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Vanilla WoW Wiki
Lesser Healing Wave
Spell nature healingwavelesser
  • Lesser Healing Wave
  • 40 yd  range
  • 15% of base mana
  • 1.5 sec cast
  • Heals a friendly target for X.
Usable by
CooldownNone/Global Cooldown
Ancestral Awakening, Ancestral Healing, Blessing of the Eternals, Healing Focus, Healing Grace, Improved Water Shield, Purification, Thundering Strikes, Tidal Focus, Tidal Mastery, Tidal Waves
Other information

Lesser Healing Wave is a shaman healing spell intended for fast healing when mana is not the primary concern. It is generally less mana efficient than Healing Wave, but has a much shorter casting time. The spell is commonly referred to as 'LHW'.

Rank table[]

Rank Level Healing Done Cost
1 20 162 - 186 19s 80c
2 28 247 - 281 50s
3 36 337 - 381 90s
4 44 458 - 514 1g 62s
5 52 631 - 705 2g 43s
6 60 832 - 928 3g 6s
7 66 1039 - 1185 5g 22s
8 72 1382 - 1578 18g
9 77 1606 - 1834 18g


While Lesser Healing Wave has a short casting time, it does significantly less healing per second than Healing Wave does when talented to reduce the casting time. The spell is very useful when there is a high risk that the target will not survive long enough for a slower heal to land, but it is generally not well suited for healing a tank due to the poor healing per mana and healing per second.

Glyph of Lesser Healing Wave greatly increases the spell's usefulness for tank healing when combined with talents like Improved Water Shield, which benefits Lesser Healing Wave considerably more than it does Healing Wave.


  • Bonus Healing: Purification increases the amount healed by 10%. Nature's Blessing increases this by 5-15% of your Intellect. Tidal Waves can give bonus healing up to 10% of your Spell power.
  • Casting Speed: Nature's Swiftness can turn Lesser Healing Wave into an instant cast spell, though Lesser Healing Wave's speedy 1.5 cast time makes this unnecessary. This talent should be used with other, slower-casting spells.
  • Critical Effect Chance: When activated, Tidal Force increases its critical effect chance by 60%, lessened by 20% each time you have a critical effect. Tidal Mastery, Blessing of the Eternals and Thundering Strikes each increase your passive critical effect chance for Lesser Healing Wave.
  • Mana Cost: Tidal Focus reduces the mana cost by 5%. Improved Water Shield returns mana with 20/40/60% chance when the spell crits, further increasing mana efficiency. Clearcasting from Elemental Focus will also reduce its cost by 40%.
  • Interruption: Healing Focus reduces interruption caused by damage by up to 70%.
  • Threat: Healing Grace lessens its threat.
  • Miscellaneous: Ancestral Healing causes the spell to increase the target's armor when it has a spell critical effect. Ancestral Awakening allows the spell to heal a secondary target for 30% of the amount healed every time the spell crits.
  • Glyph: Glyph of Lesser Healing Wave causes it to heal for 20% more if the target is also affected by your Earth Shield.

Tips & Tactics[]

  • The fast casting time can make the spell difficult to interrupt in PvP.

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 4.0.1
  • WoW Icon 16x16 > Hotfix (2009-04-22): "The Thunderfall Totem will no longer increase the casting time of Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave when Tidal Waves is active."

External links[]
