses, see Libram (disambiguation)

Librams are Paladin-specific relics. Relics replace Ranged Weapons for Druids, Paladins, and Shaman. They typically give significant bonuses to a single spell rather than a general stat bonus of ranged weapons.

Inv relics libramofhope
Inv relics libramoftruth
Inv relics libramofgrace
Inv relics libramofhope
Inv relics libramofgrace
Inv relics libramoftruth


The class-recipes (items that teach skills to a specific class) for paladins are also referred to as librams. They all drop within the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (aka AQ20), and there are three of them in total:

  • Libram: Holy Light IX
  • Libram: Blessing of Might VII
  • Libram: Blessing of Wisdom VI
