Vanilla WoW Wiki
Alliance  Leeroy Jenkins
Image of Leeroy Jenkins


This article is about the official character. For the card, see TCG Heroes of Azeroth/198. For the title see Titles.

Leeroy Jenkins (sometimes misspelled Leroy Jenkins) is a paladin of the Alliance. Leeroy Jenkins was made an official character in the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game as an epic ally card, number 198. His card represents one of the more notable inclusions of fan-created content into the Warcraft universe, as the character and catchphrase are taken from a popular video.

Metzen was asked at San Diego Comicon if the character will ever appear in World of Warcraft: The Comic. He thought it was a good idea. Only time will tell if it ever happens.

Jenkins also has a miniature made of him. The miniature is holding in his off hand a chicken drumstick, a reference to his quote "at least I have chicken".

Leeroy also makes special appearances hosting certain events sometimes at BlizzCon.

In game references[]

  • 3.0.2 added the achievement Money achievement Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!.
  • In Ulduar, the Archivum says "Calculating chance of Omega reply code : 99.99%. That's repeating, of course", a reference to a group discussion before Leeroy charges. [1]


  • Let's do this! (from the official card)
  • "At least I have chicken." (quote from the video; spoken at the end)

Video of Leeroy[]


  1. Archivum video. Retrieved on 2010-04-27.


Leeroy is located on the Laughing Skull server.

External links[]

de:Leeroy Jenkins
