- Lesser Astral Essence
- Item Level 25
- Use: Turn three lesser astral essences into a greater one.
Lesser Astral Essence is a magical essence of the Astral Plane.
This essence may be obtained by disenchanting level 21 to 25 uncommon weapons (75%) and armor (20%).
Good sources for Lesser Astral Essence are items from instances like Shadowfang Keep, Blackfathom Deeps, and Razorfen Kraul
Lesser Astral Essence as an Ingredient[]
- [Enchant Shield - Minor Stamina]
- [Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Spirit]
- [Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility]
- [Enchant Shield - Lesser Protection]
- [Enchant Bracer - Lesser Spirit]
- [Enchant Chest - Health]
- [Enchant Boots - Minor Agility]
- [Enchant Cloak - Lesser Fire Resistance]
- [Enchant Shield - Lesser Spirit]
- [Enchant Chest - Mana]
External links[]
Template:Disenchanted items
ru:Простая Астральная субстанция